
Hint about publications at now questionable publishers Close
The publisher who published this publication is now suspected of being a predatory publisher. The contribution was made on the basis of a third-party-funded research project. It is part of the final project report, which was examined by anonymous reviewers. They did not criticize the publication.

Contributions to Journals (reviewed)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
A Graph-Transformational Approach to Swarm Computation
In: Entropy, 23(2021)453 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Cen, M.; Schander, A.; Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Lang, W.
An Assessment of Surface Treatments for Adhesion of Polyimide Thin Films
In: Polymers, 13(2021)1955 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Dastyar, H.; Rippel, D.; Freitag, M.
Optimization of Supplier Development under Market Dynamics
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020(2020)2, Hindawi, London, pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Dastyar, H.; Rippel, D.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D.; Freitag, M.
A Numerical Study on the Effects of Trust in Supplier Development
In: Processes, 8(2020)3, MDPI, Basel, pp. 300 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Wattanakul, S.; Choosri, N.; Palee, P.; Wongta, N.; Malaka, R.; Klaphajone, J.
Virtual Reality Games for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Study
In: International Conference on Entertainment Computing, (2020), pp. 163-175 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
A Theoretical Research Framework of Future Sustainable Urban Freight Trans-port for Smart Cities
In: Sustainability, 12(2020)5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Spatially induced effects and sustainability for special economic zones: implications for zones in Pakistan under China Pakistan Economic Corridor
In: Regional Science Inquiry Journal, 12(2020)2, pp. 179-194 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kinra, A.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Buch, R.; Sick Nielsen, T. A.; Pereira, F.
Examining the potential of textual big data analytics for public policy decision-making: A case study with driverless cars in Denmark
In: Transport Policy, 98(2020), pp. 68-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, BIBA, IGS)

Ye, J.
Regional Orientated Global Logistics Networks Redesign with Respect to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
(2020) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Numeric Evaluation of Game-Theoretic Collaboration Modes in Supplier Development
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)20, pp. 4331 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
Integration of Urban Freight Innovations: Sustainable Inner-Urban Intermodal Transportation in the Retail/Postal Industry
In: Sustainability, 11(2019)6, pp. 1749 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kottala, S. Y.; Kotzab, H.
An empirical investigation of supply chain operations reference model practices and supply chain performance: Evidence from manufacturing sector
In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(2019), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, IGS)

Kottala, S. Y.; Kotzab, H.
Intellectual foundation of supply chain management performance models: a bibliometric analysis and synthesis
In: International Journal of Comparative Management, 2(2019)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Development of Operator Theory in Capacity Adjustment of Disturbed and Time-Delayed Job Shop Systems
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)11, pp. 2249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Zhang, H.; Smeddinck, J.; Malaka, R.; Shu, Y.; Chen, C.; He, B.; Fu, Z.; Lawo, M.
Wireless non-invasive motion tracking of functional behavior
In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 54(2019), pp. 29-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, TZI, ISL, until 2016 TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Freitag, M.; Pannek, J.
Stability of Predictive Control in Job Shop System with Reconfigurable Machine Tools for Capacity Adjustment
In: Logistics Research, 12(2019)3, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)


Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
The effect of various parameters of solution methodology on a flexible integrated supply chain model
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018(2018), pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Robust Solution Approach for the Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018(2018), pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Raza, S. M.; Chughtai, O.; Pannek, J.
Experimental Validation of an Accident Detection and Management Application in Vehicular Environments Using VANET and IoT
In: Computers & Electrical Engineering, 71(2018), Elsevier, pp. 137-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Application of Reconfigurable Machine Tools in the Capacity Control of Job Shop Systems
In: International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 11(2018)3, Inderscience, pp. 206-221 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Khan, A. M.; Ahmed, S.; Hafeez, A.; Kamal, T.; Khan, A.
Method for Handling Massive IoT Traffic in 5G Networks
In: Sensors, 18(2018)11, pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Smeddinck, J.; Malaka, R.; Samaddar, A. B.
A Text to Animation System for Physical Exercises
In: The Computer Journal, (2018), British Computer Society [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Rao, A. A.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
A Fungus Spores Dataset and a Convolutional Neural Networks based Approach for Fungus Detection
In: IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 17(2018)3, IEEE, pp. 281-290 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Bernardo Pinto, M.; Daudi, M.
Diversity in Employment of Electric Commercial Vehicles in Urban Freight Transport: A Literature Review
In: Logistics Research, 11(2018)10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Design of Novel Ceramic Preconcentrator and Integration in Gas Chromatographic System for Detection of Ethylene Gas from Ripening Bananas
In: Sensors, 18(2018)8, pp. 2589 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Combining MPC and Integer Operators for Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems with RMTs
In: International Journal of Production Research, (2018), pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.; Temdee, P.
Social Context-Aware Recommendation for Personalized Online Learning
In: Wireless Personal Communications, 97(2017)1, pp. 163-179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Ahmad, F.; Yaqoob, I.; Adnane, A.; Imran, M.; Guizani, S.
Internet-of-things-based smart cities: Recent advances and challenges
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)9, IEEE, pp. 16-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Guizani, M.; Timm-Giel, A.; Imran, M.; Haider, N.
M2M communications in 5g: State-of-the-art architecture, recent advances, and research challenges
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)9, IEEE, pp. 194-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.; Daudi, M.
Stakeholders in the middle of life of complex products: understanding the role and information needs
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 10(2017)3, Inderscience, pp. 231-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Sarma, H.; Samaddar, A. B.; Porzel, R.; Smeddinck, J. D.; Malaka, R.
Updating Bayesian Networks Using Crowds
In: Neural Network World, 27(2017)5, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Prague, pp. 529-540 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blanke, M.; Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection Through Optical Sensor System Using Two Different Kinds of Feature Vectors for the Classification
In: lEEE Sensors, 17(2017)16, pp. 5341-1748 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Yaqoob, I.; Hashem, I. A. T.; Mehmood, Y.; Gani, A.; Mokhtar, S.; Guizani, S.
Enabling Communication Technologies for Smart Cities
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)1, IEEE, pp. 112-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Lang, W.
Peak Height and Resolution Determination of Ethylene Gas Chromatographic System
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 73-76 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
A Gas Chromatographic System for the Detection of Ethylene Gas Using Ambient Air as a Carrier Gas
In: Sensors, 17(2017)10, pp. 2283 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.
Modeling of decentralized processes in dynamic logistic networks by means of graph-transformational swarms
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
A memetic algorithm with extended random path encoding for a closed-loop supply chain model with flexible delivery
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)22, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of several optical methods for an automated fungal spore sensor system concept
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(2016)14, IEEE, pp. 5596-5602 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of several optical methods for an automated fungal spore sensor system concept
In: IEEE Sensors, (2016) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Behavioral factors influencing partner trust in logistics collaboration: a review
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

El-Berishy, N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Development and implementation of a green logistics-oriented framework for batch process industries: two case studies
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
SCOR model application in developing countries: challenges & requirements
In: Production Planning & Control , 28(2016)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 17-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Producer-buyer interaction under mass customization: analysis through automotive industry
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)17, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 17-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Li, F.; Schwarz, L.; Haasis, H.-D.
A framework and risk analysis for supply chain emission trading
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)1, Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Data aggregation of mobile M2M traffic in relay enhanced LTE-A networks
In: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2016(2016)1, Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Kuladinithi, K.; Förster, A.; Zaki, Y.; Timm-Giel, A.
M2M Potentials in Logistics and Transportation Industry
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)15, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Paes, C. E.; Bernardo Pinto, M.; da Silva Lima, R.; Leal, F.
Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Brazilian Public Education Institutions: Implementation Through Action Research on a University Campus
In: Systemic Practice and Action Research, (2016) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Tan, Y.; Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Configuration and the advantages of the shifting bottleneck procedure for optimizing the job shop total weighted tardiness scheduling problem
In: Journal of Scheduling, 19(2016)4, Springer US, New York, USA, pp. 429-452 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Vinayaka, P. P.; van den Driesche, S.; Blank, R.; Tahir, M. W.; Frodl, M.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
An Impedance-Based Mold Sensor with on-Chip Optical Reference
In: Sensors, 16(2016)10, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 1603 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wellsandt, S.; Nabati, E.; Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
A survey of product lifecycle models: towards complex products and service offers
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 9(2016)4, pp. 353-390 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Younas, U.; Khan, B.; Ali, S. M.; Arshad, C. M.; Farid, U.; Zeb, K.; Rehman, F.; Mehmood, Y.; Vaccaro, A.
Pakistan geothermal renewable energy potential for electric power generation: A survey
In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 63(2016), Elsevier, pp. 398-413 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lütjen, M.; Teucke, M.
A survey on retail sales forecasting and prediction in fashion markets
In: Systems Science & Control Engineering: An OpenAccess Journal, 3(2015)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 154-161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Hussain, S.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel Data Link Layer Encoding Scheme for Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Network
In: Procedia Computer Science, 52(2015), Elsevier, pp. 665-669 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Muehleisen, M.; Timm-Giel, A.
Mobile M2M Communication Architectures, Upcoming Challenges, Applications, and Future Directions
In: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(2015)1, Springer International Publishing [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Multidimensionale Diversität in der Logistikausbildung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Bruns, T.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
The Relation between Storm Risk and Wind and Wave Forecast Accuracy in the North Atlantic Ocean
In: International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(2015)2, pp. 83-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Herzog, O.; Bruns, T.
Automated Uncertainty Estimation of Predictions for Wind Energy
In: Wind Energy, 2015(2015), pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Ait Alla, A.; Teucke, M.; Lütjen, M.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Karimi, H. R.
Robust Production Planning in Fashion Apparel Industry under Demand Uncertainty via Conditional Value at Risk
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014)1, Hindawi, New York, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Supply Chain Integration in the Manufacturing Firms in Developing Country: An Ethiopian Case Study
In: Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2014(2014), Hindawi, pp. 13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Integrating developing country manufacturing industries into global supply chain
In: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management JIEM, 7(2014)1, pp. 174-193 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Lloyd, C.; Pötsch, T.
Communication techniques and challenges for wireless food quality monitoring
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372(2014)2017 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Meyer, S.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Congestion Aware Handover in LTE System for Load Balancing in Transport Network
In: ETRI Journal, 36(2014)5, Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, pp. 761-771 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Analysis of Radio Resource Allocation in LTE Uplink
In: Wireless Personal Communications, 79(2014)3, Springer US, New York, pp. 2305-2322 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Hong, B.; Lang, W.
Cokriging for cross-attribute fusion in sensor networks
In: Information Fusion, (2014), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Gunasekaran, A.; Musa, A.; Dauda, M.; El-Berishy, N.; Cang, S.
A Relational Study of Supply Chain Agility, Competitiveness and Business Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 147 Part B(2014), pp. 531-543 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Bruns, T.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
Differences in Wind Forecast Accuracy in the German North and Baltic Seas
In: Journal of Environmental Science and Development., 5(2014)6, IACSIT Press, pp. 575-580 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
Unsicherheit von Wellenvorhersagen in der deutschen Bucht
In: Schiff&Hafen, (2014)11, DVV Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, pp. 40-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Dannies, A.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Smart dynamic software components enabling decision support in Machine-to-machine networks
In: IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10(2013)1, No 3, pp. 540-550 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Assessing the Existing Performance Measures & Measurement Systems in Developing Countries: An Ethiopian Study
In: Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: Industrial Engineering, 13(2013)2, Global Journals Inc. (USA) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Implementing SCOR model Best Practices for Manufacturing Industries in Developing Countries
In: International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 6(2013)3, pp. 13-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Minimum Detectable Air Velocity by Thermal Flow Sensors
In: Sensors 2013, 13(2013)8, pp. 10944-10953 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Toward learning autonomous pallets by using fuzzy rules, applied in a Conwip system
In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64(2013)5, Springer, London, pp. 1131-1150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of learning pallets for real-time scheduling by the use of radial basis function network
In: Neurocomputing, 101(2013), Elsevier, pp. 82-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Using Metaheuristic and Fuzzy System for the Optimization of Material Pull in a Push-Pull Flow Logistics Network
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(2013)1, Hindawi, New York, pp. 1-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Bridging lean to agile production logistics using autonomous carriers in pull flow
In: International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 52(2013)16, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 4711-4730 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Pötsch, T.
Performance Evaluation of CoAP using the RPL Routing Protocol
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2013), pp. 45-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hildebrandt, T.; Tan, Y.
Effective and efficient scheduling of dynamic job shops - combining the shifting bottleneck procedure with variable neighborhood search
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 62(2013)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 423-426 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Converting knowledge into sustainability performance of freight villages
In: Logistics Research, 6(2013)2-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 63-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Integration of Knowledge Management Approach to the Planning Stage of Freight Villages: Towards Sustainable Development
In: International Journal of Applied Logistics (IJAL), 4(2013)2, pp. 46-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Gunasekaran, A.; Musa, A.; El-Berishy, N.; Abubakar, T.; Ambursa, H. M.
The UK Oil and Gas Supply Chains: An Empirical Analysis of Adoption of Sustainable Measures and Performance Outcomes
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 146(2013), pp. 501-514 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Musa, A.; Dauda, M.; El-Berishy, N.; Kovvuri, D.; Abubakar, T.
A Study of the Diffusion of Agility and Cluster Competitiveness in the Oil and Gas Supply Chains
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 147 Part B(2013), pp. 498-513 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Comparing mining and manufacturing supply chain processes: challenges and requirements
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, (2013), Taylor & Francis [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Adapting the SCOR Model to Suit the Different Scenarios: A Literature Review & Research Agenda
In: International Journal of Business and Management, 7(2012)6, pp. 2-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Issa, S.; Lloyd, C.; Lang, W.
Calibration of Thermal Flow Sensors by New Test Device for Low Airflow Rates
In: LogDynamics Research Report , 3(2012), pp. 23-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Lang, W.
DASH7 Inspired Wireless Airflow Sensing Inside Refrigerated Container
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 3(2012), pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D.; Daschkovska, K.
The cost-benefit model for secure container network
In: International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), 4(2012)2, pp. 157-171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog, IGS)


Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.; Mrugala, D.; Jabbari, A.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Schill, K.
The Intelligent Container - A Cognitive Sensor Network for Transport Management
In: IEEE Sensors Journal Special Issue on Cognitive Sensor Networks, 11(2011)3, pp. 688-698 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Greulich, J.; Keller, L.
Sichere Überhöhenrahmen in Seehafenterminals - Verriegelung elektronisch erfasst
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2011)4, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 192-193 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.; Liu, H.
Modelling Dynamic Bottlenecks in Production Networks
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Special Issue: 6th CIRP-Sponsored International Conference of Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2009) – Enterprise Informatics, 24(2011)5, Taylor & Francis, pp. 391-404 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Wang, X.; Yuan, S.; Laur, R.; Lang, W.
Dynamic localization based on spatial reasoning with RSSI in wireless sensor networks for transport logistics
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 171(2011)2, Elsevier, pp. 421-428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, IMSAS, IGS)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Lang, W.
A micromachined preconcentrator for ethylene monitoring system
In: Sensors and Actuators, 151(2010)1, pp. 304-307 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Burwinkel, M.; Pfeffermann, N.
Die Zukunft der Robotik-Logistik liegt in der Modularisierung
In: Logistik für Unternehmen, 10(2010), Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 21-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Gould, J.; Macharis, C.; Haasis, H.-D.
Emergence of security in supply chain management
In: Journal of Transportation Security, 3(2010)4, Springer US, pp. 287-302 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Piotrowski, J.; Rügge, I.
Das LogDynamics Research Cluster - Erfolgreiche Bündelung der Logistikforschung in Bremen
In: RFID im Blick - das Magazin für kontaktlosen Datentransfer, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen 2010, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 10-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Delhoum, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
The influence of decision patterns of inventory control on the bullwhip effect based on a simulation game of a production network
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 20(2009)8, Taylor & Francis, pp. 666–677 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Muthuraman, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Neurocomputing for Data Approximation and Classification in Wireless Sensor Network
In: Sensor Journal, special issue on Neural Networks and Sensors, 9(2009)4, pp. 3056-3077 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimal Sample Rate for Wireless Sensor Actuator Network
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 36(2009)4, pp. 387-393 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
SCAR Target-Oriented Routing Algorithm Based on Sequential Coordinates for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network
In: Journal of Networks, 4(2009)6, pp. 421-427 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
Energy Consumption Comparision between Autonomous and Central Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Communications of SIWN, 6(2009)6, pp. 166-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.
Integration von Produktions- und Transportsystemen entlang globaler Supply Chains
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Uckelmann, D.; Hamann, T.; Zschintzsch, M.
Performance increase and benefit compensation in supply chains by partial information sharing and billing based on identification of returnable transport items
In: International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 1(2009)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 23-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Babazadeh, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
A Heuristic Method in Monitoring Environmental Parameters using a Floating Input Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2(2008)2, pp. 303-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Lang, W.
Selective predictors of environmental parameters in wireless sensor networks
In: International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2(2008)3, NAUN, pp. 355-363 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Echelmeyer, W.; Pfeffermann, N.; Kirchheim, A.; Schmidt, K.; Pallasch, A.-K.
Integrationszenarien für das Hightech-System Paketroboter
In: Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik, 1(2008)2, BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
Der Einfluss von Entscheidungsmustern der Bestandskontrolle auf den Bullwhip Effekt
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Gottfried, B.
Selbststeuerung in der Intralogistik: Kognitive räumliche Repräsentationen für autonome Fahrzeuge
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Becker, M.; Singh, G.; Wenning, B.-L.; Görg, C.
On Mobile Agents for Autonomous Logistics
In: International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2(2007)2, pp. 114-130 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Herzog, O.; Boronowsky, M.; Rügge, I.; Glotzbach, U.; Lawo, M.
The Future of Mobile Computing: R&D Activities in the State of Bremen
In: Internet Research, 17(2007)5, pp. 495-504 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Computational Intelligence for Sensor Fault Detection and Isolation (SFDI)
In: International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems Science, and Engineering, 1(2007)2, pp. 142-147 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pfeffermann, N.
Die Roboter kommen
In: Logistik für Unternehmen, 2007(2007)10, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 24-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.; Hinrichs, U.
Optimierte Bestandskontrolle in Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken
In: PPS Management, 12(2007)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 44-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hinrichs, U.; Delhoum, S.
Analyse auftretender Instabilitäten in dynamischen Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Contributions to Conferences (reviewed)


Intayoad, W.; Herzog, O.
Using SOM for Extracting Process Model Relations from Event Logs
In: In Proc. 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (DAMT) and 6th ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (NCON). 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IGS, TZI)


Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Energy Transparency in Compound Feed Production
In: Dolgui, A.; Bernard, A.; Lemoine, D.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS);. Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 496-503 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Cen, M.; de Rijk, T.; Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Lang, W.
Carbon Nanotubes/Polymer Films for Microsensors Applications
In: Proc. 2021 IEEE Sensors. 2021, pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.
Application of Multiagent System and Tabu Search for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
In: ICAART 2021. 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2021, pp. 160-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Pinto, J. D.; Herzog, O.
A Dynamic Scheduling Multiagent System for Truck Dispatching in Open-Pit Mines
In: A. P. Rocha; et al. (eds.): ICAART 2020. LNAI 12613. 2021, pp. 132-148 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Numerical Study on Evaluation of Market Dynamics in Supplier Development
2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Berrios, P.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Herzog, O.
A Multiagent System for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 363-373 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.
An Agent-based System for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
Springer Heidelberg, 2020, pp. 73-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.; Herzog, O.
Process Discovery Method in Dynamic Manufacturing and Logistics Environments
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation. 12th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2020, Bremen, Germany, December 2-3, 2020, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 143-163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, TZI, IGS)

Khan, A. M.; Shah, S. M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Freitag, M.
Influence of Supply Chain Management & Logistics in the Wake of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Domestic Industry in Pakistan
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 175-185 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Application of Virtual Reality Technologies for Achieving Energy Efficient Manufacturing: Literature Analysis and Findings
In: Lalic, B.; Majstorovic, V.; Marjanovic, U.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, Part I. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 479-486 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Grudpan, S.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Malaka, R.
Evaluation of Human-Computer-Interaction Design in Production and Logistics by Using Experimental Investigations
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 554-566 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Schindler, T.; Greulich, C.; Bode, D.; Schuldt, A.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards Intelligent Waterway Lock Control for Port Facility Optimisation
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 32-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, TZI, IGS)

Veigt, M.; Cen, M.; Hardi, E.; Lang, W.; Freitag, M.
Using RFID to monitor the curing of aramid fiber reinforced polymers
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 441-450 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS, IGS)

Westphal, I.; Tietjen, T.; Schuldt, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Creating win-win-situations for data exchange – how to handle the trade-off between data security and benefits from artificial intelli-gence approaches
In: Proceedings of the Electronics Goes Green (EGG). Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2020, pp. 602-608 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)


Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Nabati, E.; Bode, D.; Redecker, M. A.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Enabling energy efficiency in manufacturing environments through deep learning approaches: Lessons learned
In: Ameri, F.; Stecke, K. E.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems, Part II. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 567-574 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Dynamic Contract Extension Elements in Supplier Development
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020. Springer Nature, 2019, pp. 341-350 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Alexandrovsky, D.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Malaka, R.
Exploring the Effect of Game Premise in Cooperative Digital Board Games
In: Joint International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Serious Games. Springer, 2019, pp. 214-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Malaka, R.
Playful Training for Understanding Activities, Roles, and Stakeholder in Urban Logistics
In: Supply Chain Networks vs Platforms: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities. 24th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2019). 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Varasteh, K.; Oelker, S.; Greulich, C.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Machine learning-based icing prediction on wind turbines
In: Butale, P.; Govekar, E. ; Vrabič, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 52th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 423-428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Evaluation of Control Approaches for Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems
In: Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control. 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Pfau, J.; Porzel, R.; Pomarlan, M.; Cangalovic, V. S.; Grudpan, S.; Höffner, S.; Malaka, R.
Give MEANinGS to Robots with Kitchen Clash: A VR Human Computation Serious Game for World Knowledge Accumulation
In: Joint International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Serious Games. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 85-96 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Ranking Parameters of a Memetic Algorithm for a Flexible Integrated Logistics Network
In: Michael Freitag; Herbert Kotzab; Jürgen Pannek (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 76-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Enforcing Structural Robustness for Vehicle Routing Plans despite Stochastic Demands
In: Michael Freitag (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 389-394 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Approach for Surfacing Hidden Intentions and Trustworthiness in Logistics Resource Sharing Networks
In: Camarinha-Matos, L.; Afsarmanesh, H.; Rezgui ,Y. (eds.): Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE). Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 524-536 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Challenges with tools and technologies supporting collaboration among stakeholders in urban logistics
In: Pawar, KS.; Potter, A.; Chan, C.; Pujawan, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2018). Big Data Enabled Supply Chain Innovations. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2018, pp. 404-412 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Awareness of the necessity of stakeholders involved in the mobility planning process in order to improve sustainable mobility
In: International Conference on Cascade Use and Circular Economy. 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Akbar, M. S.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Suitability of IEEE 802.11ac/n/p for Bandwidth Hungry and Infotainment Applications for Cities
In: Bi, Y.; Kapoor, S.; Bhatia, R. (eds.): Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2016. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 903-921 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Chughtai, O.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Emergency Response System for Disaster Management Using VANET
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 310-317 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Liu, P.; Chinges, U.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Capacity Control in Disturbed and Time-Delayed Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Breitenecker, F.; Kemmetmüller, W.; Körner, A.; Kugi, A.; Troch, I. (eds.): Proceedings of 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. Elsevier, 2018, pp. 807-812 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Operator-based Capacity Control of Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 264-272 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Zaman, A.; Reisig, L.; Reinschluessel, A. V.; Bektas, H.; Weyhe, D.; Herrlich, M.; Döring, T.; Malaka, R.
An Interactive-Shoe For Surgeons: Hand-Free Interaction With Medical 2D Data
In: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zaman, A.; Stellmacher, C.; Xu, Z.; Marutschke, A.-V.; Prozel, R.
Step up the volume: Investigating the environmental effect on the range of possible foot-based interactions
IEEE, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Predictive Control of a Job Shop System with RMTs using Equilibrium Terminal Constraints
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H. ; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 361-367 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Becker, T.; Intayoad, W.
Context Aware Process Mining in Logistics
In: Procedia CIRP. 2017, pp. 557-562 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.
The Fashion Trend Concept and Its Applicability to Fashion Markets and Supply Chains
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 163-172 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Fashion Supply Chains and Social Media: Examining potential relationships of social media text data and decision making processes in fashion supply chains
In: Bandinelli, R.; Rinaldi, R. (eds.): Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain. Proceedings of IT4Fashion 2016. Springer International Publishing, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Chinges, U.; Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Rügge, I.; Pannek, J.
Abstract control interface for job shop manufacturing systems with RMTs
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Trust Framework for Agents’ Interactions in Collaborative Logistics
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 53-63 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Influence of Information Sharing Behavior on Trust in Collaborative Logistics
In: Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. Proceedings of the 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE). Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2017, pp. 493-506 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Duan, L.-T.; Lawo, M.; Rügge, I.; Yu, X.
Power Management of Smartphones Based on Device Usage Patterns
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 197-207 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, BIBA, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Nested Monte-Carlo Search for Multiagent Systems
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 80-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.
Two Model Checking Approaches to Branch-and-Bound Optimization of a Flow Production System
In: van den Herik, J.; Filipe, J. (eds.): Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 8th International Conference, ICAART 2016, Rome, Italy, February 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges in Urban Logistics
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A.; Lisec, A. (eds.): Data Driven Supply Chains. Centre for Concurrent Enterprising, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, 2017, pp. 210-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Chughtai, O.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
An emergency alert system for elderly/special people using VANET and WBAN
In: Emerging Technologies (ICET), 2017 13th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Methodology for Development of Logistics Information and Safety System Using Vehicular Adhoc Networks
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 185-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Prototype of automatic accident detection and management in vehicular environment using VANET and IoT
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel message dissemination mechanism and mathematical model for safety applications in VANET
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel Routing Framework for VANET Considering Challenges for Safety Application in City Logistics
In: Laouti, A.; Qayyum, A.; Saad, M. N. M. (eds.): Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks for Smart Cities. Second International Workshop, 2016. Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp. 53-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.
Imposing emission trading scheme on supply chain
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer, 2017, pp. 291-301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Modelling and Controlling of Multi-workstation Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Proceedings of the 6th CUST International Business Research Conference. 2017, pp. LPM 07 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Chung, S.-H.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Advantages of Sub-GHz Communication in Food Logistics and DASH7 Implementation
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 219-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Airflow Behavior Under Different Loading Schemes and Its Correspondence to Temperature in Perishables Transported in Refrigerated Containers
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 481-490 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Mirza, M. J.; Tahir, M. W.; Anjum, N.
Performance Evaluation of M-Estimators as Observation Noise Model in Kalman Filter
In: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE INMIC - 2017 International Multi-topic Conference (INMIC). IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Big Data Analytics in the Maintenance of Off-Shore Wind Turbines: A Study on Data Characteristics
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 131-140 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Data Driven Decision Making in Planning the Maintenance Activities of Off-shore Wind Energy
In: Roy, R.; Tomiyama, T.; Tiwari, A.; Tracht, K.; Shehab, E.; Mehnen, J.; Erkoyuncu, J. A.; Tapaloglou, N. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 160-165 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Novillo, S.; Haasis, H.-D.
Supply Chain Flexibility and SMEs Internationalization. A Conceptual Framework
In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. epubli, 2017, pp. 195-212 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Blanke, M.; Frodl, M.; Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Oellers, M.; van den Driesche, S.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
A replaceable bioreactor array for monitoring mold spore contamination in archives
In: Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017. 2017, pp. 641-644 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Malaka, R.
A step towards automated simulation in industry
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 99-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Malaka, R.; Samaddar, A. B.
A Step towards Textual Instructions to Virtual Actions
In: Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2017 IEEE 7th International. IEEE, 2017, pp. 239-243 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Siddiqui, N. R.; Khaliq, K. A.; Pannek, J.
VANET Security Analysis on the Basis of Attacks in Authentication
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 491-502 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
An Efficient and Simple Embedded System of Fungus Detection System
In: Proc. INMIC 2017. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Employment of Electric Commercial Vehicles
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 255-265 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Selecting Appropriate Types of Electric Commercial Vehicles for the Sustainable Urban Freight Transport
In: EVS30 Symposium. Proceedings of the 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Using Allan Variance to Determine the Resolution of Ethylene Gas Chromatographic System
In: Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2017. 2017, pp. 157-159 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, H.; Kopfer, H.; Huang, M.
Analysis of Multi-product and Multi-depot Collaborative Vehicle Routing Problem
In: Large, R. O.; Kramer, N.; Radig, A.-K.; Schäfer, M.; Sulzbach, A. (eds.): Konferenzband Logistikmanagement. 2017, pp. 154-162 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, LfL HB, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Modeling and predictive capacity adjustment for job shop systems with RMTs
In: Control and Automation (MED), 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 310-315 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Afridi, M. T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Khan, J.; Görg, C.
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Wi-Fi-based M2M Data Traffic Multiplexing
In: Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG) (eds.): Mobilkommunikation. Technologien und Anwendungen Vorträge der 21. ITG-Fachtagung, 11. – 12. Mai 2016 in Osnabrück. VDE Verlag, 2016, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ahmad, F.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y.; Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.
Machine-to-Machine Sensor Data Multiplexing Using LTE - Advanced Relay Node for Logistics
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 247-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Usage of Social Media Text Data for the Demand Forecasting in the Fashion Industry
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 723-727 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Impact of Solution Methodology Parameters on a Flexible Integrated Supply Chain Model
In: 28th European Conference on Operation research, Poznan, Poland 3-6. July. 2016. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Modeling and random path-based direct encoding for a closed loop supply chain model with flexible delivery paths
In: 7th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics MCPL 2016 - Bremen, Germany, 22-24 February 2016. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 78-83 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; da Silva Lima, R.
Planning and Implementation of a Selective Waste Collection Program: Using a Geographical Information System to Calculate the Routes
In: Gianna M. Barbirato (eds.): 7th Congresso Luso-brasileiro para o planejamento urbano, regional, integrado e sustentável. Viva Editora, 2016, pp. 176 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Optical Sensor System for the detection of mold
In: SENSORS, 2015 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Development of a Fungal Risk Monitor for the next generation of intelligent containersaper
In: SENSORS, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 658-660 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Chatterjee, R.; Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Optimizing Last Mile Delivery Using Public Transport with Multi-Agent Based Control
In: Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Effects of Decision Synchronization on Trust in Collaborative Networks
In: Afsarmanesh, H.; Camarinha-Matos, L. M.; Soares, A. L. (eds.): Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World. 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 215-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
On Analysis of Trust Dynamics in Supply Chain Collaboration
In: The 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, June 1 – 4, Bordeaux, France. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Using sensors to supplement partner trust in collaborative transport
In: Pawar, K. S.; Tsai, K. M. (eds.): Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2016, pp. 120-125 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.; Greulich, C.; Humann, M.; Herzog, O.; Lawo, M.
Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Logistics
In: Clausen, U.; Friedrich, H.; Thaller, C.; Geiger, C. (eds.): Commercial Transport. Proceedings of the 2nd Interdiciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic 2015. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 427-440 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Golubev, D.; Greulich, C.
Solving the Physical Vehicle Routing Problem for Improved Multi-robot Freespace Navigation
In: Friedrich, G.; Helmert, M.; Wotawa, F. (eds.): KI 2016: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 39th Annual German Conference on AI, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 26-30, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 155-161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Using SPIN for the Optimized Scheduling of Discrete Event Systems in Manufacturing
In: Bosnacki, D.; Wijs, An. (eds.): Model Checking Software. 23rd International Symposium, SPIN 2016, Co-located with ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 7-8, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 57-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Branch-and-Bound Optimization of a Multiagent System for Flow Production using Model Checking
In: van den Herik, J.; Filipe, J. (eds.): .): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Volume 1: ICAART. SciTePress, 2016, pp. 27-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Application of the Adapted SCOR Model to the Leather Industry: An Ethiopian Case Study
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 441-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Adapting the SCOR Model Deliver and Source Processes for the Manufacturing Firms in the Developing Countries
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 521-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Greulich, C.
An Agent-Based Approach to Multi-criteria Process Optimization in In-House Logistics
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 239-243 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Airflow Simulation Inside Reefer Containers
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 303-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Lloyd, C.; Praeger, U.; Spuler, M.; Lang, W.
Spatial profiling of airflow conditions in cold storage warehouses by wireless anemometers
In: Herbert, U.; Kreyenschmidt, J. (eds.): 6th International Cold Chain Management Conference. 2016, pp. 93-98 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN): Architecture, Applications and MAC Protocols
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2016.. Pak Publishing Group, 2016, pp. 159-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Methodology for Development of Logistics Information and Safety System Using VANET
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H. ; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 185-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.
Green Supply Chain Design Under Emission Trading Scheme
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 515-518 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.; Dovbischuk, I.
Challenges and Solutions Towards Green Logistics under EU-Emission Trading Scheme
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer, Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 397-405 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Capacity Adjustment of Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: the 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application, Chengdu, China, Dec.15-17,2016.. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
A radio resource sharing scheme for IoT/M2M communication in LTE-A downlink
In: IEEE (eds.): 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC). IEEE, 2016, pp. 296 - 301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Ahmad, F.; Görg, C.; Rashid, I.
Impact of Machine-to-Machine Traffic on LTE Data Traffic Performance
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 259-269 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Pilot Prototype of Autonomous Pallets and Employing Little’s Law for Routing
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 101-114 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Improving Wind Turbine Maintenance Activities by Learning from Various Information Flows Available Through the Wind Turbine Life Cycle
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 147-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Schmitt, P.; Chen, J.; Raghavana, B.
Helping the Lone Operator in the Vast Frontier
In: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2016, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Rehman, A.; Khan, A.; Khan, A.; Khan, S.; Marwat, S. N. K.
A dialectical analysis of non-reference image quality measures (IQMs) and restoration filters for single image blind deblurring
In: Information Technology (Big Data Analysis) (KACSTIT), Saudi International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of pre-processing on different kind of images produced by optical sensor system
In: 2nd International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumental Advances (SEIA' 2016). 2016, pp. 41-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Detection of fungus through an optical sensor system using the histogram of oriented gradients
In: SENSORS, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 418-420 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection System
In: Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Teucke, M.; Ait Alla, A.; El-Berishy, N.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Lütjen, M.
Forecasting of Seasonal Apparel Products
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 633-642 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Vinayaka, P. P.; van den Driesche, S.; Blank, R.; Chakraborty, R.; Tahir, M. W.; Frodl, M.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
Membrane-Sealed Bioreactor for on-Site Autonomous Detection of Fungi Spore Contamination in Archives
In: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference. – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 529-532 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.; Liu, B.; Quan, J.; Funke, J.
A Two-Stage Iterative Solution Approach for Solving a Container Transportation Problem
In: Mattfeld, D.; Spengler, T.; Brinkmann, J.; Grunewald, M. (eds.): Logistics Management. Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2015, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 259-271 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A survey with analytic hierarchy process for selecting an optimal combination of employing electric commercial vehicles in the urban freight transport
In: Berns, K.; Dreßler, K.; Fleischmann, P.; Ilsen, R.; Jörg, B.; Kalmar, R.; Nagel, T.; Schindler, C.; Stephan, N. K. (eds.): Commercial Vehicle Technology 2016. Proceedings of the 4th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT 2016). Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2016, pp. 533-541 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Influential Factors for Application of the Electric Commercial Vehicle in the Urban Freight Transport
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 375-378 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Yi, S. H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kim, K. H.
Collaborative Carry-Out Process for Empty Containers Between Truck Companies and a Port Terminal
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 473-482 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Detection of Ethylene Using Gas Chromatographic System
In: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference. – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 380-383 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Lütjen, M.; Stoever, L.; Thoben, K.-D.
TrendFashion - A Framework for the Identification of Fashion Trends
In: Cunningham, D.; Hofstedt, P.; Meer, K.; Schmitt, I. (eds.): INFORMATIK 2015. Informatik, Energie und Umwelt. 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2015, pp. 1195-1206 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Plaku, E.; Greulich, C.; Pomarlan, M.
Solving the Inspection Problem via Colored Traveling Salesman Tours
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Workshop on Task Planning for Intelligent Robots in Service and Manufacturing. 2015, pp. 26-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Eicke, N.
Cyber-Physical Multiagent-Simulation in Production Logistics
In: Müller, J. P.; Ketter, W.; Kaminka, G.; Wagner, G.; Bulling, N. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologies. 13th German Conference, MATES 2015, Cottbus, Germany, September 28 - 30, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Cham, 2015, pp. 119-136 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IAI, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Görg, C.; Zaki, Y.; Timm-Giel, A.
Evaluation of M2M Data Traffic Aggregation in LTE-A Uplink
In: Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG) (eds.): ITG-Fb 258: Mobilkommunikation. Technologien und Anwendungen Vorträge der 20. ITG-Fachtagung, 7. – 8. Mai 2015 in Osnabrück. VDE-Verlag, 2015, pp. 24-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mirza, M. J.; Tahir, M. W.; Anjum, N.
On Singularities Computation and Classification of Redundant Robots
In: International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control Engineering (IC4E'2015) May 22-23, 2015 Dubai (UAE). International Institute of Engineers, 2015, pp. 113-117 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Raza, A.; Zaki, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Chen, J.; Subramanian, L.
Extreme Web Caching for Faster Web Browsing
In: ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (eds.): SIGCOMM '15. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 111-112 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zaki, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Chen, J.; Subramanian, L.; Görg, C.
Adaptive Congestion Control for Unpredictable Cellular Networks
In: ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (eds.): SIGCOMM '15. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 509-522 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zhang, H.; El-Berishy, N.; Zastrau, D.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Tan, Y.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Rügge, I.
Interdisciplinary Perspective on Knowledge Management in Logistics
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 491-503 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, BIBA, TZI, Comnets, IMSAS, BIBA, IGS)


