Contributions to Conferences

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The publisher who published this publication is now suspected of being a predatory publisher. The contribution was made on the basis of a third-party-funded research project. It is part of the final project report, which was examined by anonymous reviewers. They did not criticize the publication.

Contributions to Conferences (reviewed)


Ait Alla, A.; Broda, E.; Teucke, M.; Steinbacher, L. M.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-based Analysis of Hydrogen Refuelling Station to Support Future Hydrogen Trucks and Technological Advances
In: Lam, H.; Azar, E.; Batur, D.; Gao, S.; Xie, W.; Hunter, S. R.; Rossetti, M. D. (eds.): Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference 2024. IEEE, New York, USA, 2024, pp. 242-251 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Broda, E.; Takeda-Berger, S.; Agostino, I.; Frazzon, E. M.; Freitag, M.
A data-driven adaptive approach for integrated inventory, production and maintenance control
In: Schlund, S.; Ansari, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proc. of 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2024 Vienna, Austria, August 28-30, 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 881-886 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Engbers, H.; Schweers, D.; Freitag, M.
Unsupervised Model Selection for Assembly Process Optimization
In: Procedia CIRP. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Demir, M.; Freitag, M.
Implementation of Life Cycle Assessment into the Customization Process of Aircraft Cabins
In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Air Transport – INAIR 2024, Challenging the Status Quo in Aviation. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Air Transport – INAIR 2024, Challenging the Status Quo in Aviation. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 25-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leder, R.; Rohde, A.-K.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Framework for Designing Quality-Centered Assistance Systems for the Smart Factory
In: Erkoyuncu, J. A.; Farsi, M.; Addepalli, P. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proc. of 34th CIRP Design Conference. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 381-386 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leder, R.; Zeitler, W.; Stern, H.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Mobile Outdoor AR Assistance Systems - Insights from a Practical Application
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2024). Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 442-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leohold, S.; Freitag, M.
Adaptive ensemble learning for machine tool prognostics from meta-feature-based context information
In: Arena, S.; Roda, I.; Voisin, A.; Parlikad, A. K.; Emmanouilidis, C. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 6th IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology AMEST 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 252-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Niermann, D.; Keiser, D.; Freitag, M.
Towards a Novel System for Creating Assembly Instructions through Demonstration
In: Procedia CIRP (2024). Proc. of CIRP CMS 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 1182-1187 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Panter, L.; Leder, R.; Keiser, D.; Freitag, M.
Requirements for Human-Machine-Interaction Applications in Production and Logistics within Industry 5.0 – A Case Study Approach
In: Procedia Computer Science 232C. 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 1164-1171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pupkes, B.; Schukraft, S.; Trapp, M.; Leder, R.; Freitag, M.
Framework for the development of small multimodal inland waterway ports for a new decentralized inland port network
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2024). Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 198-207 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-Based CO2e Footprint Analysis of Electric Trucks in the Animal Feed Distribution
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2024). Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 337-347 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schweers, D.; Börold, A.; Freitag, M.
Development of a morphology to support the conception of cognitive assistance systems for quality assurance in product audits
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ‘23). Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 957-962 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Teucke, M.; Oelker, S.; Broda, E.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Literature Review-Based Synthesis of a Framework for evaluating Transformation of Hydrogen-based Logistics
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference LDIC 2024, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 322-336 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Diedrich, R.; Freitag, M.
Cognitive Assistance Systems in Intralogistics: A User Study on the Effects of Varying Levels of Customization
In: Schlund, S.; Ansari, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 58(2024)19. Proc. of 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 1102-1107 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vur, B.; Jathe, N.; Boger, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
A Portable Localization System for Dynamic AGV Positioning in Indoor Warehouses
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logsitics (LDIC 2024). Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 293-305 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IAI)

Vur, B.; Petzoldt, C.; Freitag, M.
Comparison of Safety Mechanisms for Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly using a Top-View RGB-D Camera System
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D.; Caggiano, A.; Simeone, A. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 126 (2024). 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ‘23). Elsevier, Naples, 2024, pp. 152-157 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Freitag, M.
Operator Role Classification in Human-Automation Interaction: A Systematic Review
In: Schlund, S.; Ansari, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 1276–1281 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Niermann, D.; Keiser, D.; Freitag, M.
Towards Holistic Interoperability of Cyber-Physical Production Systems within RAMI 4.0
In: Longo, F.; Shen, W.; Padovano, A. (eds.): Procedia Computer Science 232C. 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2023). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 946-955 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Tibo, V.; Freitag, M.
Beyond Supervision: Reviewing Operator Types and their Requirements in the Context of Human-Automation Interaction
In: Putnik, G. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proc. of CIRP CMS 2024. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 510-515 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Abels, A.; Pitschmann, E.; Schmand, D.
Prophet Inequalities over Time
In: 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Aikenov, T.; Hidayat, R.; Wicaksono, H.
Power Consumption and Process Cost Prediction of Customized Products Using Explainable AI: A Case in the Steel Industry
In: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, pp. 1183-1193 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Ait Alla, A.; Kreutz, M.; Theß, M.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Deploying a self-learning AI methodology to trigger battery-powered stock-level sensors of an eKanban system
In: Mpofu, K.; Sacks, N.; Damm, O. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 120(2023). Proc. of CIRP CMS 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2023, pp. 207-212 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Almais, A. T. W.; Susilo, A.; Naba, A.; Sarosa, M.; Crysdian, C.; Basid, P. M. N.; Wicaksono, H.
SASSD: A Smart Assessment System For Sector Damage Post-Natural Disaster Using Artificial Neural Networks
In: 2023 2nd International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE). 2023, pp. 96-101 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Angreani, L. S.; Vijaya, A.; Wicaksono, H.
Evaluating the Interrelationships of Driving Factors of Industry 4.0 Maturity Models in Developing Countries Using Fuzzy DEMATEL
In: In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 2023, pp. 1662-1666 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Angreani, L. S.; Vijaya, A.; Wicaksono, H.
Identifying Essential Driving Factors of Industry 4.0 Maturity Models Using Fuzzy MCDM Methods
In: Procedia CIRP. 2023, pp. 1582-1587 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Beibit, R.; Fatahi Valilai, O.; Wicaksono, H.
Estimating the COVID-19 Impact on the Semiconductor Shortage in the European Automotive Industry using Supervised Machine Learning
In: Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications. 2023, pp. 302-308 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Bergonzani, I.; Popescu, M.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
Fast Dynamic Walking with RH5 Humanoid Robot.
In: 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). IEEE, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Bhardwaj, D.
How do managers develop hierarchies for Global facility location country selection decisions?
In: WCTR 2023 - Transportation(C) Research Procedia. 2023, [BibTeX]

Bhardwaj, D.; Kinra, A.
Developing multilevel explanations for global facility location decisions – how firm-level micro competitive priorities match with country-level macro capabilities?
In: European Operations Management Association. 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Bhardwaj, D.; Kinra, A.
Understanding Decision-Makers' Challenges in Developing Hierarchies for Global Facility Location Country Selection Decisions.
In: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India (ORSI). 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Börold, A.; Schweers, D.; Freitag, M.
Towards Multimodal Information Systems for Assisting Humans in Production and Logistics Processes
In: Mpofu, K.; Sacks, N.; Damm, O. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proc. of CIRP CMS 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 1089-1094 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Boukheddimi, M.; Kumar, R.; Kumar, S.; Justin, C.; Kirchner, F.
Investigations into Exploiting the Full Capabilities of a Series-Parallel Hybrid Humanoid using Whole Body Trajectory Optimization.
In: 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Demir, O. E.; Colledani, M.; Teicher, U.; Achour, A. B.; Seidel, A.; Haenel, A.; Yemane, A. T.; Borzi, G. P.; Uhlenkamp, J.; Eberlein, S.
Vertically-Integrated Digital Twins for Manufacturing Value-Chains with Fast Changing Scenarios
In: Communications of the ECMS. Proceedings of the 37th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2023. European Council for Modelling and Simulation, Caserta, IT, 2023, pp. 435-441 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eberle, F.; Gupta, A.; Megow, N.; Moseley, B.; Zhou, R.
Configuration Balancing for Stochastic Requests
In: IPCO 2023 (eds.)2023, pp. 127-141 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Eberlein, S.; Freitag, M.
Pull control of material supply for low-volume assembly lines: a reorder point method for aerospace manufacturing
In: Mpofu, K.; Sacks, N.; Damm, O. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 120(2023). Proc. of CIRP CMS 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 1612-1617 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Erlebach, T.; de Lima, M.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Sorting and Hypergraph Orientation under Uncertainty with Predictions
2023, pp. 5577-5585. [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Fellows, M. R.; Grobler, M.; Megow, N.; Mouawad, A. E.; Ramamoorthi, V.; Rosamond, F. A.; Schmand, D.; Siebertz, S.
On Solution Discovery via Reconfiguration
In: Gal, K.; Nowé, A.; Nalepa, G. J.; Fairstein, R.; Rădulescu, R. (eds.): 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 30–October 4, 2023, Kraków, Poland – Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023). IOS Press, 2023, pp. 700-707 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: CSLog, ZeTem)

Garg, M.; Hommelsheim, F.; Megow, N.
Matching Augmentation via Simultaneous Contractions
2023, pp. 65:1-65:17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Groß, L.; Jenning Shala, L.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.; Lüth, C.
Analytic Estimation of Region of Attraction of an LQR Controller for Torque Limited Simple Pendulum.
In: In 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023, pp. 6.12.-9.12.2022 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Harnack, D.; Lüth, C.; Groß, L.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
Deriving Rewards for Reinforcement Learning from Symbolic Behaviour Descriptions of Bipedal Walking
In: 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). TBA., 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Hoffmann, T. G.; Praeger, U.; Mahajan, P.; Geyer, M.; Jedermann, R.; Linke, M.
Real-time monitoring of heat transfer in horticultural supply chain
In: Model-It VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bio-economy (ATB), Leibniz, 2023, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Hoppe, N.; Freitag, M.
Implementation and evaluation of an assistance software to support decision-making, design and simulation setup for automated guided vehicle systems
In: Ishii, H.; Ebihara, Y.; Imura, J.-i.; Yamakita, M. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 56(2023)2. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 10345-10350 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Intayoad, W.; Herzog, O.
Using SOM for Extracting Process Model Relations from Event Logs
In: In Proc. 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (DAMT) and 6th ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (NCON). 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IGS, TZI)

Jathe, N.; Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Development of a hybrid safety system based on a machine learning approach using thermal and rgb data
In: Theilliol, Prof. D. ; Korbicz, Prof. J; Kacprzyk, Prof. J. (eds.): Recent Developments in Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods for Advanced Control and Diagnosis. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland, 2023, pp. 273-282 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Javadi, M.; Harnack, D.; Stocco, P.; Kumar, S.; Vyas, S.; Pizzutilo, D.; Kirchner, F.
AcroMonk: A Minimalist Underactuated Brachiating Robot
In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. IEEE, 2023, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Jedermann, R.
Modelling for digital twin in horticulture: How to process live sensor data for real-time prediction
In: Model-It VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bio-economy (ATB), 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jonek, M.; Niermann, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Manns, M.; Freitag, M.
Automated analysis of assembly processes in human-robot collaboration: Research approaches and challenges
In: Mpofu, K.; Sacks, N.; Damm, O. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 120(2023). Proc. of CIRP CMS 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2023, pp. 1203-1208 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kapoor, Y.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Correction of Inconsistent Sensor Timing: Missing Samples and Clock Deviations
In: SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International. AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement, 2023, pp. 55-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Keiser, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Walura, V.; Leimbrink, S.; Freitag, M.
Concept and Integration of Knowledge Management in Assembly Assistance Systems
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 118. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 940-945 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Pupkes, B.; Freitag, M.
Passenger Expectations towards a Sustainable Aviation Industry
In: Transportation Research Procedia 75. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 189-197 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Deep Learning based monocular fill level detection for an eKanban system
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine 56(2023)2. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 10321-10326 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Krstevski, S.; Fatahi Valilai, O.; Wicaksono, H.
Integrating Real-Time Dynamic Electricity Price Forecast into Job Shop Production Scheduling Model with Multiple Machine Environments
In: Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications. 2023, pp. 98-106 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Kumar, S.; Mueller, A.; Wensing, P.; Kirchner, K.
Towards Continuous Time Finite Horizon LQR Control in SE(3)
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023 Workshop on Geometric Representations The Roles of Modern Screw Theory, Lie algebra, and Geometric Algebra in Robotics. IEEE, 2023, [BibTeX]

Kümpel, M.; Beetz, M.
ProductKG: A Product Knowledge Graph for User Assistance in Daily Activities
In: Toyoshima, F.; Katsumi, M.; Sanfilippo, E. (eds.): JOWO 2023 The Joint Ontology Workshops. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Lassota, A.; Lindermayr, A.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Minimalistic Predictions to Schedule Jobs with Online Precedence Constraints
2023, pp. 18563-18583 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Leder, R.; Jathe, N.; Gaede, J.; Rohde, A.-K.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Towards the Development of a Standard Elements Toolbox for the Digitalization of Work Instructions in Engineering Apprenticeships
In: Liu, A.; Kara, S. (eds.): Procedia CIRP Volume 119. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 722-727 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lindermayr, A.; Megow, N.; Rapp, M.
Speed-Oblivious Online Scheduling: Knowing (Precise) Speeds is not Necessary
2023, pp. 21312-21334 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Set Selection under Explorable Stochastic Uncertainty via Covering Techniques
In: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. 24th International Conference, IPCO 2023, Madison, WI, USA, June 21–23, 2023, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 319-333 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Mohammadian, N.; Raka, N. J.; Wanyonyi, M.; Uygun, Y.; Fatahi Valilai, O.
Using Social Media Analytics for Extracting Fashion Trends of Preowned Fashion Clothes
In: Sen, Z.; Uygun, Ö.; Erden, C. (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Manufacturing and Service System Informatics. Springer, Singapore, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Mohammadian, N.; Salman, S.; Uygun, Y.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
Embedding Perceptual Quality in Omnichannel’s Touchpoints in Product Development Lifecycle Management Using Data Analytics
In: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing. Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 999-1010 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Constructor University)

Niermann, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Freitag, M.
Intuitive and Flexible Process Control for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Case Study in a Large Logistics Enterprise
In: Mpofu, K.; Sacks, N.; Damm, O. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 120(2023). Proc. of CIRP CMS 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023, pp. 153-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pidikiti, V. S.; Vijaya, A.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.; Wicaksono, H.
An Ontology Model to Facilitate the Semantic Interoperability in Assessing the Circular Economy Performance of the Automotive Industry
In: Procedia CIRP. 2023, pp. 1351-1356 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Kreutz, M.; Freitag, M.
Challenges in Designing and Implementing Augmented Reality-Based Decision Support Systems for Intralogistics: A Multiple Case Study
In: Alfnes, E.; Romsdal, A.; Strandhagen, J. O.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures. Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 803-817 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Raza, A.; Wicaksono, H.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
Blockchain Technologies for Sustainable Last Mile Delivery: Investigating Customer Awareness and Tendency Using NFT Reward Mechanisms
In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 2023, pp. 0021-0026 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Reinhold, Y.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.; Wicaksono, H.
Will Industry 4.0 Applications Help in Designing Sustainable Forest Management? A Conceptual Framework of Connected Networks in Novel Sectors.
In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 2023, pp. 0918-0922 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Siekmann, F.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
A Social Data Approach to Resolving Paradoxes of Behavioral Visibility for Online Product Review Analytics in New Product Development.
In: Proc. of the 30th International EurOMA Conference 2023 - A Systems Lens on Operations.. 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, Chair of Logistics Management)