Ahmad, F.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Tailoring LTE-Advanced for M2M Communication using Wireless Inband Relay Node
In: Proceedings of WTC 2014; World Telecommunications Congress 2014. VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Guan, L.; Kuladinithi, K.; Pötsch, T.; Görg, C.
A Deeper Understanding of Interoperability between TinyRPL and ContikiRPL
In: IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Herzog, O.; Schuldt, A.; Gehrke, J. D.; Berndt, J. O.; Warden, T.; Gath, M.
Logistics Supply Network Structures for Industry 4.0
In: Joint INAE-acatech Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IAI, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Pötsch, T.; Lang, W.
Smart Sensors for the Intelligent Container (Poster)
In: Proc. of European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (Smart SysTech). 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.; Luderer, M.
Graph Transformation Meets Reversible Circuits: Generation, Evaluation, and Synthesis
In: Giese, H.; König, B. (eds.): Graph Transformation. 7th International Conference, ICGT 2014, Held as Part of STAF 2014, York, UK, July 22-24, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 237-252 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Dong, Y.; Li, X.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.
Novel Schemes for Component Carrier Selection and Radio Resource Allocation in LTE-Advanced Uplink
In: Agüero, R.; Zinner, T.; Rossitza, G.; Timm-Giel, A.; Tran-Gia, P. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 6th International Conference, MONAMI 2014, Würzburg, Germany, September 22-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 32-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Pei, L.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.
Model-Driven Data Acquisition for Temperature Sensor Readings in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zaki, Y.; Chen, J.; Pötsch, T.; Ahmad, T.; Subramanian, L.
Dissecting Web Latency in Ghana
In: IMC '14 Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 241-248 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Graph-Transformational Swarms
In: Bensch, S.; Drewes, F.; Freund, R.; Otto, F. (eds.): NCMA2013. 5th Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2013, pp. 35-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Awan, D.; Bashir, S.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Ali, H.
Gain enhancement of UWB antennas with and without band notch feature
In: International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2013. IEEE, 2013, pp. 342-345 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Becker, M.; Kuladinithi, K.; Pötsch, T.; Görg, C.
Wireless Freight Supervision using Open Standards
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Becker, M.; Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.
The Constrained Application Protocol for Pervasive Machine-To-Machine Communications. Demonstration
In: Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2012). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

El-Berishy, N.; Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
The Interrelation between Sustainability and Green Logistics
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 527-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.
Agent-Based Multimodal Transport Planning in Dynamic Environments
In: Timm, I. J.; Thimm, M. (eds.): KI 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 36th Annual German Conference on AI, Koblenz, Germany, September 16-20, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 74-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.; Warden, T.; Humann, M.; Herzog, O.; Sitharam, T. G.
Enhanced Shortest Path Computation for Multiagent-based Intermodal Transport Planning in Dynamic Environments
In: Joaquim, F.; Fred, A. L. N. (eds.): ICAART 2013. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 February, 2013. ScitePress, 2013, pp. 324-329 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Haasis, H.-D.; Rügge, I.; Holdorf, S.
Simultaneous operative transportation planning - A heuristic approach for the integration of self-fulfilment and subcontraction
In: SKIMA 2013. Proceedings of the 7th Internation Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013). 2013, pp. 555-578 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, BIBA, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Issa, S.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Empirical airflow pattern determination of refrigerated banana containers using thermal flow sensors
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Pötsch, T.; Yi, S. H.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Safaei, M.; Issa, S.; Rügge, I.
Resources in Logistics - A Multidisciplinary Challenge
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 449-455 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Görg, C.
Machine-to-Machine Communications for eHealthcare in Future Mobile Networks
In: ICT meets Medicine and Health - Joint CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop. 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Pötsch, T.; Zaki, Y. N.; Weerawardane, T.; Görg, C.
Addressing the Challenges of E-Healthcare in Future Mobile Networks
In: Bauschert, T. (eds.): Advances in Communication Networking. 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, August 28-30, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 90-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Chen, J.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
A Novel Machine-to-Machine Traffic Multiplexing in LTE-A System using Wireless In-band Relaying
In: Pesch, D.; Timm-Giel, A.; Calvo, R. A.; Wenning, B.-L.; Pentikousis, K. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 5th International Conference, MONAMI 2013, Cork, Ireland, September 23-25, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2013, pp. 149-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Karimi, H. R.
A fuzzy programming method for optimization of autonomous logistics objects
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2013). IEEE, 2013, pp. 344-349 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Pötsch, T.
Machine-to-Machine Communication in Medicine and Health Technologies
In: Joint CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop ICT meets Medicine and Health (ICTMH2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.
Continuous Integration for Wireless Sensor Network Operating Systems (Poster)
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Influence of Future M2M Communication on LTE system
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Poster Abstract: Performance Evaluation of Machine-to-Machine Communication on Future Mobile Networks in Disaster Scenarios
In: Advances in Communication Networking. 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, August 28-30, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 270-273 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.
Coping with Multi-Dimensional Diversity in Logistics Education
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 456-462 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tan, Y.; Hildebrandt, T.
A computational study of shifting bottleneck procedures for job shop total weighted tardiness scheduling problems
In: Kendall, G.; Berghe, G. V.; McCollum, B. (eds.): 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications. 2013, pp. 437-456 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Knowledge Sharing in Intermodal Transport: A Multi-Agent Based Perspective
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 35-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


Ait Alla, A.; Mehrsai, A.
Centralized rescheduling approach against autonomous control approach in dynamic flexible flow shop in the presence of machine breakdowns
In: Denkena, B. (eds.): Proceedings 1st Joint Symposium on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2012). New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. PZH Verlag, Garbsen, 2012, pp. 162-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Distributed Learning of Best Response Behaviors in Concurrent Iterated Many-Object Negotiations
In: Timm, I.J.; Guttmann. C. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologie. 10th German Conference, MATES 2012, Trier, Germany, October 10-12, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 15-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Resource Allocation in Autonomous Logistics Processes
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 429-439 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Dannies, A.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Feasibility of shifting decision support tools for quality estimation in food logistics to the sensor node level
In: Proceedings of SKIMA 2012 - International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
A Framework of the Forces Influencing the Adaptation of the SCOR Model to the Situation of the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 477-487 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Characterization of Thermal Flow Sensors for Air Flow Measurements in Transport Containers
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 361-370 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Perera, R.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Impact of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications on Disaster Management in Future Mobile Networks
In: General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University Annual Symposium. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Design and Performance Analysis of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler in Heterogeneous Traffic Environment
In: 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. IEEE, 2012, pp. 499-504 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler
In: Koucheryavy, Y.; Mamatas, L.; Matta, I.; Tsaoussidis, V. (eds.): Wired/Wireless Internet Communication. 10th International Conference, WWIC 2012, Santorini, Greece, June 6-8, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 298-306 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Performance of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler Towards Delay Sensitive Traffic
In: Roer, P. (eds.): Mobilkommunikation (ITG-FB 234). Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 17. ITG-Fachtagung vom 9. bis 10. Mai in Osnabrück. VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, 2012, pp. 51-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Dannies, A.; Sanjeeva, B. K.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Combining Machine-to-Machine Communications with Intelligent Objects in Logistics
In: Uckelmann, D. ; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 102-112 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.; Becker, M.; Trenkamp, P.; Görg, C.
Performance Evaluation of CoAP using RPL and LPL in TinyOS
In: Proceedings of Fifth IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS 2012). IEEE, 2012, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Safaei, M.; Issa, S.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lang, W.
A Method to Estimate the Accumulated Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Network
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 337-347 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; El-Berishy, N.
Green Logistics-Oriented Framework for Integrated Production and Distribution Planning: Related Issues
In: The 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tan, Y.; El-Berishy, N.; Santos Junior, J. B.
Event Management for Uncertainties in Collaborative Production Scheduling and Transportation Planning: A Review
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 199-210 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Berndt, J. O.
Self-organizing Supply Networks: Autonomous Agent Coordination Based on Expectations
In: Filipe, J.; Fred, A. (eds.): ICAART 2011. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2. Scitepress, 2011, pp. 104-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Efficient Multiagent Coordination in Dynamic Environments
In: Bilof, R. (eds.): IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT). Volume 2. IEEE, 2011, pp. 188-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Daschkovska, K.; Haasis, H.-D.
Security Aspects in Container Logistics: RFID E-Seals
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schöneberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 344-352 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Daschkovska, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
How can Electronic Seals Contribute to the Efficiency of Global Container System?
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 457-467 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Issa, S.; Sturm, H.; Lang, W.
Modeling of the response time of thermal flow sensors
In: Mariani, S. (eds.): 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering. Micromachines 2011. MPDI, Basel, 2011, pp. 385-393 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Barreiro, J.; Ruiz-Garcia, L.; Robla, J. I.; Lang, W.
Modelling and interpolation of spatial temperature during food transportation and storage by the Variogram
In: Bruzzone, A; et. al. (eds.): The 10th International Conference on Modeling and applied Simulation. DIPTEM Università Di Genova, Rome, Italy, 2011, pp. 195-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Robla, J. I.; Barreiro, J.; Ruiz-Garcia, L.; Lang, W.
Interpolation of Spatial Temperature Profiles by Sensor Networks
In: Lewis, E. (eds.): 2011 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings. IEEE, 2011, pp. 778-781 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Kuladinithi, K.; Bergmann, O.; Pötsch, T.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.
Implementation of CoAP and its Application in Transport Logistics
In: Proc. of ‘Extending the Internet to Low power and Lossy Networks’ (IP+SN 2011), Chicago, USA, Apr. 11, 2011. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of Learning Pallets for Real-Time Scheduling by Use of Artificial Neural Network
In: 5th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of Learning Pallets in Hybrid Flow- Open Shop Scheduling; using Artificial Intelligence
In: 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Madison University, Madison, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Towards learning pallets applied in pull control job-open shop problem
In: IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Wenning, B.-L.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Analysis of learning pallets in flexible scheduling by closed queue network
In: International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011 IEEE. IEEE, 2011, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Energy-Efficient Parameter Adaptation and Prediction Algorithms for the Estimation of Temperature Development Inside a Food Container
In: Andrade Cetto, J.; Ferrier, J.-L.; Filipe, J. (eds.): Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Revised and Selected Papers from the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 2010. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 77-90 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Internationalization of the Doctoral Trainig Program for the German Degree “Dr.-Ing.”
In: 5th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Safaei, M.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Toward a Better Understanding of the Network Type Impact on Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Networks
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of industrial enterprises (MITIP 2011). 2011, pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.; Liu, H.
A Preliminary Investigation on a Bottleneck Concept in Manufacturing Control
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 213-223 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Schuldt, A.
Team Formation for Agent Cooperation in Logistics: Protocol Design and Complexity Analysis
In: Filipe, J.; Fred, A. (eds.): 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011). INSTICC Press, 2011, pp. 398-405 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Hribernik, K.; Gehrke, J. D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Herzog, O.
Towards Fourth-Party Logistics Providers: A Business Model for Cloud-Based Autonomous Logistics
In: 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2011). INSTICC Press, 2011, pp. 445-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Tan, Y.; Aufenganger, M.
A real-time rescheduling heuristic using decentralized knowledge-based decisions for flexible flow shops with unrelated parallel machines
In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 431-436 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Knowledge Management for Sustainability-oriented Freight Villages
In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Knowledge Management-Enabled Application of the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard
In: Proc. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, IEEE, APPEEC, Wuhan, 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Knowledge-based Stakeholder Collaboration for Sustainable Development of Freight Villages
In: Proc. International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Aachen, 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