Soni, R.; Harnack, D.; Isermann, H.; Fushimi, S.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Torque Based Variable Height Hopping
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2023, pp. 7531-7538 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Sprodowski, T.; Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Freitag, M.
Dimension reduction for a multi-resource general assignment problem by decomposable costs for a vehicle compound
In: Ishii, H.; Ebihara, Y.; Imura, J.-i.; Yamakita, M. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnline. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2023, pp. 11148-11153 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Rode, J.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of optimisation techniques on the performance of an on-line MPC controller in an occupancy grid for autonomous mobile robots
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine 56(2023)2. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2023, pp. 11123-11128 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stark, F.; Vyas, S.; Schildbach, G.; Kirchner, F.
Linear Model Predictive Control for a planar free-floating platform: A comparison of binary input constraint formulations
In: 17th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation. ESA, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Stern, H.; Quandt, M.; Mensing, J.; Freitag, M.
Insights from the Practical Application of a Human-Centered Design Process for the Digitalization of Maintenance in Food Industry
In: Stephanidis, C.; Antona, M.; Ntoa, S.; Salvendy, G. (eds.): HCI International 2023 Posters. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, pp. 139--146 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sukaridhoto, S.; Prayudi, A.; Al Rasyid, M. U. H.; Wicaksono, H.
Internet of Things Platform as a Service for Building Digital Twins and Blockchain
In: Intelligent Systems Conference. Proceedings of the 2023 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3. Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 616-635 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Warmbier, P.
Comparative Analysis of Sustainability and Resilience in Operations and Supply Chain Management.
In: Alfnes, E.; Romsdal, A.; Strandhagen, J.O.; Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures.. Springer, Cham, 2023, [BibTeX]

Warmbier, P.; Kinra, A.; Ivanov, D.
Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience Under Uncertainty: Paradoxes and Responses.
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.. Academy of Management, 2023, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Wicaksono, H.; Nisa, M. U.; Vijaya, A.
Towards Intelligent and Trustable Digital Twin Asset Management Platform for Transportation Infrastructure Management Using Knowledge Graph and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 2023, pp. 0528-0532 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Freitag, M.
Requirements and concept development for a reconfigurable assembly system with individual and interchangeable modules
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 118. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 964-969 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Yuniaristanto, W. S.; Hisjam, M.; Wicaksono, H.
Electric Motorcycle Adoption Research: A Bibliometric Analysis Check for updates
In: Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and 4th International Manufacturing Engineering Conference. Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 131 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Yuniaristanto, Y.; Sutopo, W.; Hisjam, M.; Wicaksono, H.
Factors Influencing Electric Motorcycle Adoption: A Logit Model Analysis
In: E3S Web of Conferences 2023. EDP Sciences, 2023, pp. 02035 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Zeitler, W.; Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Web based maintenance work support by neural networks – Detection and wear estimation of components in wind energy turbines
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 118. 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 1126-1131 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Adjiashvili, D.; Hommelsheim, F.; Muehlenthaler, M.; Schaudt, O.
Fault-Tolerant Edge-Disjoint s-t Paths - Beyond Uniform Faults
In: SWAT 2022. 2022, pp. 1-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Berenbrink, P.; Hoefer, M.; Kaaser, D.; Lenzner, P.; Rau, M.; Schmand, D.
Asynchronous Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks
21st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems. Auckland, Neuseeland, 2022, pp. 109-117 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Bernardini, G.; Lindermayr, A.; Marchetti-Spaccamela, A.; Megow, N.; Stougie, L.; Sweering, M.
A Universal Error Measure for Input Predictions Applied to Online Graph Problems
In: NeurIPS 2022. 2022, pp. 1-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Bhardwaj, D.; Kinra, A.
The linkage between macro logistics capabilities and micro firm performance towards framework development for supply chain performance measurement
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 3-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Börold, A.; Broda, E.; Jathe, N.; Schweers, D.; Sprodowski, T.; Zeitler, W.; Freitag, M.
Technology review for guiding persons in airports and other hubs
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 462-473 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Boukheddimi, M.; Harnack, D.; Kumar, S.; Vyas, S.; Kirchner, F.
Robot Dance Generation with Music Based Trajectory Optimization
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2022, (IROS-2022). IEEE, Kyoto, Japan , 2022, pp. 3069-3076 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Boukheddimi, M.; Kumar, S.; Peters, H.; Mronga, D.; Budhiraja, R.; Kirchner, F.
Introducing RH5 Manus: A Powerful Humanoid Upper Body Design for Dynamic Movements
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (ICRA-2022). IEEE, 2022, pp. 8540-8546 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
Towards a priority rule to integrate maintenance operations into production schedules
In: Bernard, A.; Dolgui, A.; Benderbal, H. H.; Ivanov, D.; Lemoine, D.; Sgarbossa, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 10th IFAC conference on manufacturing modelling management and control (IFAC MIM2022). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 430-435 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eberle, F.; Lindermayr, A.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Schlöter, J.
Robustification of Online Graph Exploration Methods
In: AAAI 2022. 2022, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Eberlein, S.; Freitag, M.
A pull principle for the material supply of low-volume mixed-model assembly lines
In: Valente, A.; Carpanzano, E.; Boër, C. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Leading manufacturing systems transformation – Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 1385-1390 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Erlebach, T.; Santos de Lima, M.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty
In: ESA 2022. 2022, pp. 1-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Ganeshan, S.; Wicaksono, H.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
Enhancing Vendor Managed Inventory with the Application of Blockchain Technology
2022, pp. 182704-182719 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Groß, L.; Maywald, L.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.; Lüth, C.
Analytic Estimation of Region of Attraction of an LQR Controller for Torque Limited Simple Pendulum
In: 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (CDC-2022). IEEE, 2022, pp. 2695-2701 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Khaturia, R.; Wicaksono, H.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
SRP: A Sustainable Dynamic Ridesharing Platform Utilizing Blockchain Technology
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 301-313 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Kreutz, M.; Böttjer, A.; Trapp, M.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Towards individualized shoes: Deep learning-based fault detection for 3D printed footwear
In: Carpanzano, E.; Boër, C.; Valente, A. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Leading manufacturing systems transformation – Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2022, pp. 196-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kumar, R.; Kumar, S.; Mueller, A.; Kirchner, F.
Modular and Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach - A Case Study on Improving Computational Efficiency for Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
In: 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (IROS-2022). IEEE, 2022, pp. 3476-3483 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Leder, R.; Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Towards design guidance for the digitalisation of work instructions by focusing on technological possibilities and industrial requirements
In: Anwer, N. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 32nd CIRP Design Conference (CIRP Design 2022) - Design in a changing world. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 466-471 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lindermayr, A.; Megow, N.
Permutation Predictions for Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling
In: SPAA 2022. 2022, pp. 1-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Lindermayr, A.; Megow, N.; Simon, B.
Double Coverage with Machine-Learned Advice
In: ITCS 2022. 2022, pp. 1-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Lobo, C. R.; Wicaksono, H.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
Implementation of Blockchain Technology to Enhance Last Mile Delivery Models with Sustainability Perspectives
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2022, pp. 3304-3309 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Maywald, L.; Wiebe, F.; Kumar, S.; Javadi, M.; Kirchner, F.
Co-Optimization of Acrobot Design and Controller for Increased Certifiable Stability
In: Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), (IROS-2022). IEEE, 2022, pp. 2636-2641 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Mortensen Ernits, R.; Pupkes, B.; Keiser, D.; Reiß, M.; Freitag, M.
Inflight catering services – A comparison of central and decentral galleys inside the aircraft cabin, a concept-based approach
In: Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 65. Elsevier B.V, Bratislava, Slovenia, 2022, pp. 34-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mronga, D.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
Whole-Body Control of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (ICRA-2022). 2022, pp. 228-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Navendan, K.; Wicaksono, H.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.
Enhancement of Crowd Logistics Model in an E-Commerce Scenario Using Blockchain-Based Decentralized Application
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A. ; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 26-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Niermann, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Doernbach, T.; Isken, M.; Freitag, M.
Towards a Novel Software Framework for the Intuitive Generation of Process Flows for Multiple Robotic Systems
In: Carpanzano, E.; Boër, C.; Valente, A. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Leading manufacturing systems transformation – Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 137-142 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Rippel, D.; Freitag, M.
Simulative comparison of installation concepts for offshore wind farms
In: Chung, J. S. ; Buzin, I.; Kawai, H.; Liu, H.; Kubat, I.; Peng, B.-F.; Reza, A.; Sriram, V.; Ho Van, S.; Wan, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2022). ISOPE, Shanghai, China, 2022, pp. 368-372 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oosterwijk, T.; Schmand, D.; Schröder, M.
Bicriteria Nash Flows over Time
In: Hansen, Kristoffer Arnsfelt.; Liu, Tracy Xiao.; Malekian, Azarakhsh. (eds.)18th International Conference on Web and Internet Economics. Cham, Springer, New York, USA, 2022, pp. 368 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Plump, C.; Berger, B.; Drechsler, R.
Choosing the right technique for the right restriction - a domain-specific approach for enforcing search-space restrictions in evolutionary algorithms
In: Freitag, M. ; Kinra, A. ; Kotzab, H. ; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, 2022, pp. 349-359 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Priyandari, Y.; Sutopo, W.; Fahma, F.; Nizam, M.; Wicaksono, H.
A Supply Chain Analytics for The Electric Motorcycle Business with Swappable Battery System – A Descriptive Analytics from the IoT Data
In: First Australian Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. 2022, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Zeitler, W.; Freitag, M.
Human-Centered Design of Cognitive Assistance Systems for Industrial Work
In: Carpanzano, E.; Boër, C.; Valente, A. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Leading manufacturing systems transformation – Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 233-238 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-Based Order Management for the Animal Feed Industry
In: Feng, B.; Pedrielli, G.; Peng, Y; Shashaani, S.; Song, E.; Lee, L. H.; Lendermann, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, 2022, pp. 11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rohde, A.-K.; Pupkes, B.; Mortensen Ernits, R.; Keiser, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Challenges and Approaches of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions for Airport Operations During Pandemic Situations
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 52-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rolfs, L.; Erben, R. K.; Chierego, L.; Hoell, A.; Freitag, M.
Evaluierung der Lokalisierung von FTF durch robotergestützte RFID-Tests für einen Betrieb in unterschiedlichen Sicherheitsbereichen
In: Logistics Journal. Tagungsband zum 18. Fachkolloquium Logistik. 2022, pp. 79-86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Siekmann, F.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
Data Quality in Social Media Analytics for Operations and Supply Chain Performance Management
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 104-116 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, Chair of Logistics Management)

Silva, M. J. d.; Braghirolli, L. F.; Broda, E.; Engbers, H.; Frazzon, E. M.; Pereira, C. E.
An ontological approach for modelling evolutionary knowledge of prognostic method selection
In: Cohen, Y. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS 2022. Elseiver, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 181-186 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Freitag, M.
Balance efficient shuttle routing and fast order execution on a vehicle compound
In: Bernard, A.; Dolgui, A.; Benderbal, H. H.; Ivanov, D.; Lemoine, D.; Sgarbossa, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proc. of IFAC MIM 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 61-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Ait Alla, A.; Rippel, D.; Düe, T.; Freitag, M.
Modelling Framework for Reinforcement Learning based Scheduling Applications
In: Bernard, A.; Dolgui, A.; Benderbal, H. H.; Ivanov, D.; Lemoine, D.; Sgarbossa, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 10th IFAC conference on manufacturing modelling management and control (IFAC MIM2022). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 67-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Human-Centered Design of Hybrid Cyber-Physical Production Systems - Use of Human Autonomy Teaming as a Future Way of Working
In: Plapper, P. (eds.): Digitization of the work environment for sustainable production. GITO Verlag, Berlin, 2022, pp. 97-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teucke, M.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
An inter-organizational digital platform for efficient container transportation
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 290-300 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Trapp, M.; Kreutz, M.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Improving Sustainability of Footwear Production through 3D Printing of Shoes
In: Plapper, P. (eds.): Digitization of the work environment for sustainable production. GITO Verlag, Berlin, 2022, pp. 1-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Steinbacher, L.; Freitag, M.
Using Supervised Learning to Predict Process Steps for Process Planning of Third-Party Logistics
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 423–434 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Warmbier, P.; Kinra, A.
Identifying Common Elements Within Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainability -An Exploratory Study Based on Bibliographic Analysis
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022). Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 65-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Warmbier, P.; Kinra, A.; Ivanov, D.
Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience - Relationship and Congruent Capability Analysis based on Paradox Theory
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine2. Elsevier Ltd, Nantes, France, 2022, pp. 311-316 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Wiebe, F.; Vyas, S.; Maywald, L.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
RealAIGym: Education and Research Platform for Studying Athletic Intelligence
In: Brian Plancher; Dylan Shell ; Kris Hauser ; Shuran Song ; Katja Mombaur (eds.): Mind the Gap: Opportunities and Challenges in the Transition Between Research and Industry, (RSS-2022). Robotics Science and Systems, 2022, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Yuniaristanto; Sutopo, W.; Hisjam, M.; Wicaksono, H.
A Framework for Integrating The Product-Consumer Adoption Model of Electric Motorcycle: Preliminary Research
2022, pp. 84-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Zander, B.; Lange, K.; Haasis, H.-D.
Managing Interfaces between Smart Factories and Digital Supply Chains
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2022, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)


Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Energy Transparency in Compound Feed Production
In: Dolgui, A.; Bernard, A.; Lemoine, D.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS);. Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 496-503 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Antoniadis, A.; Capretto, M.; Chalermsook, P.; Damerius, C.; Kling, P.; Nölke, L.; Obscura Acosta, N.; Spoerhase, J.
On Minimum Generalized Manhattan Connections
In: WADS 2021. 2021, pp. 85-100 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Bampis, E.; Dürr, D.; Erlebach, T.; de Lima, M. S.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Orienting (Hyper)graphs Under Explorable Stochastic Uncertainty
In: ESA 2021. 2021, pp. 10:1-10:18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Böhm, M.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Throughput Scheduling with Equal Additive Laxity
In: CIAC 2021. 2021, pp. 130-143 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Brusset, X.; Davari, M.; Kinra, A.; La Torre, D.
Modelling COVID-19 Ripple Effect and Global Supply Chain Productivity Impacts Using a Reaction Diffusion Time-Space SIS Model
In: Advances in Production Management Systems, Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. Springer, 2021, pp. 3-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Cen, M.; de Rijk, T.; Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Lang, W.
Carbon Nanotubes/Polymer Films for Microsensors Applications
In: Proc. 2021 IEEE Sensors. 2021, pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Eberle, F.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Schewior, K.; Simon, B.
Speed-Robust Scheduling
In: IPCO 2021. 2021, pp. 283-296 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Simon, B.; Wiese, A.
Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Knapsack Problems with Polylogarithmic Update Time
In: FSTTCS 2021. 2021, pp. 18:1-18:17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Eberlein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-Based Design of a Pull Material Supply System for Low Volume Unpaced Assembly Lines: a Case Study in the Aerospace Industry
In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). IEEE, New York, USA, 2021, pp. 853-857 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Engbers, H.; Braghirolli, L. F.; Leohold, S.; Triska, Y.; Frazzon, E. M.; Freitag, M.
Conceptional Model for Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning with Automated Prognostic Method Selection
In: Monostori, L.; Szaller, A.; Kádár, B. (eds.): IFAC PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 635-640 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hoefer, M.; Schewior, K.; Schmand, D.
Stochastic Probing with Increasing Precision
In: IJCAI 2021. 2021, pp. 4069-4075 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.
Application of Multiagent System and Tabu Search for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
In: ICAART 2021. 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2021, pp. 160-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Pinto, J. D.; Herzog, O.
A Dynamic Scheduling Multiagent System for Truck Dispatching in Open-Pit Mines
In: A. P. Rocha; et al. (eds.): ICAART 2020. LNAI 12613. 2021, pp. 132-148 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Knoke, B.; Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Virtual Reality Training Applications in Industry - Towards a User-friendly Application Design
In: Sihn, W.; Schlund, S. (eds.): Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2021, pp. 57-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Lye, A.
A Case Study on the Graph-transformational Modeling and Analysis of Puzzles
In: Gaducci, F.; Kehrer, T. (eds.): Proc. 14th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2021). 2021, pp. 203-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Autonomous, low-cost sensor module for fill level measurement for a self-learning electronic Kanban system
In: Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.; Szaller, A. (eds.): IFAC PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 623-628 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Varasteh, K.; Ohlendorf, J.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Convolutional neural network with dual inputs for time series ice prediction on rotor blades of wind turbines
In: Mourtzis, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, NL, 2021, pp. 446-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Leder, R.; Laudan, M.
Comparing a VR Ship Simulator Using an HMD With a Commercial Ship Handling Simulator in a CAVE Setup
In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2021). 2021, pp. 8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leohold, S.; Engbers, H.; Freitag, M.
Prognostic Methods for Predictive Maintenance: A generalized Topology
In: Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.; Szaller, A. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 629-634 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Luttermann, S.; Buschmann, C.; Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Tiggemann, J.; Trapp, M.; Weßling, M.
What is the Right Home Delivery Option for Your Online Shopping?
In: Buscher, U.; Lasch, R.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2021, Dresden, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2021, pp. 137-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Chair of Logistics Management)

Luttermann, S.; Kotzab, H.; Trapp, M.; Freitag, M.
Last mile logistics options for individual food deliver under sustainable aspects
In: Brusset, X.; Frasquet, M.; Teller, C.; Kotzab, H. (eds.): Colloquium on European Research in Retailing. 2021, pp. 67-73 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, BIBA)

Lye, A.
Transformations of Reaction Systems over Categories by means of Epi-Mono Factorization and Functors
In: Gaducci, F.; Kehrer, T. (eds.): Proc. 14th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2021). 2021, pp. 40-59 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Lye, A.
Deciding Non-Emptiness of Hypergraph Languages Generated by Connection-preserving Fusion Grammars is NP-complete
In: Leporati, A.; Martin-Vide, C.; Shapira, D.; Zandron, C. (eds.): Proceedings 15th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2021). 2021, pp. 97-108 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Mrutzek, B.; Kühling, S.; Hüseyinoğlu, I. Ö. Y.; Kotzab, H.
Omni-Channel Retailing – Resources and Capabilities of SME Specialty Retailers in Germany
In: Brusset, X.; Frasquet, M.; Teller, C.; Kotzab, H. (eds.): Colloquium on European Research in Retailing. 2021, pp. 241-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Mrutzek, B.; Leitschuh, D.; Kotzab, H.
Customer Perspective of Omni-Channel Retailing in the German Specialty Retailing Sector of Marine Aquaristics
In: Brusset, X.; Frasquet, M.; Teller, C.; Kotzab, H. (eds.): Colloquium on European Research in Retailing. 2021, pp. 223-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Peng, S.; Rippel, D.; Becker, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.
Scheduling of Offshore Wind Farm Installation using Simulated Annealing
In: Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.; Szaller, A. (eds.): IFAC PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 325-330 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
A Cascading Online-Simulation Framework to Optimize Installation Cycles for Offshore Wind Farms
In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, 2021, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
Demand-Driven Resupply of Offshore Components by Cascading Simulation and Linear Optimization
In: Franke, J.; Schuderer, P. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2021, pp. 217-226 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Fischer, J.
Ensuring sustainable logistics processes and systems by common pool resources
In: Bajor, I.; Vidovic, A. (eds.): The science and development of Transport. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2021, pp. 161-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Stachowiak, J.; Kotzab, H.; Fischer, J.
Key aspects of digitalization in stabilizing supply chains in the case of unexpected disruptive events
In: Dujak, D. (eds.): Business Logistics in Modern Management. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Osijek, 2021, pp. 3-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Stern, H.; Leder, R.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Human-Centered Development and Evaluation of an AR-Assistance System to Support Maintenance and Service Operations at LNG Ship Valves
In: Sihn, W.; Schlund, S. (eds.): Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2021, pp. 272-294 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Kreuzer, P.; Petzoldt, C.; Rolfs, L.; Freitag, M.
Method for the Evaluation of An Autonomous Handling System For Improving the Process Efficiency of Container Unloading
In: Schmidt, T.; Furmans, K.; Freitag, M.; Hellingrath, B.; de Koster, R.; Lange, A. (eds.): 2021 International Scientific Symposium on Logistics. Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V, Bremen, 2021, pp. 13-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zander, B.; Lange, K.; Haasis, H.-D.
Designing the Data Supply Chain of a Smart Construction Factory
In: Kersten, W.; Ringle, C. M.; Blecker, T. (eds.): Adapting to the Future. 2021, pp. 41-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)


Antoniadis, A.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.; Skutella, M.; Stougie, L.
Online Metric Algorithms with Untrusted Predictions
In: ICML Conference. 2020, pp. 345-355 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Arango Castellanos, J.; Staar, B.; Maqsood Baig, A.; Freitag, M.
Quality control of apples by means of convolutional neural networks - Comparison of bruise detection by color images and near-infrared images
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. M. (eds.): Procedia CIRP, Vol. 99. Elsevier, 2020, pp. 290-294 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.
Demand for special vessels for the decommissioning of offshore wind turbines in the German North Sea - A simulation study
In: Chung, J. S. ; Akselsen, O. M.; Jin, H.; Kawai. H.; Lee, Y.; Matskevitch, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2020). ISOPE, Shanghai, China, 2020, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Böhm, M.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Simon, B.
Computing a Minimum-Cost k-hop Steiner Tree in Tree-Like Metrics
In: Proc. of the 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. 2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Börold, A.; Teucke, M.; Rust, A.; Freitag, M.
Deep Learning-based Object Recognition for Counting Car Components to Support Handling and Packing Processes in Automotive Supply Chains
In: Findeisen, R.; Hirche, S.; Janschek, K.; Mönnigmann, M. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(2020)2. Proc. of 21st IFAC World Congress 2020. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 10645-10650 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Börold, A.; Teucke, M.; Rust, J.; Freitag, M.
Recognition of car parts in automotive supply chains by combining synthetically generated training data with classical and deep learning based image processing
In: Ehmann, K. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 53nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, NL, 2020, pp. 377-382 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brinker, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
The impact of an asymmetric allocation of power on the digitalization strategy of port logistics
In: Jahn, C. ; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C.M. (eds.): Data science in maritime and city logistics. Berlin, 2020, pp. 457-484 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Numerical Study on Evaluation of Market Dynamics in Supplier Development
2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Deng, Q.; Wellsandt, S.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards Understanding the role of Product Usage Information in Product Design Improvement
In: Product Lifecycle Management in the Digital Twin Era. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 369-378 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Desai, S.; Deng, Q.; Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Implementation of IoT-Based Product Tracking with Blockchain Integration for a B2B Platform
In: Digitalization through Digital Twins. Innovation in the Analysis and Management of Environmental and Physical Engineering Complex Systems. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2020, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duffie, N.; Freitag, M.
Frequency response analysis of inventory variation in production networks with information sharing
In: Gao, R.X.; Ehmann, K. (eds.): Procedia CIRP, Vol. 93. Proceedings of 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 765-770 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.
Optimally Handling Commitment Issues in Online Throughput Maximization
In: Proceedings of ESA 2020. 2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Egbert, L.; Quandt, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Freitag, M.
Mobile AR-Based Assistance Systems for Order Picking – Methodical Decision Support in the Early Phases of the Product Life Cycle
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Kreowski, H.-J. (eds.): Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 74-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Engbers, H.; Ait Alla, A.; Kreutz, M.; Freitag, M.
Applicability of Algorithm Evaluation Metrics for Predictive Maintenance in Production Systems
In: 2020 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt). IEEE, 2020, pp. 413-418 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Engbers, H.; Leohold, S.; Freitag, M.
Individual Predictive Maintenance Approach for Diesel Engines in Rail Vehicles
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 236-244 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Fagnon, V.; Kacem, I.; Lucarelli, G.; Simon, B.
Scheduling on Hybrid Platforms: Improved Approximability Window
In: LATIN Symposium. 2020, pp. 38-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Fibrianto, H. Y.; Kang, B.; Kim, B.; Marbach, A.; Buer, T.; Haasis, H.-D.; Hong, S.; Kim, K. W.
Simulation Study of a Storage Policy for a Container Terminal
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 62-69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interoperability of Logistics Artefacts in Industry 4.0-Driven IT Landscape
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management (S-BPM ONE). Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 167-176 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interoperable Access to Heterogeneous Test Knowledge
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). 2020, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Wilhelm, J.; Rolfs, L.; Mortensen Ernits, R.; Beinke, T.
Digitaler Zwilling zur Mensch-Technik-Interaktion
In: Freitag, M. (eds.): Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2020, pp. 153-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.
A Concept for a Consumer-Centered Sustainable Last Mile Logistics
2020, pp. 196-203 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Chair of Logistics Management)

Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.
A Concept for a Consumer-Centered Sustainable Last Mile Logistics
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 196-203 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Chair of Logistics Management)

Gerken, P.; Kotzab, H.; Unseld, H.
Resource Sharing as a Management Concept for Digital Logistics Terminals
2020, pp. 79-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Giefer, L.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Faghihabdolahi, M.; Freitag, M.
Orientation Detection of Fruits by means of Convolutional Neural Networks and Laser Line Projection for the Automation of Fruit Packing Systems
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. M. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 13th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 17-19 July 2019, Gulf of Naples, Italy. Elsevier, 2020, pp. 533-538 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hardi, E.; Veigt, M.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.; Freitag, M.
Monitoring of the vacuum infusion process by integrated RFID transponder
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Dekena, B.; Lang, W.; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 52. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 20-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hillebrand, M.; Greinert, M.; Dumitrescu, R.; Herzog, O.
Advanced Monkey Testing for connected Autonomous Systems
2020, pp. 163-168 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Schukraft, S.; Sprodowski, T.; Freitag, M.; Dunekacke, D.; Zeitler, V.; Görges, M.
Gestaltung von Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen für die Digitalisierung von Planungs- und Steuerungsprozessen auf Automobilterminals
In: Freitag, M. (eds.): Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2020, pp. 263-282 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Sprodowski, T.; Freitag, M.
Revisiting order assignment problems in a real-case vehicle compound scenario
In: 6TH IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology 2020. IEEE, 2020, pp. 395-400 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Icarte, G.; Berrios, P.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Herzog, O.
A Multiagent System for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 363-373 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.
An Agent-based System for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
Springer Heidelberg, 2020, pp. 73-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.; Herzog, O.
Process Discovery Method in Dynamic Manufacturing and Logistics Environments
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation. 12th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2020, Bremen, Germany, December 2-3, 2020, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 143-163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, TZI, IGS)

Keiser, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Konzept und Evaluierungsparameter für Gamification in der manuellen Montage
In: Freitag, M. (eds.): Digitaler Zwilling zur Mensch-Technik-Interaktion. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2020, pp. 215-235 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khan, A. M.; Shah, S. M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Freitag, M.
Influence of Supply Chain Management & Logistics in the Wake of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Domestic Industry in Pakistan
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 175-185 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Kotzab, H.; Bäumler, I.; Gerken, P.
Supply Chain Integration: A Bibliometric Analysis
2020, pp. 286-298 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.
Können Gemeinschaften autonomer Einheiten beim Modellieren digitaler Ökosysteme helfen?
In: Mayr, H.C. ; Rinderle-Ma, S. ; Strecker, S. (eds.): 40 Years EMISA. Lecture Notes in in Informatics. 2020, pp. 143-146 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Lye, A.
Context-sensitive Fusion Grammars are Universal
In: Leporati, A.; Martin-Vide, C.; Shapira, D.; Zandron, C. (eds.): Proc. 14th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2020). 2020, pp. 275-286 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Lye, A.
Graph Surfing in Reaction Systems from a Categorial Perspective
In: Hoffmann, B.; Minas, M. (eds.): Proc. 11th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Open Publishing Association, 2020, pp. 71-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Eisenstadt, A.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ice Detection on Rotor Blades of Wind Turbines using RGB Images and Convolutional Neural Networks
In: Procedia CIRP, Vol. 93. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 1292-1297 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Varasteh, K.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Investigation of icing causes on wind turbine rotor blades using machine learning models, minimalistic input data and a full-factorial design
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Dekena, B.; Lang, W.; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 52. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 168-173 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Luttermann, S.; Trapp, M.; Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.
Individualising Home Delivery of Groceries in a Sustainable Way - Developing a Methodological Approach
In: Frasquet, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR). Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, 2020, pp. 27-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Chair of Logistics Management)

Marchetti-Spaccamela, A.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.; Skutella, M.; Stougie, L.
On the Complexity of Conditional DAG Scheduling in Multiprocessor Systems
In: IPDPS. 2020, pp. 1061-1070 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Megow, N.; Nölke, L.
Online Minimum Cost Matching with Recourse on the Line
In: Proc. of the 23rd International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization. 2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Mrutzek, B.; Kotzab, H.; Galipoglu, E.
The Omnichannel Retailing Capabilities Wheel: Findings of the Literature
2020, pp. 204-214 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Nabati, E.; Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Application of Virtual Reality Technologies for Achieving Energy Efficient Manufacturing: Literature Analysis and Findings
In: Lalic, B.; Majstorovic, V.; Marjanovic, U.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, Part I. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 479-486 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Büsing, S.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulative approach for the optimization of logistic processes in offshore ports
In: Chung, J. S. ; Akselsen, O. M.; Jin, H.; Kawai. H.; Lee, Y.; Matskevitch, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2020). ISOPE, Shanghai, China, 2020, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Peng, S.; Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Becker, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.
Data-Based Simulation for Offshore Wind Farm Installation Scheduling Using Timed Petri Nets Approach
In: Proceedings of the 2020 Summer Simulation Conference. Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, 2020, pp. 56-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets)

Petljak, K.; Kotzab, H.
Sustainable Retail Supply Chain Management – A Bibliometric Viewpoint
2020, pp. 215-224 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Petzoldt, C.; Keiser, D.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Requirements for an incentive-based assistance system for manual assembly
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 541-553 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Keiser, D.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Functionalities and implementation of future informational assistance systems for manual assembly
In: Freitag, M.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 88-109 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Rolfs, L.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Control architecture for digital twin-based human-machine interaction in a novel container unloading system
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Dekena, B.; Lang, W.; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 52. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 215-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pires, M. C.; Frazzon, E. M.; Quadras, D.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-Based Optimization for the Integrated Control of Production and Logistics: A Performance Comparison
In: Findeisen, R.; Hirche, S.; Janschek, K.; Mönnigmann, M. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(2019)2. Proc. of 21st IFAC World Congress 2020. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 10639-10644 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
User-Centered Evaluation of an Augmented Reality-based Assistance System for Maintenance
In: Gao, Robert X.; Ehmann, K. (eds.): Procedia CIRP, Vol. 93. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 921-926 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Hippert, D.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
User-Centered Evaluation of the Learning Effects in the Use of a 3D Gesture Control for a Mobile Location-Based Augmented Reality Solution for Maintenance
In: Söbke, H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Wolf, M.; Wehking, F. (eds.): DELbA 2020 - Designing and Facilitating Educational Location-based Applications. Proceedings of DELbA 2020 - Workshop on Designing and Facilitating Educational Location-based Applications co-located with the Fifteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2020) - CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2685. CEUR, Heidelberg, 2020, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Grudpan, S.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Malaka, R.
Evaluation of Human-Computer-Interaction Design in Production and Logistics by Using Experimental Investigations
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 554-566 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Reich, J.; Wakolbinger, T.; Kinra, A.
Development of a Decision Support Model for Managing Supply Chain Design Problems in Global Service Supply Chains
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.D. ; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2020, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, Global Supply Chain Management)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
A Mixed-Integer Formulation to Optimize the Resupply of Components for the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms
In: Bae, K.-H.; Feng, B.; Kim, S.; Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Zheng, Z.; Roeder, T.; Thiesing, R. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, 2020, pp. 1420-1431 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Base-port Capacity Optimization for the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms
In: Proceedings of the 2020 Summer Simulation Conference. Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, 2020, pp. 32-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Peng, S.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
Model Transformation Framework for Scheduling Offshore Logistics
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics (Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), 30). Data-driven Solutions for Logistics and Sustainability. epubli, Berlin, 2020, pp. 521-552 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sander, A.; Haselsteiner, A. F.; Barat, K.; Janssen, M.; Oelker, S.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Relative motion during single blade installation: Measurements from the North Sea
In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASME Digital Collection, Florida, 2020, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Schindler, T.; Greulich, C.; Bode, D.; Schuldt, A.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards Intelligent Waterway Lock Control for Port Facility Optimisation
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 32-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, TZI, IGS)

Simon, B.; Falk, J.; Megow, N.; Teich, J.
Energy Minimization in DAG Scheduling on MPSoCs at Run-Time: Theory and Practice
In: NG-RES Workshop. 2020, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Somorowsky, C.; Haasis, H.-D.
Financing investments in a landlord port
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C.M. (eds.): Data science in maritime and city logistics. Berlin, 2020, pp. 409-440 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Specht, P.; Kotzab, H.; Arendt, F.
Uncertainty affecting seaport-hinterland coordination: the case of information on cargo availability
In: ICTS 2020, Maritime, Transport and Logistics Science. 2020, pp. 313-319 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Trapp, M.; Klockgether, K.; Freitag, M.
Development of an autonomous light control algorithm with a simulation model of a container terminal
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Dekena, B.; Lang, W.; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 52. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 221-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Quandt, M.; kleine Kamphake, J.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
User Interface Design für Augmented Reality-basierte Assistenzsysteme
In: Freitag, M. (eds.): Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.. GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2020, pp. 237-261 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sullivan, B. P.; Desai, S.; Sole, J.; Rossi, M.; Ramundo, L.; Terzi, S.
Maritime 4.0 – Opportunities in Digitalization and Advanced Manufacturing for Vessel Development
In: Longo, F.; Qiao, F.; Padavano, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 239-245 [BibTeX]