Jabbari, A.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Lang, W.
Application of Bio-Inspired Data Processing in Intelligent Transportation Systems
In: 5th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems (IS), 2010. IEEE, London, UK, 2010, pp. 315-320 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.
Advanced Bio-inspired Plausibility Checking in a Wireless Sensor Network Using Neuro-immune Systems
In: Fourth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM), 2010. IEEE, 2010, pp. 108-114 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Kuske, S.; Luderer, M.; Tönnies, H.
Autonomous Units for Solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem Based on Ant Colony Optimization
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 289-298 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Prediction of temperature inside a refrigerated container in the presence of perishable goods
In: 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). Scitepress, 2010, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Lima Jr., O. F.
Sustainable Integration of Logistics and Manufacturing Systems along Global Supply Chains
In: Delfmann, W.; Wimmer, T. (eds.): Strukturwandel in der Logistik, Wissenschaft und Praxis im Dialog. DVV Media Group GmbH, Deutscher Verkehrsverlag, Hamburg, 2010, pp. 47–60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Jagalski, T.; Mehrsai, A.
Modelling and Analysis of Autonomously Controlled Production Networks
In: Bakhtadze, N.; Dolgui, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 09). International Federation of Automatic Control, 2010, pp. 846-851 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D.; Daschkovska, K.
Current Issues and Challenges of Container Security Devices Implementation in Supply Chain Networks
In: Pawar, K. S.; Lalwani, C. S. (eds.): Configuring Next Generation Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Logistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2010, pp. 144-151 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mehrsai, A.
Superior Performance of Leagile Supply Networks by Application of Autonomous Control
In: Vallespir, B.; Alix, T. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. New Challenges, New Approaches. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2009, Bordeaux, France, September 21-23, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 333-341 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schwindt, C.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.
Approach for the Integration of Production Scheduling and Inter-facility Transportation within Global Supply Chains
In: Hanna, M. D. (eds.): 21th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. Operations in Emerging Economies. Production and Operations Management Society, 2010, pp. 32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Hribernik, K.; Gehrke, J. D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Herzog, O.
Cloud Computing for Autonomous Control in Logistics
In: Fähnrich, K.-P.; Franczyk, B. (eds.): INFORMATIK 2010. Service Science - Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Band 1. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2010, pp. 305-310 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Singh, G.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
Clustering and Routing Model for Transport Logistics using Software Agents
In: Proc. International Conference on Industrial Logistics - Logistics and Sustainability (ICIL ’10), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. 2010, pp. 37-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Wang, X.; Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Laur, R.; Lang, W.
Adaptive Data Sensing Rate in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks for Autonomous Transport Application
In: 13th Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2010. IEEE, 2010, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, X.; Jabbari, A.; Laur, R.; Lang, W.
Dynamic Control of Data Measurement Intervals in a Networked Sensing System
In: Seventh International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), 2010. IEEE, 2010, pp. 77-80 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, IMSAS, IGS)

Windt, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Liu, H.
A Robust Multiple Logistic Objectives-oriented Manufacturing Control
In: Proceedings of the 43th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems (ICMS_10), University of Technology, Austria, 2010. 2010, pp. 1017-1027 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA, IGS)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Rangelow, I. W.
An Optimized Single Mask Process for Movable Bulk Silicon Micromachining Devices
2009, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lal, I.; Lang, W.
Energy Saving by using Floating Input Approach in a Wireless Sensor Network
In: IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2009. IEEE, 2009, pp. 595 - 599 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lang, W.
Combinational Fault Diagnosis in a Monitored Environment by a Wireless Sensor Network
In: 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED '09), 2009. IEEE, 2009, pp. 371 - 376 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lang, W.
Fault Diagnosis while Monitoring Environmental Conditions by a Wireless Sensor Network
In: Fault Diagnosis while Monitoring Environmental Conditions by a Wireless Sensor Network 14th IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2009). 2009, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Becker, M.; Yuan, S.; Jedermann, R.; Timm-Giel, A.; Lang, W.; Görg, C.
Challenges of Applying Wireless Sensor Networks in Logistics
In: CEWIT 2009. Wireless and IT driving Healthcare, Energy and Infrastructure Transformation. 2009, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IMSAS, IGS)

Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.
A Framework for the Informational Integration of Production and Transport Systems
In: Prudêncio Jacques, M. A. ; de Morais Neto, G. C. (eds.): XXIII ANPET - Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes. 2009, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Gehrke, J. D.; Schuldt, A.
Incorporating Knowledge about Interaction for Uniform Agent Design for Simulation and Operation
In: Decker, K. S.; Sichman, J. S.; Sierra, C.; Castelfranchi, C. (eds.): 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009). Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15, 2009. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS), Richland, SC, 2009, pp. 1175-1176 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Hentschel, D.; Lang, W.
Robustness in Autonomous and Central Wireless Sensor Network: The Orchard Example
In: Fourth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, 2009. ICSNC '09. IEEE, 2009, pp. 242 - 247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimum Sample Number for Central and Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network in Process Automation Applications
In: Ao, S. I.; Gelman, L.; Hukins, D. WL.; Hunter, A.; Korsunsky, A. M. (eds.): Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 (WCE 2009). Vol. I. Newswood Limited, 2009, pp. 869-874 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; De Jong, E.; Kleiboer, L.; Wessels, A.; Yuan, S.; Lang, W.
Wireless quality monitoring in the food chain
In: Pesch, D; Das, S. (eds.): 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks - Poster/Demos Session. University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 2009, pp. 1-2 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Piotrowski, J.; Meinecke, C.; Böse, F.
Supporting mobile work processes in logistics with wearable computing
In: Oppermann, R.; Eisenhauer, M.; Jarke, M.; Wulf, V. (eds.): MobileHCI '09. Proceedings of the 11th international conference on human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services. ACM, New York, USA, 2009, pp. 1-3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Changes of HCI Methods Towards the Development Process of Wearable Computing
In: Kurosu, M. (eds.): Human Centered Design. First International Conference, HCD 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 302-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.
Integrating Manufacturing and Logistic Systems along Global Supply Chains
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Sustainable Development of Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2009, pp. 216-223 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mehrsai, A.
Integration of Lean-Agile Experiments with Autonomy in Supply Chains
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2009 (ICMR09). University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 2009, pp. 60-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mehrsai, A.; Görges, M.
Handling the Dynamics in Logistics - Adoption of Dynamic Behavior and Reduction of Dynamic Effects
In: 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. ICMS 2009. Grenoble, France, 2009, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Teucke, M.; Mehrsai, A.
Autonomous Order Allocation in Large Distance Apparel Industry Supply Chains based on Use of RFID technology (a Case Study)
In: Pawar, K.S.; Lalwani, C.S. (eds.): Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Logistics (14th ISL). Global supply chains and inter-firm networks. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2009, pp. 329-336 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.; Liu, H.
A Multiple Logistic Objectives-oriented Manufacturing Control
In: Ceglarek, D. (eds.): Conference Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2009 (ICMR09). University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 2009, pp. 16-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Schuldt, A.
Decentralisation and Interaction Efficiency in Cooperating Autonomous Logistics Processes
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 269-278 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Yuan, S.; Becker, M.; Jedermann, R.; Görg, C.; Lang, W.
An Experimental Study of Signal Propagation and Network Performance in Monitoring of Food Transportation
In: 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2009. SECON Workshops '09.. Secon 2009. IEEE, 2009, pp. 1-3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Ivanova, K.; Ivanov, T.; Rangelow, I. W.
Design and fabrication of a two hot arms thermal microactuator with integrated micro tweezers
In: Vincenzini, P.; D'arrigo, G. (eds.): Smart Materials & Micro/Nanosystems. 2008, pp. 378-383 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lang, W.
A New Approach for Modeling Environmental Conditions using Sensor Networks
In: 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2008). 2008, pp. 78-83 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Daschkovska, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Electronic Seals for Efficient Container Logistics
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 305-312 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Gehrke, J. D.; Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.
Quality Criteria for Multiagent-Based Simulations with Conservative Synchronisation
In: Rabe, M. (eds.): Advances in Simulation for Production and Logistics Applications. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2008, pp. 545-554 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Hölscher, K.; Knirsch, P.; Luderer, M.
Autonomous Units for Communication-based Dynamic Scheduling
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 331-339 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Neural Network based Data Fusion in Food Transportation System
In: 11th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2008. IEEE, 2008, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Data Approximation and Classification in Measurement Systems - Comparison of “Neural Network” and “Least Squares” Approximation
In: IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, 2008. CIMSA 2008. IEEE, 2008, pp. 64-69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
SCAR: Sequential Coordinate Routing Algorithm for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network
In: New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 2008. NTMS '08. . IEEE, 2008, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Kenn, H.
WS8 - Nomadische und 'Wearable'-Benutzungsschnittstellen: Entwurfs- und Evaluationsprinzipien für professionelle Anwendungen
In: Lucke, U.; Kindsmüller, M.C.; Fischwer, S.; Herczeg, M.; Seehusen S. (eds.): Workshop Proceedings der Tagungen Mensch & Computer 2008. Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 2008, pp. 217-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Winter, A.
Technologie zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren
In: Lucke, U.; Kindsmüller, M. C.; Fischwer, S.; Herczeg, M.; Seehusen S. (eds.): Workshop Proceedings der Tagungen Mensch & Computer 2008, DeLFI 2008 und Cognitive Design 2008. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2008, pp. 219-222 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Daschkovska, K.; Frazzon, E. M.
Container Logistics Networks under Context Diversity
In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Flämig, H. (eds.): Global Logistics Management. Sustainability, Quality, Risks. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2008, pp. 205-222 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.
Sustainability and Effectiveness in Global Supply Chains: Toward an Approach Based on a Long-term Learning Process
In: Haasis, H.-D.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 251-258 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.
Flows, Assets and Power Dependencies in Distant Worlds: Challenges for Logistic Systems
In: Pfohl, H.-C.; Wimmer, T. (eds.): Wissenschaft und Praxis im Dialog. robuste und sichere Logistiksysteme - 4. Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik in München. Deutscher Verkehrs Verlag, Hamburg, 2008, pp. 89-114 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Gehrke, J. D.; Werner, S.
Designing a Simulation Middleware for FIPA Multiagent Systems
In: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2008. WI-IAT '08. IEEE, 2008, pp. 109-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.
Towards Autonomous Logistics: Conceptual, Spatial, and Temporal Criteria for Container Cooperation
In: Haasis, H.-D.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 313-320 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Singh, G.; Görg, C.
Clustering of autonomously cooperating logistic entities using agent-based framework
In: 14th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES14). 2008, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Singh, G.; Wenning, B.-L.; Görg, C.
Efficient communication in autonomous logistic processes by application of cluster-based routing methods
In: Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2008 (SCSC'08). Proceedings of a meeting held 16-19 June 2008, Edinburgh, Scotland. Part of the 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'08). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), 2008, pp. 15-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Singh, G.; Wenning, B.-L.; Singh, A.; Görg, C.
Clustering in autonomous cooperating logistic processes
In: Haasis, H.-D.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 349-357 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zschintzsch, M.; Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Adaptive Production and Inventory Control in Supply Chains against Changing Demand Uncertainty
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 143-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS, IGS)

Zschintzsch, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Model Reference Adaptive Order Control in Consideration of Transient Demand and Transient Production Lead Time
In: de Vin, L. J.; Ng, A. H. C.; Thorvald, P.; Sullivan, W. G.; Ahmad, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2008). Volume 1(2). University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden, 2008, pp. 484-491 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Delhoum, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Evaluation of learning the task of inventory control with a serious game
In: Taisch, M.; Cassina, J. (eds.): Learning with Games 2007. 2007, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Gottfried, B.; Schuldt, A.; Herzog, O.
Extent, Extremum, and Curvature: Qualitative Numeric Features for Efficient Shape Retrieval
In: Hertzberg, J.; Beetz, M.; Englert, R. (eds.): KI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 30th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September 10-13, 2007. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 308-322 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Lawo, M.; Rügge, I.; Herzog, O.
Authentic User Tests in Wearable Computing Applications
In: Proceedings of ISMICT07. 2007, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.
Evolutionary Logistic Systems and National Development: Strategy, Structures, Policies and Decision Making
In: Cybis, H. B. B.; Orrico Filho, R. D.; D'Agosto, M. A. (eds.): Panorama Nacional de Pesquisa em Transportes 2007: XXI Brazilian Congress of Transportation and Logistics, Rio de Janeiro. 2007, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
The Choice of Order Fulfilment Ratio Functions for Inventory Control Models: A Case-Based Analysis
In: Groesser, S. N.; Vaishnav, C. (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th System Dynamics Ph.D. Colloquium. 2007, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
The Effect of Enhanced Collaboration on the Performance of Subjects for the Task of Inventory Control
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Smeds, R.; Riis, J. O. (eds.): Multidisciplinary Research on New Methods for Learning and Innovation in Enterprise Networks. Proceedings from the 11th Special Interest Group on Experimental Interactive Learning By Industrial Management. Verlagsgruppe Mainz GmbH, Aachen, 2007, pp. 149-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
Inventory Control in Logistic and Production Networks
In: Waldmann, K.-H.; Stocker, U. M. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2006. Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Jointly Organized with the Austrian Society of Operations Research (ÖGOR) and the Swiss Society of Operations Research (SVOR) Karlsruhe, September 6–8, 2006. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 333-337 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
Decision Patterns of Inventory Control Based on a Learning Lab with the Supply Net Game
In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2007, pp. 1-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.
Logistics, Internationalisation and Regional Development: Strategic Perspective and Cultural Aspects
In: Proceedings 5th International Logistic & Supply Chain Congress: Logistics Bridges on Supply Chain. 2007, pp. 545-552 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Frazzon, E. M.
Innovation, Logistics and Internationalisation: Strategic Perspective and Cultural Aspects
In: Cybis, H. B. B.; Orrico Filho, R. D.; D'Agosto, M. A. (eds.): Panorama Nacional de Pesquisa em Transportes 2007: XXI Brazilian Congress of Transportation and Logistics, Rio de Janeiro. 2007, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Gottfried, G.; Osterhagen, O.; Herzog, O.
On the Importance of Preserving the Part-Order in Shape Retrieval
In: Clarke, C. L. A.; Fuhr, N.; Kando, N.; Kraaij, W.; de Vries, A. P. (eds.): SIGIR '07. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007, pp. 771–772 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.
Distributed Clustering of Autonomous Shipping Containers by Concept, Location, and Time
In: Petta, P.; Müller, J. P.; Klusch, M.; Georgeff, M. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologies. 5th German Conference, MATES 2007, Leipzig, Germany, September 24-26, 2007. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 121-132 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.
A Clustering Protocol for Team Formation Based on Concept, Location, and Time
In: Dastani, M.; Bordini, R. H. (eds.): 5th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2007). 2007, pp. 193-196 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Singh, G.; Wenning, B.-L.; Becker, M.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
Agent-based Clustering Approach to Transport Logistics
In: IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics. SOLI 2007.. IEEE, 2007, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Stoll, C.
Autonomous Logistic Processes for Marine Hubs of Agri-Food
In: Proc. 9th International Conference on Maritime Transport and Infrastructure 2007. 2007, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Werner, S.; Schuldt, A.; Daschkovska, K.
Agent-Based Container Security Systems: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
In: Koschke, R.; Herzog, O.; Rödiger, K.-H.; Ronthaler, M. (eds.): INFORMATIK 2007 - Informatik trifft Logistik, Band 1. Beiträge der 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 24. - 27. September 2007 in Bremen. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2007, pp. 11-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Zschintzsch, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Adaptive Production and Inventory Control in Supply Chain for Transient Demand
In: Tanyas, M.; Eser, A. (eds.): Proceedings 5th International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress, Logistics Bridges on Supply Chain. 2007, pp. 438-445 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Dediu, A. H.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Nagy, B.
Contextual Hypergraph Grammars - A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages
In: Ibarra, O. H.; Dang, Z. (eds.): Developments in Language Theory. 10th International Conference, DLT 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 26-29, 2006. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 327-338 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Hölscher, K.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Knirsch, P.
Undecidable Control Conditions in Graph Transformation Units
In: Moreira Martins, A.; Ribeiro, L. (eds.): Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2006). Elsevier, 2006, pp. 95-111 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, BIBA, IGS)

Hölscher, K.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Knirsch, P.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Autonome Transformationseinheiten zur regelbasierten Modellierung vernetzter logistischer Prozesse
In: Müller, E.; Spanner-Ulmer, B. (eds.): Vernetzt planen und produzieren (VPP 2006). Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, 2006, pp. 113-118 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, BIBA, IGS)

Hülsmann, M.; Grapp, J.; Li, Y.
Strategic Flexibility in Global Supply Chains – Competitive Advantage by Autonomous Cooperation
In: Pawar, K.S.; Lalwani, C.S.; de Carvalho, J.C.; Muffatto, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics (11th ISL). Competitive Advantage through Global Supply Chain. Q3 Group, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2006, pp. 494-502 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
The Use of Learning Labs for Inventory Management in Production Networks: An Experiment with the Supply Net Game
In: Online Proceedings of the 7 th System Dynamics PhD Colloquium 2006. Nijmegen, The Netherlands - July 2006. 2006, pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.; Zschintzsch, M.; Jagalski, T.; Freitag, M.
Inventory control in shop floors, production networks and supply chains using System Dynamics
In: Wenzel, S (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2006. ASIM Tagungsband zur 12. Fachtagung. SCS Publishing House e.V, Erlangen, 2006, pp. 273-282 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Contributions to Collections (reviewed)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Pannek, J.; Kinra, A.
Complementing Decision Support and Forecasting Risk in Supply Chain with Unstructured Data
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2019, pp. 1721-1726 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, Global Supply Chain Management, IGS)


Hülsmann, M.; Pfeffermann, N.
Challenges, Approaches, and Strategic Aspects of Innovation
In: Hülsmann, M.; Pfeffermann, N. (eds.): Strategies and Communications for Innovations. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 3-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.
Embedded Intelligent Objects in Food Logistics - Technical Limits of Local Decision Making
In: Hülsmann, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K. (eds.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 207-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.
Promovieren im Forschungsverbund Logdynamics: International + Interdisziplinär = Vernetzt
In: Hippler, H. (eds.): Ingenieurpromotion — Stärken und Qualitätssicherung. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 115-124 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
The Interaction Effort in Autonomous Logistics Processes: Potential and Limitations for Cooperation
In: Hülsmann, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K. (eds.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 77-90 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Daschkovska, K.; Pfeffermann, N.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Hülsmann, M.
Adoption Framework for Innovations in Logistic Transport Chains
In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Lüthje, C. (eds.): Pioneering Solutions in Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Insight into Current Management Approaches.. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin. 2010, pp. 347-364 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, Jacobs University, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimal Sample Number for Autonomous and Central Wireless Sensor Actuator Network
In: Ao, S.-I.; Gelman, L. (eds.): Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology. Springer Netherlands, 2010, pp. 495-505 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Hölscher, K.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Knirsch, P.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Autonomous Units: Basic Concepts and Semantic Foundation
In: Hülsmann, M.; Windt, K. (eds.): Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2007, pp. 103-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)


Kreowski, H.-J.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Kuske, S.
Some Essentials of Graph Transformation
In: Esik, Z.; Martin-Vide, C.; Mitrana, V. (eds.): Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2006, pp. 229-254 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, BIBA, IGS)


Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Rule-Based Transformation of Graphs and the Product Type
In: van Bommel, P. (eds.): Transformation of Knowledge, Information and Data. IGI Global, Hershey. 2005, pp. 29-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Conference Proceedings & Collections


Uckelmann, D.; Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (Eds.)
The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs
First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012, Bremen, Germany, Februar 28-March 1, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Book Sections


Kinra, A.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Pereira, F.; Combes, F.; Rothengatter, W.
Textual data in transportation research: techniques and opportunities
In: Antoniou, C.; Dimitriou, L.; Pereira, F. (eds.): Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 2019, pp. 173-197 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, BIBA, IGS)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Lütjen, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Social Media Analytics for Decision Support in Fashion Buying Processes
In: Thomassey, S.; Zeng, X. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era. Series: Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era, Springer Nature, Singapore. 2018, pp. 71-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)


Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Anticipatory Behavior of Software Agents in Self-Organizing Negotiations
In: Nadin, M. (eds.): Anticipation Across Disciplines. Series: Cognitive Systems Monographs, Vol. 29. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 231-253 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.; Greulich, C.; Humann, M.; Warden, T.
PlaSMA Multiagent Simulation. Last-Mile Connectivity Bangalore
In: Herzog, O. (eds.): German Indian Partnership for IT Systems. acatech Materialien. acatech - National Academy of Science and Engineering, München/Berlin. 2014, pp. 129-185 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)