Takeda-Berger, S. L.; Frazzon, E. M.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
Machine Learning in Production Scheduling: An Overview of the Academic Literature
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 409-419 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Cen, M.; Hardi, E.; Lang, W.; Freitag, M.
Using RFID to monitor the curing of aramid fiber reinforced polymers
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 441-450 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS, IGS)

Wellsandt, S.; Foosherian, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interacting with a Digital Twin using Amazon Alexa
In: Procedia Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt). 2020, pp. 4-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Rusak, Z.; Arenas, S. R.; Aschenbrenner, D.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Concept of a Voice-Enabled Digital Assistant for Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). 2020, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Westphal, I.; Tietjen, T.; Schuldt, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Creating win-win-situations for data exchange – how to handle the trade-off between data security and benefits from artificial intelli-gence approaches
In: Proceedings of the Electronics Goes Green (EGG). Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2020, pp. 602-608 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Wiesner, S. A.; Behrens, L.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Business Model Development for a Dynamic Production Network Platform
In: Lalic, B.; Majstorovic, V.; Marjanovic, U.; von Cieminski, G.; Romero, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart and Digital Manufacturing, Part II. Springer International, Cham, 2020, pp. 749-757 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Improving Human-Machine Interaction with a Digital Twin: Adaptive Automation in Container Unloading
In: Freitag, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 527-540 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zander, B.; Lange, K.; Haasis, H.-D.
Impacts of a smart factory on procurement logistics
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C.M. (eds.): Data science and innovation in supply chain management. Berlin, 2020, pp. 459-485 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)


Ait Alla, A.; Kreutz, M.; Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-based Analysis of the Interaction of a Physical and a Digital Twin in a Cyber-Physical Production System
In: Ivanov, D.; Dolgui, A.; Yalaoui, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control (IFAC MIM) 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 1331-1336 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Alvela, Nieto, M. T.; Nabati, E.; Bode, D.; Redecker, M. A.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Enabling energy efficiency in manufacturing environments through deep learning approaches: Lessons learned
In: Ameri, F.; Stecke, K. E.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems, Part II. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 567-574 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Antoniu, S.; Andreea, S. I.; ; Michael, L.; Calderwood, J.; Arnab, S.; Beaufoy, J.
Story-Oriented Learning
In: Roceanu, I. (eds.): New technology and redesigning learning spaces. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE). Carol I NDU Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019, pp. 30-38 [BibTeX]

Ao, X.; Cao, B.; Herzog, O.; Wu, Z.
Sustainable Development Analyses for EU and Chinese Cities
In: Proc.25th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference. 25th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS). Nanjing University, Nanjing, 2019, pp. 636-649 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Börold, A.; Freitag, M.
Real-time environmental analysis for industrial vehicles based on synthetic sensor data and deep learning
In: Butala, P.; Govekar, E.; Vrabič, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 52th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 252-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bousdekis, A.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Mentzas, G.; Lewandowski, M.; von Stietencron, M.
A Unified Architecture for Proactive Maintenance in Manufacturing Enterprises
In: Popplewell, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Knothe, T.; Poler, R. (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability VIII. Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA). Springer Verlag, Cham, 2019, pp. 307-317 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Boyle, E.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Leith, M.; Sim, D.; Hummel, H.; Jandric, P.
Linking Learning Outcomes and Game Mechanics in the Early Stages of the RU EU? Project
In: Gentile, M. ; Allegra, M.; Söbke, H. (eds.): Games and Learning Alliance. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance (GALA). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 191-200 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Burow, K.; Franke, M.; Deng, Q.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Sustainable Data Management for Manufacturing
In: Co-creating our Future: Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2019, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Burow, K.; Franke, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
5G-Ready in the Industrial IoT-Environment - Requirements and Needs for IoT Applications Fom an Industrial Perspective
In: Ameri, F.; Stecke, K. E.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future, Part I. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 408-413 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chen, J. J.; Hahn, T.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; von der Brüggen, G.
Scheduling Self-Suspending Tasks: New and Old Results
In: ECRTS 2019. 2019, pp. 16:1-16:23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Chen, L.; Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.; Stein, C.
A General Framework for Handling Commitment in Online Throughput Maximization
In: IPCO 2019. 2019, pp. 141 - 154 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Dynamic Contract Extension Elements in Supplier Development
In: Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020. Springer Nature, 2019, pp. 341-350 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Deng, Q.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Gönül, S.; Kabak, Y.; Gessa, N.; Glachs, D.; Gigante, F.; Damjanovic-Behrendt, V.
An Ontology Framework for Multisided Platform Interoperability
In: Popplewell, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Knothe, T.; Poler, R. (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability VIII. Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability. Springer Verlag, Cham, 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Denhof, D.; Staar, B.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Automatic Optical Surface Inspection of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades using Convolutional Neural Networks
In: Butala, P.; Govekar, E.; Vrabič, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 52th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 1166-1170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Desai, S.; Deng, Q.; Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Architecture of IoT-based Product Tracking with Blockchain in Multi-Sided B2B Platform
In: Ameri, F.; Stecke, K. E.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future, Part I. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 458-465 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Future Scenarios of maritime Logistics and their Impact on Vocational Training
In: Co-creating our Future: Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). IEEE, 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Fedotova, A. V.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Application of Allens Temporal Logic to Ontological Modeling for Enterprise Interoperability
In: Popplewell, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Knothe, T.; Poler, R. (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability VIII. Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA). Springer Verlag, Cham, 2019, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Rasche, R.; Himmler, A.; Meyer, V. H.-W.
Interoperability of Test Procedures between Enterprises
In: Popplewell, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Knothe, T.; Poler, R. (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability VIII. Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability. Springer Verlag, Cham, 2019, pp. 177-188 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Görges, M.; Freitag, M.
Modeling Autonomously Controlled Automobile Terminal Processes
In: Ringle, C. M.; Kersten, W.; Jahn, C. (eds.): Digital Transformation in Maritime and City Logistics. Smart Solutions for Logistics. epubli, Berlin, 2019, pp. 185-214 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Grudpan, S.; Alexandrovsky, D.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Malaka, R.
Exploring the Effect of Game Premise in Cooperative Digital Board Games
In: Joint International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Serious Games. Springer, 2019, pp. 214-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Malaka, R.
Playful Training for Understanding Activities, Roles, and Stakeholder in Urban Logistics
In: Supply Chain Networks vs Platforms: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities. 24th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2019). 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Gutzeit, L.; Fabisch, F.; Petzoldt, C.; Wiese, H.; Kirchner, F.
Automated Robot Skill Learning from Demonstration for Various Robot Systems
In: KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 42nd German Conference on AI, Kassel, Germany, September 23–26, 2019, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 168-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DFKI)

Hald, K. S.; Kinra, A.
Methodological Development of a Textual Big Data Analytics Approach for Country Logistics Performance
In: Listou, T. (eds.)Supply Chain Designs and Sustainable Development of Societies. 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Coe, R. G.; Manuel, L.; Nguyen, P. T. T.; Martin, N.; Eckert-Gallup, A.
A benchmarking exercise on estimating extreme environmental conditions: Methodology & baseline results
In: Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 3: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Reisenhofer, R.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Design for extremes: A contour method for defining requirements based on multivariate extremes
In: Design Society. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 1433-1442 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Indoor Positioning in Car Parks by using Wi-Fi Round-Trip-Time to support Finished Vehicle Logistics on Port Terminals
In: Dolgui, A.; Ivanov, D.; Yalaoui, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control (IFAC MIM) 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 857-862 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Klein, P.; van der Vegte, W.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards an approach integrating various levels of data analytics to exploit product-usage information in product development
In: Design Society. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 2627-2636 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Literature Review on Training Simulators in Manufacturing Processes / Literaturanalyse zu Trainingssimulatoren in Fertigungsprozessen
In: Putz, M. ; Schlegel, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik. Tagungsband der 18. ASIM - Fachtagung. Wissenschaftliche Skripten Auerbach, 2019, pp. 223-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Transformation of Petri Nets into Context-Dependent Fusion Grammars
In: Martin-Vide, C.; Okhotin, A.; Shapira, D. (eds.): Language and Automata Theory and Applications - 13th International Conference, LATA 2019. Proceedings. Springer, 2019, pp. 246-258 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Relating DNA Computing and Splitting/Fusion Grammars
In: Guerra, E.; Orejas, F. (eds.): Graph Transformation. 12th International Conference, ICGT 2019, Held as Part of STAF 2019, Proceedings. Springer, 2019, pp. 159-174 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Varasteh, K.; Oelker, S.; Greulich, C.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Machine learning-based icing prediction on wind turbines
In: Butale, P.; Govekar, E. ; Vrabič, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 52th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 423-428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Evaluation of Control Approaches for Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems
In: Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control. 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Massoud, R.; Le, H.; Chini, P.; Saivasan, P.; Meyer, R.; Drechsler, R.
Temporal Tracing of On-Chip Signals using Timeprints
In: DAC '19: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019. 2019, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Massoud, R.; Le, H.; Drechsler, R.
Property-driven Timestamps Encoding for Timeprints-based Tracing and Monitoring
In: André, É.; Stoelinga, M. (eds.): Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems. Proceedings of 17th International Conference, FORMATS 2019. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 41-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Mortensen Ernits, R.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Rohde, M.
Automatic Unloading of Coffee Sacks out of Sea Containers - Special Pile Situations and Challenges for Gripping
In: Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics (MHCL 2019). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019, pp. 229-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Lewandowski, M.; Löffler, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation-Based Economic Evaluation of the Operational Phase of Offshore Wind Turbines
In: Chung, J. S. ; Akselsen, O. M.; Jin, H.; Kawai. H.; Lee, Y.; Matskevitch, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2019). ISOPE, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019, pp. 507-512 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Oliveri, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Belotti, F.; Berta, R.; De Gloria, A.
Designing an IoT-focused, Multiplayer Serious Game for Industry 4.0 Innovation
In: Co-creating our Future. Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2019, pp. 1-9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Papakostas, N.; Hargaden, V.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.
An Approach to Designing Supply Chain Networks Considering the Occurrence of Disruptive Events
In: Dolgui, A.; Ivanov, I.; Yalaoui, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control (IFAC MIM) 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 1761-1766 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pfau, J.; Porzel, R.; Pomarlan, M.; Cangalovic, V. S.; Grudpan, S.; Höffner, S.; Malaka, R.
Give MEANinGS to Robots with Kitchen Clash: A VR Human Computation Serious Game for World Knowledge Accumulation
In: Joint International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Serious Games. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 85-96 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Becker, M.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
A Review on the Planning Problem for the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms
In: Dolgui, A.; Ivanov, I.; Yalaoui, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control (IFAC MIM) 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 1337-1342 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
Simulation and Optimization of Operations for Offshore Installations Planning Using a Model Predictive Control Scheme
In: Mustafee, N.; Bae, K.-H.G.; Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Rabe, M.; Szabo, C.; Haas, P.; Son, Y.-J. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, USA, 2019, pp. 1719-1730 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Sczcerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
Integrated Domain Model for Operative Offshore Installation Planning
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Digital Transformation in Maritime and City Logistics. Smart Solutions for Logistics. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2019, pp. 25-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Servos, N.; Teucke, M.; Freitag, M.
Travel Time Prediction for Multimodal Freight Transports using Machine Learning
In: Kartnig, G.; Zrnic, N.; Bosnjak, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics (MHCL 2019). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019, pp. 223-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stefan, I. A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Gheorge, A. F.; Stefan, A.
Improving Learning Experiences Through Customizable Metagames
In: Gentile, M.; Allegra, M. ; Söbke, H. (eds.): Games and Learning Alliance. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance (GALA). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 418-421 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sullivan, B. P.; Desai, S.; Klein, P.; Rebull, J. S.; Rossi, M.; Ramundo, L.; Terzi, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Prospective Data-Oriented Framework for New Vessel Design
In: Co-creating our Future. Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2019, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uhlenkamp, J.-F.; Hribernik, K.; Wellsandt, S.;
Digital Twin Applications. A first systemization of their dimensions
In: Co-creating our Future. Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2019, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uriarte, C.; Asphandiar, A.; Thamer, H.; Benggolo, A.; Freitag, M.
Control strategies for small-scaled conveyor modules enabling highly flexible material flow systems
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. M. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 433-438 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Stietencron, M.; Desai, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Virtualisation of Sea Trials for Smart Prototype Testing
In: Ameri, F. ; Stecke, K. E. ; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems, Part II. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 365-371 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Sonntag, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Applicability of Agile Methods for Dynamic Requirements in Smart PSS Development
In: Ameri, F. ; Stecke, K. E. ; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future, Part I. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, pp. 666-673 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Staar, B.; von Freyberg, A.; Fischer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Bergmann, R. B.
Fast Quality Inspection of Micro Cold Formed Parts using Telecentric Digital Holographic Microscopy
In: 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology 2018 (ICNFT 2018). EDP Sciences, Paris, France, 2018, pp. 8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Asghar, U.; Lütjen, M.; Rohde, A.-K.; Lembke, J.; Freitag, M.
Wireless Pick-by-Light: Usability of LPWAN to achieve a flexibleWarehouse Logistics infrastructure
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 273-283 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Judd, N.; Stefan, I. A.; Stefan, A.
Perspectives on Accessibility in Digital Games
In: Clua, E.; Roque, L. ; Lugmayr, A.; Tuomi, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Springer International, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 402-406 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bande Firvida, M.; Thamer, H.; Uriarte, C.; Freitag, M.
Decentralized omnidirectional route planning and reservation for highly flexible material flow systems with small-scaled conveyor modules
In: IEEE International Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, US, 2018, pp. 685-692 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Ranking Parameters of a Memetic Algorithm for a Flexible Integrated Logistics Network
In: Michael Freitag; Herbert Kotzab; Jürgen Pannek (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 76-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Decommissioning of Offshore Wind Farms - A simulation-based study of economic aspects
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, LDIC, 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 216-222 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Enforcing Structural Robustness for Vehicle Routing Plans despite Stochastic Demands
In: Michael Freitag (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 389-394 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Biedermann, L.; Kotzab, H.; Pettit, T.
Theory Landscape and Research Perspectives in Current Supply Chain Resilience Research
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018. Springer, 2018, pp. pp. 26-33 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Brink, M.; Berkemeyer, F.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Dumstorff, G.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lang, W.
Challenges and Opportunities of RFID Sensortags Integration by Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Components Production
In: Dekena, B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. pp. 54-59 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS)