Schuldt, A.; Herzog, O.
Multiagent Coordination Enabling Autonomous Logistics
In: Akhilesh, K. B. (eds.): Emerging Dimensions of Technology Management. Springer India, 2013, pp. 173-175 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Rügge, I.
Wege und Irrwege der MMK beim Wearable Computing
In: Hellige, H. D. (eds.): Mensch-Computer-Interface. Zur Geschichte und Zukunft der Computer-Bedienung. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. 2008, pp. 199-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Herzog, O.; Rügge, I.; Lawo, M.
Mobile Lösungen für die Gesundheitswirtschaft
In: Groß, D.; Jakobs, E.-M. (eds.): "E-Health und technisierte Medizin. Neue Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen". Series: Tagungsband zum Thyssen-KreativWorkshops "E-Health und Technisierung des Gesundheitswesens, LIT-Verlag, 2007, pp. 159-163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.
Logistic Processes and Innovation: Systemic Challenges for a Bioethanol Supply Chain
In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Herstatt, C. (eds.): Innovative Logistics Management. Competitive Advantages through new Processes and Services. Series: Operations and Technology Management, Vol. 4. Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co., Berlin. 2007, pp. 66-83 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Boronowsky, M.; Gong, L.; Herzog, O.; Rügge, I.
Wearable Mobile Computing - a Paradigm for Future European eWork
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): eAdoption and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. IOS Press, Amsterdam. 2005, pp. 1441-1447 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)



Icarte, G.
Negotiations for agent-based concurrent process scheduling of resources in highly dynamic environments
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2022 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Dastyar, H.
Optimal supplier development contract extensions despite flexibility requirements of industry 4.0
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2021 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Icarte, G.
Negotiations for agent-based concurrent process scheduling of resources in highly dynamic environments
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2021 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.
Understanding and Exploiting Social Media Data to Support Decision Making in Fashion and Apparel Supply Chains
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2020 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

He, Z.
Future Sustainable Urban Freight Network Design in Large Cities and Megacities
In: Sustainable Management, Wertschöpfung und Effizienz. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. 2020 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


Behmanesh, E.
A Flexible Integrated Forward / Reverse Logistics Model with Random Path
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.
Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Uncertain Demands
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network: Flooding and Routing Protocols for Safety & Management Applications
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khan, A.
Supply Chain Management of Mass-customized Automobiles
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Liu, P.
Decentralized Robust Capacity Control of Job Shop Systems with Reconfigurable Machine Tools
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.
Enhancements for Machine to Machine Communications in Future Mobile Networks
2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Sarma, H.
Virtual Movement from Natural Language Text
2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.
Fungus Detection using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.
Ein methodisches Konzept zur Unterstützung der Kommerzialisierung von Elektrofahrzeugen in Richtung eines nachhaltigen städtischen Güterverkehrs
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Yuan, F.
Digitalization of Maritime Transport Documents : a study of the interplay of public rules and private norms amid social changes
2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Institut für Handelsrecht, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.
Development of Optimized Non-dispersive Infrared Sensor Detecting Ethylene Gas in Fruit Containers
2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, Q.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Industrial Manufacturing Processes with Reconfigurable Machine Tools
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2019 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Daudi, M.
Trust in Sharing Resources in Logistics Collaboration
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2018 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Deb, A.
Logic Synthesis Techniques for Optical Circuits
2018 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DFKI, IGS)

Nabati, E.
Understanding and Fulfilling Information Needs of Stakeholders along Product Lifecycles - Applying Data Analytics in Product Life-Cycle Management
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2018 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Novillo, S.
Internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises related to their Dynamic Supply Chain Flexibilities
2018 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


El-Berishy, N.
Green Logistics Oriented Framework for the Integrated Scheduling of Production and Distribution Networks - A Case of the Batch Process Industry
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2017 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zastrau, D.
Estimation of Uncertainty of Wind Energy Predictions / With Application to Weather Routing and Wind Power Generation
In: Maritime Logistics des ISL. Peter Lang Verlag, 2017 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Abdenebaoui, L.
Graph-Transformational Swarms - A Graph-Transformational Approach to Swarm Computation
2016 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Li, F.
Supply chain greenhouse gas management under emission trading
2016 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Luderer, M.
Control Conditions for Transformation Units – Parallelism, As-long-as-possible, and Stepwise Control
2016 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Pötsch, T.
The Efficiency of Transport Protocols in Current and Future Mobile Networks
2016 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Tan, Y.
Extension, Configuration and the Advantages of the Shifting Bottleneck Approach for Solving Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problems in Production and Logistics Processes
In: Informationstechnische Systeme und Organisation von Produktion und Logistik, Band 23. GITO Verlag, Berlin. 2016 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Berndt, J. O.
Self-organizing Supply Networks: Emergent Agent Coordination in Autonomous Logistics
2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Daschkovska, K.
Electronic Seals and their Influence on the Dynamics of Container Logistics
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.
Manufacturing industry supply chain modeling and improvement in developing countries
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.
Modelling of supply chain processes in the mineral raw materials industry from the perspective of EM, SCOR and DCOR models
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Issa, S.
Flow Sensors and their Applications to convective Transport in the Intelligent Container
2014 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.
Long Term Evolution-Advanced and Future Machine-to-Machine Communication
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2014 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.
Link Level Scheduling for Future Mobile Communications
2014 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.
Spatial Statistical Data Fusion on Java-enabled Machines in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
2014 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Safaei, M.
Delivery time uncertainty in dynamic supply networks
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen. 2014 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Gould, J.
A Decision Support System for Intermodal Logistics under Considerations for Costs of Safety and Security
2013 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.
Feasibility of Autonomous Logistic Processes by Reconfiguration of Business Processes
In: Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Informationstechnische Systeme und Organisation von Produktion und Logistik, Band 18. GITO Verlag, Berlin. 2013 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wu, J.
Sustainable Freight Village Concepts for Agricultural Products Logistics
2013 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zhang, H.
Knowledge Integrated Business Process Management for Third Party Logistics Companies
2013 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)


Liu, H.
A Dynamic Bottleneck-oriented Manufacturing Control System
In: Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Informationstechnische Systeme und Organisation von Produktion und Logistik, Band 13. GITO Verlag, Berlin. 2012 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Singh, G.
Efficient communication in agent-based autonomous logistic processes
2012 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Vo, Q. S.
Modeling and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Logistic Applications
2011 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Babazadeh, M.
Plausability Check and Energy Management in a Semi-autonomous Sensor Network Using a Model-based Approach
2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.
Development and Evaluation of an Autonomous Wireless Sensor Actuator Network in Logistic Systems
2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pfeffermann, N.
An Integrated Management concept of Innovation Communication and its Contribution to a Company’s Value
2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.
Multiagent Coordination Enabling Autonomous Logistics
In: Doctoral Dissertation, Universität Bremen. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Stoll, C.
Evaluation of the Application of Automatic Conditions Monitoring of Produce in Fresh Food Warehouses
2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Alamin Dow, A. B.
Design and Fabrication of a Micromachining Preconcentrator Focuser for Ethylene Gas Detection System
2009 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Frazzon, E. M.
Sustainability and Effectiveness in Global Logistics Systems – An Approach Based on a Long-Term Learning Process
In: Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Informationstechnische Systeme und Organisation von Produktion und Logistik, Band 11. GITO Verlag, Berlin. 2009 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Jabbari, A.
Autonomous Fault Detection and Isolation in Measurement Systems
2009 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Delhoum, S.
Evaluation of the Impact of Learning Labs on Inventory Control: An Experimental Approach with a Collaborative Simulation Game of a Production Network
In: Informationstechnische Systeme und Organisation von Produktion und Logistik, Band 8. GITO Verlag, Berlin. 2008 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Rügge, I.
Mobile Solutions - Einsatzpotenziale, Nutzungsprobleme und Lösungsansätze mobil tragbarer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
In: Herzog, O.; Görg, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Glotzbach, U. (eds.): Advanced Studies Mobile Research Center Bremen. DUV/Teubner Research, Wiesbaden. 2007 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)



Pötsch, T.
Future Mobile Transport Protocols
2016, Master [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Contributions to Journals (non reviewed)


Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Robust Solution Approach for the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Cen, M.; Lang, W.
Surface Functionalization of Polyimide Substrates for Microsensors' Applications
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 25-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Simulation-based optimization in supplier development
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Challenges with Technologies for Collaboration in Urban Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 31-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
Sustainable Inner-Urban Intermodal Transportation in Retail/Post
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 33-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.
A Multi-agent System for Truck Dispatching in an Open-pit Mine
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.
Exploring Contextual Information in Manufacturing and Logistics Processes
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
The Role of Transportation Infrastructure in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 43-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kuppusamy Parimalam, V. P.; Miriya Thanthrige, U.; Udugama, A.; Förster, A.
Evaluating Forwarding Protocols in OppNets: Trends, Advances and Challenges
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 47-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Operator-based Decentralized Capacity Control of Job-Shop Systems with RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Sarma, H.
Virtual Movement from Textual Instructions
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 53-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Shah, S. M.; Rügge, I.
Monitoring External Supply Chain Risks in Apparel Sourcing through Text Mining
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 55-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Siddiky, F. A.; Beetz, M.
Human Activity Video to Virtual Reality Execution
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 57-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Ye, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Alternative Distribution Channels Provided by BRI
(2019), pp. 59-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zaman, A.; Malaka, R.
A Shoe for Surgeons to Interact with Radiological Images
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 61-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
'Combining Predictive Control with Integer Operators for Capacity Adjustment via RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 65-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Rügge, I.
Research Report 2016/17, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2018)5, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Basa Bonsa, G.
A Supplier Selection Economic Lot Sizing and Order Allocation Model
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Hribernik, K.; Lützenberger, J.; Arabsolgar, D.; Thoben, K.-D.
Social Media Text Data Analysis for Decision Making in Fashion Supply Chains
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 17-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
A Memetic Algorithm for a Closed-loop Supply Chain Model
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.
Measures for the Solution of Capacitated Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Pannek, J.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Comparing Trust Behavior of Shippers and Receivers in Collaboration
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)

Grudpan, S.
A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges in Urban Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 33-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

He, Z.
Technological Innovations and their Effects on Urban Freight Transport
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.
Truck Dispatching Systems for Open-pit Mines: A Systematic Literature Review
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 39-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Intayoad, W.
Process Mining Overview in Manufacturing ang Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Pannek, J.; Qayyum, A.
Role of VANET in Logistics and Transportation
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Performance Analysis of Proposed Congestion Avoiding Protocol for IEEE 802.11s
In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), 8(2017)2, Science and Information (SAI) Organization Ltd., pp. 356-369 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Kuppusamy Parimalam, V. P.
Study of Forwarding Protocols in Opportunistic Networks
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 51-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.; Zhang, Q.
Capacity Control of Multi-workstation Job Shop Systems with RMT
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Novillo, S.
Supply Chain Flexibility as Strategy for SMEs Internationalization
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Siddiky, F. A.; Beetz, M.
ActivityDescriptor: Human Activity Understanding for Manipulation Robots
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 61-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection in Intelligent Container Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 65-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Concept of Using Electric Vehicles for Green Urban Freight Transport
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 69-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zaman, A.
Hand-Free Interaction in Complex Situation
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 77-80 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.; Liu, P.
Predictive Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems by Using RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 81-84 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Synergies of Advanced Technologies and Role of VANET in Logistics and Transportation
In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (ijacsa), 7(2016)11, The Science and Information Organization, pp. 359-369 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Lengkong, I.
Research Report 2014/15, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2016)4, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.
Fashion Forecasting in Social Media: A qualitative comparison of relevant channels
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.
Trust Dynamics in Early Phases of Supply Chain Collaboration
In: Research Report, 4(2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Khan, A.
Model Development: for Analyzing Major Strategies and Issues of Supply Chain under Mass Customization
In: LogDynamics Research Report 2014/15. International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, 4(2015), Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (Log Dynamics), Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 43-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.
Scope of computer vision techniques for the detection of microbial
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 4(2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen, pp. 61-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Identifying the Characteristics of the Supply Chain Processes in Developing Country: A Manufacturing Industry Perspective
In: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, 11(2014), pp. 12-31 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Georgise, F. B.
Best Practices for the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries: An Ethiopian Study
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2013), pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Research Report 2012/13 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2013)3, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 80 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