Brink, M.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Development of a Handling System with integrated Sensors for Textile Preforms using Additive Manufacturing
In: Dekena, B.; Thoben, K.-D. ; Trächtler, A. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. pp. 114-119 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Burow, K.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
First Steps for a 5G-Ready Service in Cloud Manufacturing
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Cattaneo, L.; Cerri, D.; Terzi, S.; Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Proposal of a Methodology for PSS Lifecycle-Oriented Design: Application in the Automotive Industry
In: Jardim-Goncalves, R.; Zarli, A.; Mendonca, J. P. ; Martins, J.; Pallot, M. ; Marques, M. (eds.): Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) & IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 865-871 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Approach for Surfacing Hidden Intentions and Trustworthiness in Logistics Resource Sharing Networks
In: Camarinha-Matos, L.; Afsarmanesh, H.; Rezgui ,Y. (eds.): Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE). Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 524-536 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pawar, K. S.
Learning in Ports with Serious Gaming
In: Jardim-Goncalves, R.; Zarli, A.; Mendonca, J. P.; Martins, J. ; Pallot, M.; Marques, M. (eds.): Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) & IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 431-438 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dürr, C.; Erlebach, T.; Megow, N.; Meißner, J.
Scheduling with Explorable Uncertainty
In: Proceedings of the 9th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS). 2018, pp. 30:1-30:14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Feng, X.; Li, J.; Pannek, J.; Villanueva, M. E.; Houska, B.
Ellipsoidal tube MPC of robots carrying glass plates
In: Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC2018. IEEE, New York, NY, USA, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Franke, M.; Desai, S.; Deng, Q.; Wellsandt, S.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Semantic Web: Ontological Search Approach
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Wiesner, S.
Smart Service Lifecycle Management: A Framework and Use Case
In: Moon, I. ; Lee, G.; Park, J.; Kiritsis, D. ; von Cieminski, G. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 97-104 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Gomez, J.; Jaccheri, L.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Entertainment Computing - A Key for Improving Inclusion and Reducing Gender Gap?
In: Clua, E.; Roque, L.; Lugmayr, A.; Tuomi, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Springer International, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 388-391 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gralla, P.; Piotrowska-Kurczewski, I.; Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Maaß, P.
Inverting Prediction Models in Micro Production for Process Design
In: Vollertsen, F.; Dean, T.A.; Qin, Y.; Yuan, S.J. (eds.): MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 190 (2018). EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex, 2018, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Challenges with tools and technologies supporting collaboration among stakeholders in urban logistics
In: Pawar, KS.; Potter, A.; Chan, C.; Pujawan, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2018). Big Data Enabled Supply Chain Innovations. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2018, pp. 404-412 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Awareness of the necessity of stakeholders involved in the mobility planning process in order to improve sustainable mobility
In: International Conference on Cascade Use and Circular Economy. 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Hardi, E.; Veigt, M.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.; Freitag, M.
Use of RFID tags for monitoring resin flow and investigation of their influence on the mechanical properties of the composite
In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 24. Elsevier B.V, 2018, 2018, pp. 305-310 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
A Micromachined, Membrane Based, Thermoelectric Flow Sensor for 2-Dimensional Measurement with High Angular Resolution
In: 2018 IEEE SENSORS. IEEE, 2018, pp. pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Oelker, S.; Ströer, L.; Thoben, K.-D.; De Ridder, E.; Wiedemann, K.; Lehmann, S.
Lifting Wind Turbine Components From a Floating Vessel: A Review on Current Solutions and Open Problems
In: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 1: Offshore Technology. ASME, 2018, pp. 16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Heuermann, A.; Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Service ideation and design for process innovations in future seaports
In: Jardim-Goncalves, R.; Zarli, A.; Mendonca, J. P.; Martins, J.; Pallot, M.; Marques, M. (eds.): Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) & IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 894-901 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heuermann, A.; Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Concept for Predictability and Adaptability in Maritime Container Supply Chains
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC). Springer International, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 243-249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hribernik, K.; Franke, M.; Klein, P.; Thoben, K.-D.; Coscia, E.
Towards a platform for integrating product usage information into innovative product-service design
In: Jardim-Goncalves, R.; Zarli, A.; Mendonca, J. P.; Martins, J. ; Pallot, M. ; Marques, M. (eds.): Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) & IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 1407-1413 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hribernik, K.; von Stietencron, M.; Bousdekis, A.; Bredehorst, B.; Mentzas, G.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards a Unified Predictive Maintenance System - A Use Case in Production Logistics in Aeronautics
In: Castelluccio, G. M. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 7th International Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. pp. 131-138 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khaliq, K. A.; Akbar, M. S.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Suitability of IEEE 802.11ac/n/p for Bandwidth Hungry and Infotainment Applications for Cities
In: Bi, Y.; Kapoor, S.; Bhatia, R. (eds.): Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2016. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 903-921 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Chughtai, O.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Emergency Response System for Disaster Management Using VANET
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 310-317 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Kotzab, H.; Darkow, I.-L.; Bäumler, I.; Georgi, C.; Luttermann, S.
Mapping Research on Logistics and Supply Chain Coordination, Cooperation and Collaboration
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H. ; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018. Springer, 2018, pp. pp. 10-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Splicing/Fusion Grammars and Their Relation to Hypergraph Grammars
In: Lambers, L.; Weber, J.H. (eds.): Graph Transformation. 11th International Conference, ICGT 2018, Held as Part of STAF 2018, Toulouse, France, June 25–26, 2018, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 3-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Rozenberg, G.
Graph Surfing by Reaction Systems
In: Lambers, L.; Weber, J.H. (eds.): Graph Transformation. 11th International Conference, ICGT 2018, Held as Part of STAF 2018, Toulouse, France, June 25–26, 2018, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 45-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kwon, E.; Pehlken, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Bazylak, A.; Shu, L. H.
Visual Similarity to Aid Alternative-Use Concept Generation for Retired Wind-Turbine Blades
In: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME). Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology. ASME Digital Collection, 2018, pp. pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leusin, M. E.; Kück, M.; Frazzon, E. M.; Uriona, M.; Freitag, M.
Potential of a Multi-Agent System Approach for Production Control in Smart Factories
In: Macchi, M.; Monostori, L.; Pinto, R. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM 2018. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 2405-8963 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Liu, P.; Chinges, U.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Capacity Control in Disturbed and Time-Delayed Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Breitenecker, F.; Kemmetmüller, W.; Körner, A.; Kugi, A.; Troch, I. (eds.): Proceedings of 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. Elsevier, 2018, pp. 807-812 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Operator-based Capacity Control of Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Schweiz, 2018, pp. 264-272 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A simulation study of feeder-based installation concepts for offshore wind farms
In: Chung, J. S. ; Hyun, B.-S.; Matskevitch, D.; Wang, A. M. (eds.): Proceedings of the 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2018). Engineering Index, EI Compendex, Scopus, Sapporo, Japan, 2018, pp. 578-583 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Pires, M. C.; Frazzon, E. M.; Danielli, A. M. C.; Kück, M.; Freitag, M.
Towards a simulation-based optimization approach to integrate supply chain planning and control
In: Procedia CIRP, Vol. 72(2018). 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 520-525 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Praeger, U.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D. A.; Scaar, H.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.
Airflow management in an apple CA storage room
In: FRUTIC Symposium 2018. 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Kölsch, C.
Requirements for an Augmented Reality-based Assistance System - Raising the safety level of mobile cranes
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, LDIC, 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 335-340 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Knoke, B.; Gorldt, C.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
General Requirements for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
In: Wang, L. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 1130-1135 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Rasche, R.; Himmler, A.; Franke, M.; Meyer, V. H.-W.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interfacing & Interchanging - Reusing Real-Time Tests for Safety-Critical Systems
In: Proceedings of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Enhancing Expert Knowledge Based Cause-Effect Networks Using Continuous Production Data
In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 24. 4th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 128-137 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Domain-Specific Modelling of Micro Manufacturing Processes for the Design of Alternative Process Chains
In: Juuso, E.; Dahlquist, E.; Leiviskä, K. (eds.): Proceedings of The 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2016, The 57th SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2016. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet, Linköping, Sweden, 2018, pp. 700 - 706 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Schattmann, C.; Jahn, M.; Lütjen, M.; Schmidt, A.
Application of Cause-Effect-Networks for the process planning in laser rod end melting
In: Vollertsen, F.; Dean, T.A.; Qin, Y.; Yuan, S.J. (eds.): MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 190 (2018). EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex, 2018, pp. 9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Theß, M.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Application of Online Learning for the Dynamic Configuration of Kanban Systems
In: Rabe, M.; Juan, A. A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, USA, 2018, pp. 3180-3192 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sagawa, J.; Freitag, M.
A Simulation Model for the Closed-Loop Control of a Multi-Workstation Production System
In: Juuso, E.; Dahlquist, E.; Leiviskä, K. (eds.): Proceedings of The 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2016, The 57th SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2016. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet, Linköping, Sweden, 2018, pp. 420-425 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schopka, K.; Kopfer, H.
Request Allocation in Dynamic Collaboration Transportation Planning Problems
In: Fink, A.; Fügenschuh, A.; Geiger, M. J. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2016. Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 329-336 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Sommerfeld, D.; Teucke, M.; Freitag, M.
Identification of Sensor Requirements for a Quality Data-based Risk Management in Multimodal Supply Chains
In: Wang, L. (eds.): Procedia CIRP, Vol. 72(2018). 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 563-568 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sommerfeld, D.; Teucke, M.; Freitag, M.
Effects of Sensor-Based Quality Data in Automotive Supply Chains - A Simulation Study
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 289-297 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Mayet, A. S.; Pannek, J.
Evaluation of the performance of heuristic algorithms in an intersection scenario
In: Michael Freitag; Herbert Kotzab; Jürgen Pannek (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 341-346 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Relaxed collision constraints based on interval superposition principle in a DMPC scheme
In: 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2018. IEEE, New York, USA, 2018, pp. 831-838 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Sagawa, J.; Pannek, J.
Frequency Based Model Predictive Control of a Manufacturing System
In: Breitenecker, F.; Kemmetmüller, W.; Körner, A.; Kugi, A.; Troch, I. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 801-806 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Zha, Y.; Pannek, J.
Interval Superposition Arithmetic Inspired Communication for Distributed Model Predictive Control
In: Michael Freitag; Herbert Kotzab; Jürgen Pannek (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 327-334 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Staar, B.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Anomaly detection with convolutional neural networks for industrial surface inspection
In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. M. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 484-489 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stefan, I. A.; Antoniu, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Ancuta Florentina, G.; Sylvester, A.; Loizou, M.; Luca, M.
Location based Metagames for Learning
In: eLearning challenges and new horizons. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE). Carol I NDU Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018, pp. pp. 234-241 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Becker, T.
Influence of work design elements on work performance and work perception - an experimental investigation
In: Wang, L. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. 51st Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 1233-1238 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Teucke, M.; Sommerfeld, D.; Freitag, M.
Sharing Sensor Based Quality Data in Automotive Supply Chain Processes
In: Macchi, M.; Monostori, L.; Pinto, R. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM 2018. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 770-775 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Börold, A.; Benggolo, A.; Freitag, M.
Artificial intelligence in warehouse automation for flexible material handling
In: Furmans, K.; Wimmer, T. (eds.): 9th International Scientific Symposium on Logistics. Understanding Future Logistics - Models, Applications, Insights. BVL, Bremen, 2018, pp. 143-149 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Jedermann, R.; Dimassi, A.; Lang, W.
Wireless Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors Used for Quality Control in Glass Fiber Composite Laminates
In: 2018 IEEE SENSORS. 2018, pp. pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Veigt, M.; Hardi, E.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.; Freitag, M.
Curing Transponder - Integrating RFID transponder into glass fiber-reinforced composites to monitor the curing of the component
In: Procedia Manufacturing 24(2018). Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 94-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wagner, D.; Becker, T.
Automated Generation of Material Flow Network Models with Cluster Structures Using Random Walks
In: Wang, L. (eds.): Proceedings of the 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 569-573 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Wellsandt, S.; Terzi, S.; Cerri, D.; Norden, C.; Ahlers, R.; Corti, D.; Thoben, K.-D.
Model-Supported Lifecycle Analysis: An approach for Product-Service Systems
In: Jardim-Goncalves, R.; Zarli, A.; Mendonca, J. P. ; Martins, J.; Pallot, M.; Marques, M. (eds.): Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) & IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). 2018, pp. pp. 858-864 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, P.
Information feedback in product development: Analysing practical cases
In: Marjanović, D.; Štorga, M.; Škec, S.; Bojčetić, N.; Pavković, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 15th International Design Conference. The Design Society, Glasgow, 2018, pp. pp. 1745-1756 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S.; Gaiardelli, P.; Gritti, P.; Oberti, G.
Maturity Models for Digitalization in Manufacturing - Applicability for SMEs
In: Moon, I.; Lee, G.; Park, J.; Kiritsis, D.; von Cieminski, G. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International, Cham, 2018, pp. pp. 81-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zaman, A.; Reisig, L.; Reinschluessel, A. V.; Bektas, H.; Weyhe, D.; Herrlich, M.; Döring, T.; Malaka, R.
An Interactive-Shoe For Surgeons: Hand-Free Interaction With Medical 2D Data
In: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zaman, A.; Stellmacher, C.; Xu, Z.; Marutschke, A.-V.; Prozel, R.
Step up the volume: Investigating the environmental effect on the range of possible foot-based interactions
IEEE, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Predictive Control of a Job Shop System with RMTs using Equilibrium Terminal Constraints
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H. ; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC 2018, Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 361-367 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.
Transportation Planning with different Forwarding Limitations
In: Fink, A.; Fügenschuh, A.; Geiger, M. J. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2016. Springer International Publishing, 2018, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Abed, F.; Chen, L.; Disser, Y.; Groß, M.; Megow, N.; Meißner, J.; Richter, A. T.; Rischke, R.
Scheduling Maintenance Jobs in Networks
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC). 2017, pp. 19-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Ait Alla, A.; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Study of New Installation Concepts of Offshore Wind Farms By Means Of Simulation Model
In: Jin S. Chung; M. S. Triantafyllou; I. Langen (eds.): Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE). Renewable Energy (Offshore Wind and Ocean) and Environment. ISOPE, Cupertino, California, USA, 2017, pp. 607-612 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Barenbrock, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Avatars as Motivational Factor in Simulation Games
In: Could technology support learning efficiency?. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE). Carol I NDU Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017, pp. 263-271 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stefan, I. A.; Stefan, A.
Exploring Pervasive Entertainment Games to Construct Learning Paths
In: Munekata, N.; Kunita, I.; Hoshino, J. (eds.): Entertainment Computing. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 196-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bálint-Benczédi, F.; Márton, Z.-C.; Durner, M.; Beetz, M.
Storing and Retrieving Perceptual Episodic Memories for Long-term Manipulation Tasks
In: In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Barbarino, S.; Klein, O.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Müller, R.; Rosa, C.; Sibomana, P.; Wunsch, A.
Simulation of Climatic Effects on Temperature-Controlled Containerized Cargo
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Digitalization in Maritime and Sustainable Logistics. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL). epubli, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ISL – Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik)

Bateman, J.; Beetz, M.; Beßler, D.; Bozcuoglu, K. A.; Pomarlan, M.
Heterogeneous Ontologies and Hybrid Reasoning for Service Robotics: The EASE Framework
In: Third Iberian Robotics Conference. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Bäumler, I.; Kotzab, H.
Intelligent Transport Systems for Road Freight Transport - An Overview
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 279-290 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Becker, T.; Intayoad, W.
Context Aware Process Mining in Logistics
In: Procedia CIRP. 2017, pp. 557-562 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Becker, T.; Lütjen, M.; Porzel, R.
Process Maintenance of Heterogeneous Logistic Systems - A Process Mining Approach
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 77-86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, BIBA, TZI)

Becker, T.; Stern, H.
A framework for the integration of human factors in cyber-physical production systems
In: Celani, G.; Kanoun, O. (eds.): Frontiers of Science and Technology. Selected extended Papers of the 7th Brazilian-German Conference, Campinas 2016 Brazil. De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 110-122 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.
The Fashion Trend Concept and Its Applicability to Fashion Markets and Supply Chains
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 163-172 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Fashion Supply Chains and Social Media: Examining potential relationships of social media text data and decision making processes in fashion supply chains
In: Bandinelli, R.; Rinaldi, R. (eds.): Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain. Proceedings of IT4Fashion 2016. Springer International Publishing, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Resource and Information Sharing for the Installation Process of the Offshore Wind Energy
In: Lödding, H.; Riedel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part II. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 268-275 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bozcuoglu, K. A.; Beetz, M.
A Cloud Service for Robotic Mental Simulations
In: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Brending, S.; Lawo, M.; Pannek, J.; Sprodowski, T.; Zeising, P.; Zimmermann, D.
Certifiable Software Architecture for Human Robot Collaboration in Industrial Production Environments
In: Dochain, D.; Henrion, D.; Peaucelle, D. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 20th IFAC World Congress. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 1983-1990 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, DIL)

Cerinsek, G.; Oliveria, M. F.; Duin, H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Margoudi, M.; Perini, S.; Taisch, M.
Recommendations to Leverage Game-Based Learning to Attract Young Talent to Manufacturing Education
In: Alcañiz, M.; Göbel, S.; Ma, M.; Oliveira, M. F.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Marsh, T. (eds.): Serious Games. Proceedings of the 3rd Joint International Conference on Serious Games (JCSG). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 187-202 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chinges, U.; Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Rügge, I.; Pannek, J.
Abstract control interface for job shop manufacturing systems with RMTs
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Christensen, L.; Krell, M. M.; Kirchner, F.
Learning Magnetic Field Distortion Compensation for Robotic Systems
In: 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Dal Lago, M.; Corti, D.; Wellsandt, S.
Reinterpreting the LCA standard procedure for PSS
In: McAloone, T. C.; Pigosso, D. C. A.; Mortensen, N. H.; Shimomura, Y. (eds.): Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems. Proceedings of the 9th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPSS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 73-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Trust Framework for Agents’ Interactions in Collaborative Logistics
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 53-63 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Influence of Information Sharing Behavior on Trust in Collaborative Logistics
In: Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. Proceedings of the 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE). Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2017, pp. 493-506 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Deng, Q.; Franke, M.; Hribernik, K. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Exploring the integration of social media feedback for user-oriented product development
In: Design Methods and Tools. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). The Design Society, Glasgow, 2017, pp. 453-462 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dethloff, J.; Kopfer, H.; Vornhusen, B.
Tourenplanung bei heterogener Fahrzeugflotte unter ökologisch-orientierter Zielsetzung
In: Large, R. O.; Radig, A.-K.; Schäfer, M.; Sulzbach, A. (eds.): Konferenzband Logistikmanagement. 2017, pp. 8-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Drechsler, R.; Autexier, S.; Lüth, C.
Model-Based Specification and Refinement for Cyber-Physical Systems
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 3-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Duan, L.-T.; Lawo, M.; Rügge, I.; Yu, X.
Power Management of Smartphones Based on Device Usage Patterns
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 197-207 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, BIBA, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Externest, E.; Kühl, S.; Kuske, S.
Solving Graph Optimization Problems in a Framework for Monte-Carlo Search (Extended Abstract)
In: Fukunaga, A.; Kishimoto, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, SOCS 2017. AAAI Press, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, Theoretical Computer Science)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Nested Monte-Carlo Search for Multiagent Systems
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 80-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Franke, M.; Becker, T.; Gogolla, M.; Hribernik, K. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interoperability of Logistics Artifacts: An Approach for Information Exchange Through Transformation Mechanisms
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 469-479 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Franke, M.; Klein, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interoperable Information Exchange as Enabler of NFF Related TES
In: Roy, R.; Tomiyama; Tiwari, A.; Tracht, K.; Shehab, E.; Mehnen, J.; Erkoyuncu, J. A; Tapaloglou, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 240-245 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Fröhlich, T.; von Oehsen, J.; Malaka, R.
Productivity & Play: A First-Person Shooter for Fast and Easy Scene Design
In: Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM, 2017, pp. 353-359 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Goli, M.; Stoppe, J.; Drechsler, R.
Automatic Equivalence Checking for SystemC-TLM 2.0 Models Against their Formal Specifications
2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Goli, M.; Stoppe, J.; Drechsler, R.
Automatic Protocol Compliance Checking of SystemC TLM-2.0 Simulation Behavior Using Timed Automata
2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Gralla, P.; Piotrowska-Kurczewski, I.; Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Maas, P.
Eine Methode zur Invertierung von Vorhersagemodellen in der Mikrofertigung
In: Vollertsen, F.; Hopmann, C.; Schulze, V.; Wulfsberg, J. (eds.): 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. BIAS Verlag, Bremen, 2017, pp. 251-258 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gredal, P.; Panyi, Z.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
What Hinders the Implementation of the Supply Chain Risk Management Process into Practice Organizations?
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 151-161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.
Two Model Checking Approaches to Branch-and-Bound Optimization of a Flow Production System
In: van den Herik, J.; Filipe, J. (eds.): Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 8th International Conference, ICAART 2016, Rome, Italy, February 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges in Urban Logistics
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A.; Lisec, A. (eds.): Data Driven Supply Chains. Centre for Concurrent Enterprising, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, 2017, pp. 210-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Hanff, H.; Kloss, P.; Wehbe, B.; Kampmann, P.; Kroffke, S.; Sander, A.; von Einem, M.; Bode, J. F.; Kirchner, F.; Frivida, M. B.
AUVx-A Novel Miniaturized Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
In: IEEE/MTS–OCEAN 2017. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Environmental contours based on kernel density estimation
In: Proceedings of the 13th German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK). arXiv database (hosted by Cornell University), 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Henriksen, B.; Røstad, C. C.; von Stietencron, M.
Development Projects in SMEs
In: Lödding, H.; Riedel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 193-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Herrera-Tapia, J.; Förster, A.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Udugama, A.; Tomas, A.; Manzoni, P.
Mobility as the Main Enabler of Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Urban Scenarios
In: Puliafito, A.; Bruneo, D.; Distefano, S.; Longo, F. (eds.): Ad-hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks. 16th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless, ADHOC-NOW 2017, Messina, Italy, September 20-22, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Herrlich, M.; Smeddinck, J. D.; Soliman, M.; Malaka, R.
Grab-that-there: Live Direction for Motion-based Games for Health
In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2017, pp. 2622-2629 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Hildebrandt, M.; Christensen, L.; Kirchner, F.
Combining Cameras, Magnetometers and Machine-Learning into a Close-Range Localization System for Docking and Homing
In: MTS/IEEE Oceans 2017. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Schukraft, S.; Werthmann, D.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.
Interactive Planning and Control for Finished Vehicle Logistics
In: Ringle, C. M.; Kersten, W.; Jahn, C. (eds.): Digitalization in Maritime and Sustainable Logistics . City Logistics, Port Logistics and Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Digital Age. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2017, pp. 77-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Sommerfeld, D.; Freitag, M.
The effect of different levels of information exchange on the performance of resource sharing production networks
In: Schmitt, R.; Schuh, G. (eds.): 7. WGP-Jahreskongress Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017. Apprimus Verlag, Aachen, 2017, pp. 347-354 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Lang, W.
Housing design for two-dimensional air flow sensors
In: Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2017. 2017, pp. 1272-1274 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Computational fluid dynamics modelling of deviating airflow and cooling conditions in banana containers
In: Tijskens, L.M.M.; Schouten, R. (eds.): ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1154: V International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model-IT 2015. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, 2017, pp. 193-200 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Paul, H.; Lang, W.
Spatial processing of sensor network data
In: Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2017. 2017, pp. 73-75 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Paul, H.; Lang, W.
In-network Processing by the Example of Maxima Estimation in Spatial Fields
In: SCC 2017. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Lang, W.
Lessons learned from the intelligent container
In: Mahajan, P. (eds.)2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Karunanayake, P.; Könsgen, A.; Förster, A.
Adaptive Protocol Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks using Machine Learning
2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Kazhoyan, G.; Beetz, M.
Programming Robotic Agents with Action Descriptions
In: In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 2017, pp. 103-108 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Keszocze, O.; Li, Z.; Grimmer, A.; Wille, R.; Chakrabarty, K.; Drechsler, R.
Exact routing for micro-electrode-dot-array digital microfluidic biochips
In: Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2017 22nd Asia and South Pacific. IEEE, 2017, pp. 708-713 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Khadka, S. R.; Becker, T.
On Upper Bound for the Bottleneck Product Rate Variation Problem
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 391-399 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Khalid, A.; Kirisci, P. T.; Ghrairi, Z.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Safety Requirements in Collaborative Human - Robot Cyber-Physical System
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 41-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL)

Khaliq, K. A.; Chughtai, O.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
An emergency alert system for elderly/special people using VANET and WBAN
In: Emerging Technologies (ICET), 2017 13th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Methodology for Development of Logistics Information and Safety System Using Vehicular Adhoc Networks
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 185-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Prototype of automatic accident detection and management in vehicular environment using VANET and IoT
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel message dissemination mechanism and mathematical model for safety applications in VANET
In: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2017 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel Routing Framework for VANET Considering Challenges for Safety Application in City Logistics
In: Laouti, A.; Qayyum, A.; Saad, M. N. M. (eds.): Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks for Smart Cities. Second International Workshop, 2016. Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp. 53-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Köhler, P. N.; Müller, M. A.; Pannek, J.; Allgöwer, F.
On Exploitation of Supply Chain Properties by Sequential Distributed MPC
In: Dochain, D.; Henrion, D.; Peaucelle, D. (eds.): 20th IFAC World Congress. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 7947-7952 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Kopfer, H.; Kopfer, H.; Vornhusen, B.; Jang, D.-W.
Evaluation of Practically Oriented Approaches for Operational Transportation Planning
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 267-277 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Vornhusen, B.; Dethloff, J.
Vehicle Routing with a Heterogeneous Fleet of Combustion and Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles under Energy Minimization
In: Bektas, T.; Coniglio, S.; Martinez-Sykora, T.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 94-109 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kreowski, H.-J.
Transhumanism and Nanotechnology – Will Old Myths Come True?
In: IS4SI 2017. IS4SI 2017 Summit Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society. 2017, pp. 234-236 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Fusion Grammars: A Novel Approach to the Generation of Graph Lang
In: de Lara, J.; Plump, D. (eds.): Graph Transformation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ICGT 2017. Springer, 2017, pp. 90-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kück, M.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.; Hildebrandt, T.; Frazzon, E. M.
Towards Adaptive Simulation-Based Optimization to Select Individual Dispatching Rules for Production Control
In: Chan, W. K. V.; D'Ambrogio, A.; Zacharewicz, G.; Mustafee, N.; Wainer, G.; Page, E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, 2017, pp. 3852-3863 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lewandowski, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Deriving Information from Sensor Data
In: Ríos, J.; Bernard, A.; Bouras, A.; Foufou, S. (eds.): Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 623-631 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.
Imposing emission trading scheme on supply chain
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer, 2017, pp. 291-301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Modelling and Controlling of Multi-workstation Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: Proceedings of the 6th CUST International Business Research Conference. 2017, pp. LPM 07 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Chung, S.-H.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Advantages of Sub-GHz Communication in Food Logistics and DASH7 Implementation
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 219-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Airflow Behavior Under Different Loading Schemes and Its Correspondence to Temperature in Perishables Transported in Refrigerated Containers
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 481-490 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Megow, N.; Meißner, J.; Focke, J.
Minimum Spanning Tree under Explorable Uncertainty in Theory and Experiments
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA). 2017, pp. 22:1-22:14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Mehrez, M.; Sprodowski, T.; Worthmann, K.; Mann, G.; Gosine, R.; Sagawa, J.; Pannek, J.
Occupancy Grid based Distributed MPC for Mobile Robots
In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017). IEEE, New York, USA, 2017, pp. 4842-4847 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA)

Mehrez, M.; Worthmann, K.; Mann, G.; Gosine, R.; Pannek, J.
Experimental Speedup and Stability Validation for Multi-Step MPC
In: Dochain, D.; Henrion, D.; Peaucelle, D. (eds.): 20th IFAC World Congress. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 8698-8703 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Meyer, J.; Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.
Shopper Logistics Processes in a Store-Based Grocery-Shopping Environment
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 313-323 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Mirza, M. J.; Tahir, M. W.; Anjum, N.
Performance Evaluation of M-Estimators as Observation Noise Model in Kalman Filter
In: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE INMIC - 2017 International Multi-topic Conference (INMIC). IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Mortensen Ernits, R.; Hoppe, N.; Kuznetsov, I.; Uriarte, C.; Freitag, M.
A New Omnidirectional Track Drive System for Off-Road Vehicles
In: Zrnic, N.; Bosnjak, S.; Kartnig, G. (eds.): XXII International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, 2017, pp. 105-110 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Müller, R.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Lange, K.
Cyber Security for Port Community Systems
In: Hellström, D.; Kembro, J.; Bodnar, H. (eds.): The 29th Nofoma Conference. Taking on Grand Challenges - Conference Proceedings. Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Big Data Analytics in the Maintenance of Off-Shore Wind Turbines: A Study on Data Characteristics
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 131-140 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Data Driven Decision Making in Planning the Maintenance Activities of Off-shore Wind Energy
In: Roy, R.; Tomiyama, T.; Tiwari, A.; Tracht, K.; Shehab, E.; Mehnen, J.; Erkoyuncu, J. A.; Tapaloglou, N. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 160-165 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Nordsieck, N.; Buer, T.; Schönberger, J.
Potential of Improving Truck-Based Drayage Operations of Marine Terminals Through Street Turns
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 433-443 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Novillo, S.; Haasis, H.-D.
Supply Chain Flexibility and SMEs Internationalization. A Conceptual Framework
In: Kersten, W.; Blecker, T.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. epubli, 2017, pp. 195-212 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Nyga, D.; Picklum, M.; Beetz, M.
What No Robot Has Seen Before -- Probabilistic Interpretation of Natural-language Object Descriptions
In: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Nyga, D.; Picklum, M.; Koralewski, S.; Beetz, M.
Instruction Completion through Instance-based Learning and Semantic Analogical Reasoning
In: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation konträrer Instandhaltungsstrategien für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. kassel university press, Kassel, 2017, pp. 269-278 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Blanke, M.; Frodl, M.; Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Oellers, M.; van den Driesche, S.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
A replaceable bioreactor array for monitoring mold spore contamination in archives
In: Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017. 2017, pp. 641-644 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pfau, J.; Smeddinck, J. D.; Malaka, R.
Automated Game Testing with ICARUS: Intelligent Completion of Adventure Riddles via Unsupervised Solving
In: Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2017, pp. 153-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Pomarlan, M.; Nyga, D.; Picklum, M.; Koralewski, S.; Beetz, M.
Deeper Understanding of Vague Instructions through Simulated Execution (Extended Abstract)
In: AAMAS '17 . Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. 2017, pp. 1694-1696 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Meyer, L.; Freitag, M.
Success Factors for the Development of Augmented Reality-based Assistenace Systems for Maintenance Services
In: Schmitt, R.H.; Schuh, G. (eds.): 7. WGP-Jahreskongress. Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017. Apprimus Verlag, Aachen, 2017, pp. 175-182 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Raza, T.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Integration of Wireless Sensor Networks into Industrial Control Systems
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 209-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Reinschluessel, A. V.; Teuber, J.; Herrlich, M.; Bissel, J.; van Eikeren, M.; Ganser, J.; Koeller, F.; Kollasch, F.; Mildner, T.; Raimondo, L.; Reisig, L.; Ruedel, M.; Thieme, D.; Vahl, T.; Zachmann, G.; Malaka, R.
Virtual Reality for User-Centered Design and Evaluation of Touch-free Interaction Techniques for Navigating Medical Images in the Operating Room
In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2017, pp. 2001-2009 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Richrath, M.; Brink, M.; Franke, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Systematische Effektorentwicklung für die automatisierte Handhabung technischer Textilien
In: Design for X - Beiträge zum 28. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2017. Proceedings of the 28th Symposium Design for X. TuTech Innovation, Hamburg, 2017, pp. 125-136 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation of Maintenance Activities for Micro-Manufacturing Systems by use of Predictive Quality Control Charts
In: Chan, W. K. V.; D'Ambrogio, A.; Zacharewicz, G.; Mustafee, N.; Wainer, G.; Page, E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE, New York, USA, 2017, pp. 3780 - 3791 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Moumi, E.; Lütjen, M.; Schenck, C.; Freitag, M.; Kuhfuß, B.
Charakterisierung der Einflüsse einzelner Prozessparameter auf die Werkstückgeometrie beim Einstechrundkneten im Mikrobereich
In: Vollertsen, F.; Hopmann, C.; Schulze, V.; Wulfsberg, J. (eds.): 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. BIAS Verlag, Bremen, 2017, pp. 219-226 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Redecker, M. A.; Lütjen, M.; Decker, A.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Simulating the Energy Consumption of Machines in Compound Feed Manufacturing for Investment Decisions
In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel University Press, Kassel, 2017, pp. 79-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Sang, L.; Kuppusamy, V.; Förster, A.; Udugama, A.; Liu, J.
Validating Contact Times Extracted from Mobility Traces
In: International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 239-252 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Malaka, R.
A step towards automated simulation in industry
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 99-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Malaka, R.; Samaddar, A. B.
A Step towards Textual Instructions to Virtual Actions
In: Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2017 IEEE 7th International. IEEE, 2017, pp. 239-243 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schopka, K.; Kopfer, H.
Pre-selection Strategies for the Collaborative Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 231-242 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schröder, F.; Döring, T.; Rieß, H.; Malaka, R.; Klein, P.
Lebendige Daten Ambient Shape-Changing Interface als Datenrepräsentation in Unternehmen
In: Hess, S.; Fischer, H. (eds.): Mensch und Computer 2017 - Usability Professionals. Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, Regensburg, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Schukraft, S.; Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of Planning and Control Methods for the Design of Adaptive PPC Systems
In: Schmitt, R.; Schuh, G. (eds.): 7. WGP-Jahreskongress Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017. Apprimus Verlag, Aachen, 2017, pp. 355-362 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Seeland, A.; Tabie, M.; Kim, S. K.; Kirchner, F.; Kirchner, E. A.
Adaptive multimodal biosignal control for exoskeleton supported stroke rehabilitation
In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017). 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Shani, U.; Franke, M.; Hribernik, K. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ontology mediation to rule them all: Managing the plurality in product service systems
In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). IEEE, New York, 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Siddiqui, N. R.; Khaliq, K. A.; Pannek, J.
VANET Security Analysis on the Basis of Attacks in Authentication
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 491-502 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Smeddinck, J.; Alexandrovsky, D.; Wenig, D.; Zimmer, M.; Wegele, W.; Juergens, S.; Malaka, R.
Hoverboard: A Leap to the Future of Locomotion in VR!?
In: Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2017. 16th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Tsukuba City, Japan, September 18-21, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 218-225 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Impact of Quantisation on Consistency of DMPC in Street Traffic with Dynamic Priority Rules
In: Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2017. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Deutschland, 2017, pp. 819-820 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Sagawa, J.; Pannek, J.
Connection between Quantisation and Bandwidth Requirements of Distributed Model Predictive Control
In: Dochain, D.; Henrion, D.; Peaucelle, D. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 20th IFAC World Congress. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 10329-10334 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA)