El-Berishy, N.
Towards Green Logistics in Batch Process Industry Planning
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 11-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Gould, J.; Macharis, C.; Haasis, H.-D.
Requirements of Decision Support Models for Collaborative Supply Chain Security
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.
Radio Resource Allocation for M2M Communication in LTE Uplink Scheduling
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.
Autonomous Control in Fully Modular Production Systems with Contribution of Cloud Computing
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 35-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Greulich, J.; Keller, L.
Erhöhte Prozesssicherheit im Handling von Überhöhenrahmen
In: Hansa International Maritime Journal, 8(2012)149, Schiffahrts-Verlag »Hansa« GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, pp. 96-97 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Dannies, A.; Sanjeeva, B. K.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Machine-to-Machine Communications and Intelligent Objects in Refrigerated Containers
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Safaei, M.
Applying the Monte Carlo Method in Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Networks
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Tan, Y.
A Periodic and Real-time Event-driven Rescheduling for Dynamic Job Shops: Using Shifting Bottleneck Procedure
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Freight Villages in China: Current Developments and Future Prospects
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 57-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zastrau, D.
Weather Prediction Error Analysis for Route Optimization
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 67-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, H.
Business Process Oriented Knowledge Management in Third Party Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 69-74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modelling the Sourcing Process in the Mineral Raw Materials Industry by Using Supply Chain Frameworks
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 75-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Self-organizing Supply Networks: Autopoiesis for Agent Coordination in Autonomous Logistics
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 11-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Adapting the SCOR Model to Suit the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Luderer, M.
Assuring Strong Termination of Controlled Graph Transformation by Means of Petri Nets
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Temperature Prediction Inside a Refrigerated Food Container
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Safaei, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Methodology to Control the Delivery Time Uncertainty in Dynamic Supply Networks
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 45-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Vo, Q. S.; Görg, C.
Data Collection and Management of Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 48-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Sustainable Development Issues and Strategies for Freight Village
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 53-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Yuan, S.; Lang, W.
Strategy to Improve Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Logistic Applications
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 56-57 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, H.; Haasis, H.-D.
Process-oriented Knowledge Management in Business Logistics: Review of Theoretical Basis
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 58-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zhao, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Strategy for the Development of Collaboration Environments to Ensure Collaboration Preparedness
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 62-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modeling and Improving the Supply Chain of Mineral Natural Resources Extraction Industry
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 65-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Research Report 2010/11 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2010)2, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 70 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Safaei, M.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Proposed a Method for Increasing the Delivery Performance in Dynamic Supply Network
In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(2010)9, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 540-543 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.
Agenten entscheiden
In: LOG.Kompass, 6(2010)11, pp. 28-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mehrsai, A.; Görges, M.
Handling the Dynamics in Logistics - Adoption of Dynamic Behavior and Reduction of Dynamic Effects
In: AIJST-Asian International Journal of Science and Technology Production and Manufacturing Engineering (AIJSTPME), 2(2009)3, AIJSTPME, pp. 99-110 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Lang, W.
A Micromachining Pre-concentrator Focuser for Improving the Efficiency of Fruit Transportation Supply Chains
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 2-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lang, W.
Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 12-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Gould, J.
Supply Chain Security: An Overview of Theoretical Applications
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 26-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.
Autonomous Fault Detection and Isolation in Transportation Systems
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimized Sensor Network for Logistics Application
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 33-35. [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Luderer, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.
Modelling Logistic Processes - The Termination Problem
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics, Universität Bremen, pp. 38-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Rügge, I.
Research Report 2007/08 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2008)1, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.; Herzog, O.
Cooperation in Autonomous Logistics: Team Formation Based on Concept, Location, and Time
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 45-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Stoll, C.; Delhoum, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Knowledge Management in Food Supply Chains
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 52-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Vo, Q. S.; Görg, C.
Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Harbor Logistics
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 56-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Daschkovska, K.
Container Logistics Development in the Ports Subject to the New Technologies
In: Sudochodstvo, 9(2006) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Contributions to Conferences (non reviewed)


Bernardo Pinto, M.; Lima, R. S.
Planejamento e Implantação de um Programa de Coleta Seletiva: Utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica na Elaboração das Rotas
In: Urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana. 2017, pp. 385-395 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Enkhtugs, S.; Gombokhurts, D.; Rügge, I.; Pannek, J.
Communication and Control of a Demonstrator of an Energy-Grid Prototype
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Sustainability and Green Technology. USB.. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
A Framework for Supply Chain Efficiency Evaluation of Mass Customized Automobiles
In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (eds.): International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Rügge, I.; Pannek, J.
On the Usage of Reconfigurable Machine Tools in Industrial Manufacturing Processes
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Sustainability and Green Technology. USB.. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)


Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Solving Physical Traveling Salesman Problems with Policy Adaptation
In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)


Rügge, I.
Logistik - Dynamisch + Multikulturell + Integrativ
In: Einfach Wissenswert Logistik. 2013, pp. 32-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Becker, M.; Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.
Deployment of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) for Machine-2-Machine Communication (or
In: Dash7 UAG Research Symposium. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Wiesner, S. A.; Zhao, H.; Seifert, M.
Understanding And Modelling Collaborative Bidding Processes
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP 2011). 2011, pp. 346-355 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.
Assessing the Integrated Scheduling of Manufacturing and Transportation Systems Along Global Supply Chains
In: 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). WCTR Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010, pp. 25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Makuschewitz, T.
A Conceptual View of the Cross-Cultural Management of Logistic and Production Systems
In: XXIV ANPET - Congresso de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes. 2010, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.
A MIP for the Integrated Production and Transportation Scheduling of an OEM
In: de Sinay, M. C. F.; Faé, M. I.; Canen, A. G. (eds.): Proceedings ICIL'2010, International Conference on Industrial Logistics. Logistics and Sustainability. ICIIL, 2010, pp. 163–171 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Teucke, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Coordination of a push-pull principle logistics network by optimizing material-pull; applying genetic algorithm
In: The 1st International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS), 2010. Pusan National University, Pusan, 2010, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Kumar, N.
A Review of Heuristic Approaches for Vehicle Routing and Production Scheduling
In: XXIV ANPET - Congresso de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes. 2010, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Silva, V. M. D.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Coelho, A. S.
Proposal of a system of collaborative transportation between manufactured export industries and maritime carriers using the concept of Autonomous Agents
In: XVI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (ICIEOM), 2010, São Carlos-São Paulo, Brasil.. Annals of the XVI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. 2010, [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.
Aspects on the Integration of Production and Transport Processes Along Global Supply Chains
In: Prudêncio Jacques, M. A.; de Morais Neto, G. C. (eds.): XXIII ANPET – Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes. 2009, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Babazadeh, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Empirical Issues of a new Environmental Parameters Modeling Technique Using Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Mastorakis, N. E.; Mladenov, V.; Bojkovic, Z.; Simian, D.; Kartalopoulos, S.; Varonides, A.; Udriste, C.; Kindler, E.; Narayanan, S.; Mauri, J. L.; Parsiani, H.; Man, K. L. (eds.): ICS'08. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS international conference on Systems. WSEAS, Stevens Point, WI, USA, 2008, pp. 296-301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Comparative study of the best estimators in a New Modeling Technique Using Wireless Sensor Networks
In: de la Maza, J. M. Z. S.; Espi, P. L. L. (eds.): SMO'08. 8th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization (SMO '08). WSEAS, Stevens Point, WI, USA, 2008, pp. 47-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Gottfried, B.
Spatiotemporal Cooperation at the Geographic Scale
In: Loos, B.; Micelli, V. (eds.): Interdisciplinary College (IK 2008). 2008, pp. 32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Sklorz, A.; Alamin Dow, A. B.; Mrugala, D.; Jedermann, R.; Benecke, W.; Lang, W.
In-situ Ethylen-Konzentrationsmesssysteme für die Qualitätsüberwachung in der Fruchtlogistik
In: 10. DFMRS-Fachtagung. Deutsche Forschungsvereinigung für Meß-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik e.V, 2008, pp. 50-71 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Computational Intelligence for Sensor Fault Detection and Isolation
In: Proceedings of CESSE 2007. 22nd International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Systems Science, and Engineering. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007, pp. 503-508 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Contributions to Collections (non reviewed)


Daschkovska, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Electronic Seals Contribution to the Efficiency of the Global Container System
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2011, pp. 16-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Luderer, M.; von Totth, C.
Communities of Autonomous Units: An Approach to Interactive Computation, Its Power and Limitations
In: Hülsmann, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K. (eds.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 113-129 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Liu, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.
A Robust Multiple Logistic Objectives-oriented Manufacturing Control (RMLOO)
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2011, pp. 25-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Feasibility of Autonomous Logistic Processes; Introduction of Learning Pallets
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2011, pp. 35-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Rohde, M.; Pfeffermann, N.; Echelmeyer, W.; Rasch, C.
The High-Tech Innovation “ParcelRobot”: Patent Strategy and Communication Tools
In: Hülsmann, M.; Pfeffermann, N. (eds.): Strategies and Communications for Innovations. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011, pp. 379-395 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Kuske, S.; Luderer, M.; Tönnies, H.
Autonomous units for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem based on ant colony optimization
In: Drewes, F.; Habel, A.; Hoffmann, B.; Plump, D. (eds.): Manipulation of Graphs, Algebras and Pictures. 2009, pp. 223-246 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)


Daschkovska, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Electronic Seals for Efficient Container Logistics
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2008, pp. 15-18. [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Bridging Distant Contexts
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2008, pp. 22-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Liu, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Modelling Dynamic Production Systems with a Special Focus on Dynamic Bottlenecks
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2008, pp. 36-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Pfeffermann, N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hülsmann, M.
Framing Innovations to Grasp Stakeholders’ Attention: A Dynamic Capability-based Conception of Innovation Communication
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2008, pp. 40-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Zschintzsch, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Adaptive Production and Inventory Control in Supply Chains for Transient Demand
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report. 2008, pp. 62-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Hülsmann, M.; Grapp, J.; Li, Y.; Wycisk, C.
Self-Organization in Management Science
In: Hülsmann, M.; Windt, K. (eds.): Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2007, pp. 169-192 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, IGS)

Hülsmann, M.; Wycisk, C.; Agarwal, R.; Grapp, J.
Prologue to Autonomous Cooperation - the Idea of Self-Organisation as its Basic Concepts
In: Hülsmann, M.; Windt, K. (eds.): Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. 2007, pp. 23-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, IGS)

Technical Reports (non reviewed)


Becker, M.; Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.
Scenarios for CoAP on non-UDP Transports, Internet Draft draft-becker-core-coap-transport-scenarios-00
2013 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Becker, M.; Kuladinithi, K.; Pötsch, T.
Transport of CoAP over SMS, USSD and GPRS. Internet-Draft: draft-becker-core-coap-sms-gprs-02
2012 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.
Energy requirements of intelligent algorithms on wireless platforms
University Bremen, Bremen, 2010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Berndt, J. O.
World-State Propagation. Ein Kalkül zur Verknüpfung von Intervallen zwischen Weltzuständen
Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI), Bremen, Germany, 2008 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Becker, M.; Yuan, S.
Report Sensor Test at Dole Hamburg / Stelle, October and November 2008, Part I Temperature and Humidity measurements
University Bremen, Bremen, 2008 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Becker, M.; Yuan, S.; Chen, L.
Report Sensor Test at Dole Hamburg / Stelle October and November 2008, Part II Radio signal Attenuation by bananas
University Bremen, Bremen, 2008 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Yuan, S.; Jedermann, R.; Becker, M.; Chen, L.
Report of WSN Test in Antwerp July 2008
University Bremen, Bremen, 2008 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)


Schuldt, A.
Management of International Logistic Processes: A Case Study at Tchibo
Technologie-Zentrum Informatik, Bremen, Germany, 2006 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)