Staar, B.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Präzise Oberflächendefekterkennung in Mikrobauteilen mit neuronalen Netzen
In: Vollertsen F.; Hopmann C.; Schulze V.; Wulfsberg J. (eds.): 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. BIAS Verlag, Bremen, 2017, pp. 11-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Becker, T.
A variable low-cost platform for conducting work design experiments
In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2017, pp. 126-130 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Stern, H.; Becker, T.
Development of a Model for the Integration of Human Factors in Cyber-physical Production Systems
In: Metternich, J.; Glass, R. (eds.): Procedia Manufacturing. 7th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF 2017. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 151-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
An Efficient and Simple Embedded System of Fungus Detection System
In: Proc. INMIC 2017. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Trapp, M.; Lütjen, M.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Jelsch, O.; Freitag, M.
Life Cycle Assessment for Frozen Food Distribution Schemes
In: Jahn, C.; Kersten, W.; Ringle, C. M. (eds.): Digitalization in maritime and sustainable logistics. Logistics and SCM - The next Decade. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2017, pp. 267-284 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vieira, G. E.; Kück, M.; Frazzon, E. M.; Freitag, M.
Evaluating the Robustness of Production Schedules using Discrete-Event Simulation
In: Dochain, D.; Henrion, D.; Peaucelle, D. (eds.): 20th IFAC World Congress Proceedings. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2017, pp. 7953-7958 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Stietencron, M.; Hribernik, K. A.; Røstad, C. C.; Henriksen, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Applying Closed-Loop Product Lifecycle Management to Enable Fact Based Design of Boats
In: Ríos, J.; Bernard, A.; Bouras, A.; Foufou, S. (eds.): Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future. ; Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 522-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wagner, D.; Becker, T.
Evaluation of the Applicability of Random Walks for Generation of Material Flow Network Models
In: Tseng, M. M.; Tsai, H.-Y.; Wang, Y. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Manufacturing Systems 4.0 - Proceedings of the 50th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2017, pp. 488-492 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Employment of Electric Commercial Vehicles
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 255-265 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Selecting Appropriate Types of Electric Commercial Vehicles for the Sustainable Urban Freight Transport
In: EVS30 Symposium. Proceedings of the 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wellsandt, S.; Anke, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modellierung der Lebenszyklen von Smart Services
In: Thomas, O.; Nüttgens, M.; Fellmann, M. (eds.): Smart Service Engineering. Konzepte und Anwendungsszenarien für die digitale Transformation. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 2017, pp. 233-256 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wenig, D.; Schöning, J.; Olwal, A.; Oben, M.; Malaka, R.
WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality
In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2017, pp. 716-721 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wenig, N.; Wenig, D.; Ernst, S.; Malaka, R.; Hecht, B.; Schöning, J.
Pharos: improving navigation instructions on smartwatches by including global landmarks
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM, 2017, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wiesner, S.; Nilsson, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Integrating requirements engineering for different domains in system development – lessons learnt from industrial SME cases
In: Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems. Proceedings of the 9th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPSS). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 351-356 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S.; Seregni, M.; Freitag, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Silvestro, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Effects of Environmental Dynamicity on Requirements Engineering for Complex Systems
In: Lödding, H.; Riedel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 255-262 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Wiesner, S.; Westphal, I.; Thoben, K.-D.
Through-life Engineering in Product-service Systems – Tussles for Design and Implementation
In: Roy, R.; Tomiyama, T.; Tiwari, A.; Tracht, K.; Shehab, E.; Mehnen, J.; Erkoyuncu, J. A.; Tapaloglou, N. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017, pp. 227-232 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Winkler, J.; Bozcuoglu, K. A.; Pomarlan, M.; Beetz, M.
Task Parametrization through Multi-modal Analysis of Robot Experiences (Extended Abstract)
In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Autonomous Agents. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Yazdani, F.; Scheutz, M.; Beetz, M.
Guidelines for Improving Task-based Natural Language Understanding in Human-Robot Rescue Teams
In: Proceedings of the 2017 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Yazdani, F.; Scheutz, M.; Beetz, M.
Cognition-enabled Task Interpretation for Human-Robot Teams in a Simulation-based Search and Rescue Mission (Extended Abstract)
In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Autonomous Agents. 2017, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Using Allan Variance to Determine the Resolution of Ethylene Gas Chromatographic System
In: Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2017. 2017, pp. 157-159 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, H.; Kopfer, H.; Huang, M.
Analysis of Multi-product and Multi-depot Collaborative Vehicle Routing Problem
In: Large, R. O.; Kramer, N.; Radig, A.-K.; Schäfer, M.; Sulzbach, A. (eds.): Konferenzband Logistikmanagement. 2017, pp. 154-162 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, LfL HB, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Modeling and predictive capacity adjustment for job shop systems with RMTs
In: Control and Automation (MED), 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 310-315 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.
Transportation Planning with Forwarding Limitations
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 243-254 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Afridi, M. T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Khan, J.; Görg, C.
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Wi-Fi-based M2M Data Traffic Multiplexing
In: Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG) (eds.): Mobilkommunikation. Technologien und Anwendungen Vorträge der 21. ITG-Fachtagung, 11. – 12. Mai 2016 in Osnabrück. VDE Verlag, 2016, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ahmad, F.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y.; Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.
Machine-to-Machine Sensor Data Multiplexing Using LTE - Advanced Relay Node for Logistics
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 247-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ait Alla, A.; Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Improving the decision-making process during the installation process of offshore wind farms by means of information sharing
In: Jin S. Chung; Muskulus, M; Kokkinis, T; Alan M. Wang (eds.): Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE). Renewable Energy (Offshore Wind and Ocean) and Environment. Engineering Index, EI Compendex, Scopus, Cupertino, California, USA, 2016, pp. 144-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Apostu, M.-V.; Bendul, J. C.
Long-term Capacity Planning in Die Manufacturing Using the Estimated Product Cost: An Exploratory Research
In: Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future. Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 39-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Braziotis, C.; Rogers, H.
Possibilities and challenges in conveying supply chain risk management skills in higher education institutions
In: Pawar, K. S.; Tsai, K. M. (eds.): Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2016, pp. 670-678 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Müller, R.
Improving the Understanding of Supply Chain Interaction Through the Application of Business Games
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 533-542 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Tundys, B.
Deploying serious games for supply chain management: lessons learnded and good practices
In: Pawar, K. S.; Tsai, K. M. (eds.): Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2016, pp. 626-642 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Wiesner, S.; Stanescu, I. A.; Stefan, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Applying gamification for developing formal knowledge models: challenges and requirements
In: Nääs, I.; Vendrametto, O.; Mendes, J.; Gonçalves, R.; Terra, M.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Initiatives for a Sustainable World. Proceedings of the International Conference of Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS). Springer International Publishing, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Barta, M.; Kotzab, H.
The diffusion of Efficient Consumer Response in Germany
In: CERR 2016. Book of Proceedings. 2016, pp. 39-73 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Barz, A.; Buer, T.; Haasis, H.-D.
A study on the effects of additive manufacturing on the structure of supply networks
In: Pannek, J. (eds.): 7th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics. MCPL 2016 - Bremen, Germany, 22-24 February 2016. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 72-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, Computational Logistics)

Bäumler, I.; Kotzab, H.
Assessing research on intelligent transport systems for road freight transport from the viewpoint of different stakeholders
In: Ojala, L.; Töyli, J.; Solakivi, T.; Lorentz, H.; Laari, S.; Lehtinen, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference. 2016, pp. 62-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Becker, T.
Application of Topological Network Measures in Manufacturing Systems
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 35-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Becker, T.; Stern, H.
Future Trends in Human Work area Design for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
In: Westkämper, E.; Bauernhansl, T. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Factories of the Future in the digital environment - Proceedings of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016, pp. 404-409 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Becker, T.; Wagner, D.
Identification of Key Machines in Complex Production Networks
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016, pp. 69-74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Usage of Social Media Text Data for the Demand Forecasting in the Fashion Industry
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 723-727 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Impact of Solution Methodology Parameters on a Flexible Integrated Supply Chain Model
In: 28th European Conference on Operation research, Poznan, Poland 3-6. July. 2016. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
Modeling and random path-based direct encoding for a closed loop supply chain model with flexible delivery paths
In: 7th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics MCPL 2016 - Bremen, Germany, 22-24 February 2016. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 78-83 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Resource Sharing in the Logistics of the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process - a Simulation Study
In: Park, Gyei-Kark; Kim, S. June (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology. International Associartion of e-navigation and Ocean Economy, Mokpo, Korea, 2016, pp. 359-370 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.; Rieger, T.
Information System for the Coordination of Offshore Wind Energy Maintenance Operations under Consideration of Dynamic Influences
In: Park, Gyei-Kark; Kim, S. June (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology. International Associartion of e-navigation and Ocean Economy, Mokpo, Korea, 2016, pp. 243-252 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Schamann, A.; Freitag, M.; Feldmann, K.; Brand, M.
Text-Mining and Gamification for the Qualification of Service Technicians in the Maintenance Industry of Offshore Wind Energy
In: Park, Gyei-Kark; Kim, S. June (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology. International Associartion of e-navigation and Ocean Economy, Mokpo, Korea, 2016, pp. 137-146 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bendul, J. C.; Knollmann, M.
The Lead Time Syndrome of Manufacturing Control: Comparison of Two Independent Research Approaches
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 81 - 86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; da Silva Lima, R.
Planning and Implementation of a Selective Waste Collection Program: Using a Geographical Information System to Calculate the Routes
In: Gianna M. Barbirato (eds.): 7th Congresso Luso-brasileiro para o planejamento urbano, regional, integrado e sustentável. Viva Editora, 2016, pp. 176 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Optical Sensor System for the detection of mold
In: SENSORS, 2015 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Development of a Fungal Risk Monitor for the next generation of intelligent containersaper
In: SENSORS, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 658-660 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Blunck, H.; Armbruster, D.; Bendul, J. C.
Simultaneous Workload Allocation and Capacity Dimensioning for Distributed Production Control
In: Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future. Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 460–465 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Brending, S.; Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.; Müller, M.; Zeising, P.
Reducing anxiety while interacting with industrial robots
In: ACM (eds.): Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM, 2016, pp. 54-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, ISL, until 2016 TZI)

Chatterjee, R.; Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Optimizing Last Mile Delivery Using Public Transport with Multi-Agent Based Control
In: Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Effects of Decision Synchronization on Trust in Collaborative Networks
In: Afsarmanesh, H.; Camarinha-Matos, L. M.; Soares, A. L. (eds.): Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World. 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 215-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
On Analysis of Trust Dynamics in Supply Chain Collaboration
In: The 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, June 1 – 4, Bordeaux, France. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Using sensors to supplement partner trust in collaborative transport
In: Pawar, K. S.; Tsai, K. M. (eds.): Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2016, pp. 120-125 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Drechsler, R.; Stoppe, J.; Goli, M.
AIBA: an Automated Intra-Cycle Behavioral Analysis for SystemC-based Design Exploration
In: IEEE (eds.): IEEE 34th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2016. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pawar, K.
Process Innovation through Digital Services for the Seaport of the Future
In: Bringing Forward the International Agendas for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Technology & Engineering Management: Women & STEM Leadership, User-Driven & Frugal Innovations and Tech Startups. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE) & IEEE Technology Management Conference (ITMC). Centre for Concurrent Enterprising, Nottingham University Business School, 2016, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.; Greulich, C.; Humann, M.; Herzog, O.; Lawo, M.
Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Logistics
In: Clausen, U.; Friedrich, H.; Thaller, C.; Geiger, C. (eds.): Commercial Transport. Proceedings of the 2nd Interdiciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic 2015. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 427-440 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Golubev, D.; Greulich, C.
Solving the Physical Vehicle Routing Problem for Improved Multi-robot Freespace Navigation
In: Friedrich, G.; Helmert, M.; Wotawa, F. (eds.): KI 2016: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 39th Annual German Conference on AI, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 26-30, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 155-161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Using SPIN for the Optimized Scheduling of Discrete Event Systems in Manufacturing
In: Bosnacki, D.; Wijs, An. (eds.): Model Checking Software. 23rd International Symposium, SPIN 2016, Co-located with ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 7-8, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 57-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Edelkamp, S.; Greulich, C.
Branch-and-Bound Optimization of a Multiagent System for Flow Production using Model Checking
In: van den Herik, J.; Filipe, J. (eds.): .): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Volume 1: ICAART. SciTePress, 2016, pp. 27-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Ehm, J.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.
A heuristic optimisation approach for the scheduling of integrated manufacturing and distribution systems
In: Factories of the Future in the digital environment. Proceedings of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2016, pp. 357-361 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Finke, S.
Empty Container Management - The Case of Hinterland
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 151-155 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Fisaini, J.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Systematic literature review of serious games and simulations on urban transport planning
In: Pawar, K. S.; Tsai, K. M. (eds.): Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, 2016, pp. 722-729 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, M.; Pirvu, B.-C.; Lappe, D.; Zamfirescu, B.-C.; Veigt, M.; Klein, K.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Loskyll, M.
Interaction Mechanism of Humans in a Cyber-Physical Environment
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 365-374 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Gogolla, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Lütjen, M.; Porzel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards a Unified Logistics Modeling Language: Constraints and Objectives
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 425-432 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Theoretical Computer Science, TZI, BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Kück, M.; Becker, T.
Potentials and Risks of Resource Sharing in Production and Logistics
In: Delfmann, W.; Wimmer, T. (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium on Logistics. Logistics in the Times of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Ideas, Concepts, Scientific Basis. BVL, Bremen, Germany, 2016, pp. 199-209 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Funke, J.; Kopfer, H.
Container Flows and Truck Routes in Inland Container Transportation
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 215-225 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Gath, M.; Herzog, O.; Vaske, M.
The Impact of Shortest-Path Searches on Dynamic Autonomous Transport Scheduling
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 79-89 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Gefeller, A. M.; Schönberger, J.
Shared Transport Systems—A New Chance for Intermodal Freight Transport?
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 21-33 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Application of the Adapted SCOR Model to the Leather Industry: An Ethiopian Case Study
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 441-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Adapting the SCOR Model Deliver and Source Processes for the Manufacturing Firms in the Developing Countries
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 521-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Greulich, C.
An Agent-Based Approach to Multi-criteria Process Optimization in In-House Logistics
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 239-243 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Gudehus, T.; Kotzab, H.
Economic Ship Travel Speed and Consequences for Operating Strategies of Container Shipping Companies
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 407-415 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Savings Potential Through Autonomous Control in the Distribution of Rental Articles
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 127-135 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Airflow Simulation Inside Reefer Containers
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 303-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jang, D.-W.; Vornhusen, B.; Kopfer, H.
Collaborative subcontracting delivery requests for inter-terminal transshipment containers
In: Book of abstracts. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Jedermann, R.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Lloyd, C.; Praeger, U.; Spuler, M.; Lang, W.
Spatial profiling of airflow conditions in cold storage warehouses by wireless anemometers
In: Herbert, U.; Kreyenschmidt, J. (eds.): 6th International Cold Chain Management Conference. 2016, pp. 93-98 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Paul, H.; Lang, W.
Poster: Maxima Estimation in Spatial Fields by Distributed Local Polynomial Regression
In: ACM (eds.): EWSN '16 . Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks. Junction Publishing, 2016, pp. 223-224 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kallhoff, C.; Kotzab, H.
Lieferanten-Qualitätsmanagement an internationalen Niedriglohnstandorten der Automobilbranche
In: Bogaschewsky, R.; Eßig, M.; Lasch, R.; Stölzle, W. (eds.): Supply Management Research. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2015. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016, pp. 257-272 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Khadka, S. R.; Becker, T.
A Sequencing Approach for Sustainable Mixed-model Just-in-time Production Systems
In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2016 (ICSBE). 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN): Architecture, Applications and MAC Protocols
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2016.. Pak Publishing Group, 2016, pp. 159-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Methodology for Development of Logistics Information and Safety System Using VANET
In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H. ; Pannek, J. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 185-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khan, A. M.; Haasis, H.-D.
Supply Chain Management of Mass Customized Products: Analysis Through Automobile Industry
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 617-620 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, MLog)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Developing a System for Recognizing the Emotional States using Physiological Devices
In: 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 2016. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Wearable Recognition System for Emotional States Using Physiological Devices
In: eTELEMED 2016. The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. IARIA, 2016, pp. 131-137 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Recognizing Emotion from Blood Volume Pulse and Skin Conductance Sensor Using Machine Learning Algorithms
In: Kyriacou, E.; Christofides, S.; Pattichis, C. S. (eds.): XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016. MEDICON 2016, March 31st-April 2nd 2016, Paphos, Cyprus. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 1297-1303 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Recognizing Emotional States Using Physiological Devices
In: Stephanidis, C. (eds.): HCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts. 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016 Toronto, Canada, July 17–22, 2016 Proceedings, Part II. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 164-171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Knoke, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Integration of Simulation-based Training for Welders
In: Wiedemann, T. (eds.): Tagungsband ASIM 2016. Proceedings der 23. internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation - Symposium Simulationstechnik (ASIM). ARGESIM / ASIM Verlag, 2016, pp. 253-260 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kopfer, H.; Jang, D.-W.; Vornhusen, B.
Scenarios for Collaborative Planning of Inter-Terminal Transportation
In: Paias, A.; Ruthmair, M.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. 7th International Conference, ICCL 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Meyer, C. M.; Braun, H.
Vehicle Routing and Break Scheduling by a Distributed Decision Making Approach
In: Mattfeld, D.; Spengler, T.; Brinkmann, J.; Grunewald, M. (eds.): Logistics Management. Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2015, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 273-284 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Schopka, K.
Vehicle Routing for Fleets with Electric- and Combustion-Powered Vehicles
In: Paias, A.; Ruthmair, M.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. 7th International Conference, ICCL 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 290-305 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Kuske, S.; Thoben, K.-D.; von Totth, C.
Toward a Comprehensive Approach to the Transformation of Logistic Models
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 115-126 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, BIBA)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Canonical Multi-target Toffoli Circuits
In: Dediu, A.-H.; Janoušek, J.; Martín-Vide, C.; Truthe, B. (eds.): Language and Automata Theory and Applications. 10th International Conference, LATA 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, March 14-18, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 603-616 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kück, M.; Becker, T.; Freitag, M.
Emergence of Non-predictable Dynamics Caused by Shared Resources in Production Networks
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 520-525 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Kück, M.; Crone, S. F.; Freitag, M.
Meta-Learning with Neural Networks and Landmarking for Forecasting Model Selection - An Empirical Evaluation of Different Feature Sets Applied to Industry Data
In: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2016, pp. 1499-1506 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kück, M.; Ehm, J.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.; Pimentel, R.
A Data-driven Simulation-based Optimisation Approach for Adaptive Scheduling and Control of Dynamic Manufacturing Systems
In: Wulfsberg, J. P.; Fette, M.; Montag, T. (eds.): Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, Pfaffikon, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 449-456 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kück, M.; Ehm, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.
Potential of Data-Driven Simulation-Based Optimization for Adaptive Scheduling and Control of Dynamic Manufacturing Systems
In: Roeder, T. M. K.; Frazier, P. I.; Szechtman, R.; Zhou, E.; Huschka, T.; Chick, S. E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, 2016, pp. 2820-2831 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
The intelligent container - What can MEMS do for logistics of food?
In: SENSORS, 2015 IEEE. Busan, Korea. IEEE, 2016, pp. 2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.
Green Supply Chain Design Under Emission Trading Scheme
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 515-518 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Li, F.; Haasis, H.-D.; Dovbischuk, I.
Challenges and Solutions Towards Green Logistics under EU-Emission Trading Scheme
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer, Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 397-405 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Capacity Adjustment of Job Shop Manufacturing Systems with RMTs
In: the 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application, Chengdu, China, Dec.15-17,2016.. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lotito, A.; Heitkötter, J.; Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Pastorelli, M.; Fantino, M.
Eco- and Cost-Efficient Personal E-mobility in Europe - An Innovative Concept for the Informational Synchronization Between E-vehicle users and the Smart Grid of the Future Using NFC Technology
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 333-342 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lützenberger, J.; Klein, P.; Hribernik, K. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Improving Product-Service Systems by Exploiting Information From The Usage Phase. A Case Study
In: Cavalieri, S.; Ceretti, E.; Tolio, T.; Pezzotta, G. (eds.): Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle. Proceedings of the 8th CIRP IPSS Conference. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 376–381 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
A radio resource sharing scheme for IoT/M2M communication in LTE-A downlink
In: IEEE (eds.): 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC). IEEE, 2016, pp. 296 - 301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Ahmad, F.; Görg, C.; Rashid, I.
Impact of Machine-to-Machine Traffic on LTE Data Traffic Performance
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 259-269 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Pilot Prototype of Autonomous Pallets and Employing Little’s Law for Routing
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 101-114 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Meyer, J.; Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.
Shopper logistics processes – a critical state-of-the-art from a viewpoint of consumer value and convenience
In: Ojala, L.; Töyli, J.; Solakivi, T.; Lorentz, H.; Laari, S.; Lehtinen, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference. 2016, pp. 430-443 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Müller, R.; Lange, K.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Hintsa, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Socio-economic benefits through security in maritime supply chains
In: Ojala, L.; Töyli, J.; Solakivi, T.; Lorentz, H.; Laari, S.; Lehtinen, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference. 2016, pp. 712-715 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Improving Wind Turbine Maintenance Activities by Learning from Various Information Flows Available Through the Wind Turbine Life Cycle
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 147-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Nordsieck, N.; Buer, T.; Schönberger, J.
A Three-Phase Heuristic for a Multi-Size Container Transport Problem with Partially Specified Requests
In: Nissen, V.; Stelzer, D.; Straßburger, S. ; Fischer, D. (eds.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016. 2016, pp. 217-228 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Oelker, S.; Ait Alla, A.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.
Planning of maintenance resources for the service of offshore wind turbines by means of simulation
In: Michael Freitag ; Herbert Kotzab ; Jürgen Pannek (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 303-312 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Preactive Maintenance - A Modernized Approach for Efficient Operation of Offshore Wind Turbines
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 323-331 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Pannek, J.; Naundorf, T.; Gerdts, M.
Autonomous Control Strategy for High Precision Marking of Installation Drill Holes Using a Mobile Robot
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 69-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Paul, H.; Jedermann, R.
Sparse Point Source Estimation in Sensor Networks with Gaussian Kernels
In: VDE (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International ITG Workshop on. Smart Antennas (WSA 2016). 2016, pp. 294-300 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Plohr, C.; Kotzab, H.
Contemplation and analysis of current retail logistics concepts and technologies
In: CERR 2016. Book of Proceedings. 2016, pp. 321-322 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Pöppelbuß, J.; Teucke, M.; Werthmann, D.; Freitag, M.
Managing the Life Cycle of IT-Based Inter-firm Resources in Production and Logistics Networks
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 59-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen, BIBA)

Pötsch, T.; Schmitt, P.; Chen, J.; Raghavana, B.
Helping the Lone Operator in the Vast Frontier
In: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2016, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Praeger, U.; Scaar, H.; Jedermann, R.; Neuwald, D. A.; König, M.; Geyer, M.
Airflow conditions in apple bins and a commercial apple cold store
In: Herbert, U.; Kreyenschmidt, J. (eds.): 6th International Cold Chain Management Conference. 2016, pp. 99-104 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Rehman, A.; Khan, A.; Khan, A.; Khan, S.; Marwat, S. N. K.
A dialectical analysis of non-reference image quality measures (IQMs) and restoration filters for single image blind deblurring
In: Information Technology (Big Data Analysis) (KACSTIT), Saudi International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Heterogeneity of Velocity in Vehicle Routing - Insights from Initial Experiments
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 171-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.
A Micro- and Macroeconomic View on Shared Resources in Logistics
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 3-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Schopka, K.; Kopfer, H.
An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for the Reverse Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
In: Mattfeld, D.; Spengler, T.; Brinkmann, J.; Grunewald, M. (eds.): Logistics Management. Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2015, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 243-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schopka, K.; Kopfer, H.
Pre-selection Strategies for Dynamic Collaborative Transportation Planning Problems
In: Lübbecke, M.; Koster, A.; Letmathe, P.; Madlener, R.; Peis, B.; Walther, G. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2014. Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), RWTH Aachen University, Germany, September 2-5, 2014. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 523-529 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schopka, K.; Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
A Five-Step Approach for Dynamic Collaborative Transportation Planning on Hard Time Horizon
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 417-427 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Evaluation of Strategies for the Coupling of Central Planning and Autonomous Control in Dynamic Job Shop Environments
In: Wulfsberg, J. P.; Fette, M.; Montag, T. (eds.): Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications Inc, Pfaffikon, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 457-464 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Staar, B.; Flosky, H.; Lütjen, M.
Fast and Reliable Quality Inspection of Micro Parts
In: Dimitrov D.; Oosthuizen T. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing. Global Competitiveness Centre in Engineering; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, ZA, 2016, pp. 237-242 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Staar, B.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Real-time Anomaly Detection Along the Outer Walls of Circular Objects (WIP)
In: de Rango, Floriano; Marn, José Luis Risco ; D’Ambrogio, Andrea; Nicolescu, Gabriela (eds.): Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC). Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vista, CA, USA, 2016, pp. 461-467 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stefan, A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stanescu, I. A.
Approaches to Reengineering Digital Games
In: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME). ASME Digital Library, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stefan, A.; Stanescu, I. A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Arnab, S.
Approaching Assessment in educational games
In: Roceanu, I.; Dubois, D.; Moldoveanu, F.; Stanescu, I.; Beligan, D.; Dascala, M. I.; Barbieru, D. (eds.): eLearning Vision 2020!. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE). 2016, pp. 485-491 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of pre-processing on different kind of images produced by optical sensor system
In: 2nd International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumental Advances (SEIA' 2016). 2016, pp. 41-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Detection of fungus through an optical sensor system using the histogram of oriented gradients
In: SENSORS, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 418-420 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection System
In: Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Teucke, M.; Ait Alla, A.; El-Berishy, N.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Lütjen, M.
Forecasting of Seasonal Apparel Products
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 633-642 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Vinayaka, P. P.; van den Driesche, S.; Blank, R.; Chakraborty, R.; Tahir, M. W.; Frodl, M.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
Membrane-Sealed Bioreactor for on-Site Autonomous Detection of Fungi Spore Contamination in Archives
In: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference. – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 529-532 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

von Stietencron, M.; Hribernik, K.; Røstad, C. C.; Henriksen, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
An IoT fueled DSS for MOL Marine Auxiliaries Management
In: Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of Industries. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Springer International Publishing, 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Stietencron, M.; Røstad, C. C.; Henriksen, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Utilising the Internet of Things for the Management of Through-life Engineering Services on Marine Auxiliaries
In: Elsevier (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 5th International Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf). Elsevier, 2016, pp. 233–239 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wagner, D.; Becker, T.
Characterization of Cluster Structures in Material Flow Networks: A Network Approach
In: Trächtler, A.; Denkena, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016, pp. 277-283 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Wang, M.; Liu, B.; Quan, J.; Funke, J.
A Two-Stage Iterative Solution Approach for Solving a Container Transportation Problem
In: Mattfeld, D.; Spengler, T.; Brinkmann, J.; Grunewald, M. (eds.): Logistics Management. Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2015, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 259-271 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A survey with analytic hierarchy process for selecting an optimal combination of employing electric commercial vehicles in the urban freight transport
In: Berns, K.; Dreßler, K.; Fleischmann, P.; Ilsen, R.; Jörg, B.; Kalmar, R.; Nagel, T.; Schindler, C.; Stephan, N. K. (eds.): Commercial Vehicle Technology 2016. Proceedings of the 4th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT 2016). Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2016, pp. 533-541 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Influential Factors for Application of the Electric Commercial Vehicle in the Urban Freight Transport
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 375-378 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Approach to describe knowledge sharing between producer and user
In: Wang, L.; Kjellberg, T. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 26th CIRP Design Conference. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 20-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wessel, F.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
Macro-institutional Complexity in Logistics: The Case of Eastern Europe
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 463-472 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Wiesner, S.; Lampathaki, F.; Biliri, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Requirements for Cross-domain Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative Product-Service System Design
In: Cavalieri, S.; Ceretti, E.; Tolio, T.; Pezzotta, G. (eds.): Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle. Proceedings of the 8th CIRP IPSS Conference. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 108–113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Wellsandt, S.
Design and Development of Product Service Systems (PSS) - Impact on Product Lifecycle Perspective
In: Elsevier (eds.): Procedia Technology. 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 152–161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wünsche, S.
Dynamics in Demand of Qualifications and Competences in Logistics - Actual and Future Challenges for Human Resource Managers
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 627-630 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Yi, S. H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kim, K. H.
Collaborative Carry-Out Process for Empty Containers Between Truck Companies and a Port Terminal
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 473-482 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Yoo, M.; Kolyvakis, P.; Kiritsis, D.; Werthmann, D.; Hellbach, R.
Semantic Model for IoT-Enabled Electric Vehicle Services: Puzzling with Ontologies
In: Younas, M.; Awan, I.; Seah, W. (eds.): FiCloud 2016. 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2016, pp. 387-392 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Yumurtacı, I.; Galipoglu, E.; Kotzab, H.
Social, local and mobile commerce practices in omni-channel retailing: insights from Germany and Turkey
In: CERR 2016. Book of Proceedings. 2016, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen, Chair of Logistics Management)

Yumurtacı, I.; Kotzab, H.; Meyer, J.; Köstepen, K.
Consumer logistics in grocery shopping
In: Ojala, L.; Töyli, J.; Solakivi, T.; Lorentz, H.; Laari, S.; Lehtinen, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference. 2016, pp. 655-670 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, LfL HB)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Detection of Ethylene Using Gas Chromatographic System
In: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference. – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 380-383 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhuravlev, D.; Haasis, H.-D.
Development of Global Supply Networks to Market Integration
In: Kotzab, H.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 621-625 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)


Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Real-Time Fault detection for Advanced Maintenance of Sustainable Technical Systems
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2015. Elsevier, 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Arnab, S.; Ger, P. M.; Lim, T.; Lameras, P.; Hendrix, M.; Kiili, K.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Ninaus, M.; de Freitas, S.; Mazzetti, A.; Dahlbom, A.; Degano, C.; Stanescu, I. A.; Riveiro, M.
A Conceptual Model Towards the Scaffolding of Learning Experience
In: Gloria, A. D. (eds.): Games and Learning Alliance. Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 83-96 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Lim, T.; Ritchie, J.; Kalverkamp, M.; Bellotti, F.; Ribeiro, C.
To Facilitate or Not? Understanding the Role of the Teacher in Using a Serious Game
In: Gloria, A. D. (eds.): Games and Learning Alliance. Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 16-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stanescu, I. A.; Carvalho, M. B.; Lim, T.; Louchart, S.; Arnab, S.; Stefan, A.
Serious Game Mechanics and Opportunities for Reuse
In: Roceanu, I. (eds.): Rethink education by leveraging the eLearning pillar of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE). Carol I NDU Publishing House, 2015, pp. 19-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stanescu, I. A.; Carvalho, M. B.; Stefan, A.; Bancia, M.; Lim, T.
Integrating Gamification in Mechanical Engineering Systems to Support Knowledge Processes
In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (eds.): ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1B: 35th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2–5, 2015. ASME Digital Library, 2015, pp. 4-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Tundys, B.; Rogers, H.
Modeling sustainable supply chains using serious games – A comparative analysis of Germany and Poland
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H.; Ferrari, E. (eds.): Reflections of Supply Chain Research and Practice. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2015, pp. 784-792 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bargsten, V.; De Gea Fernández, J.
COMPI: Development of a 6-DOF Compliant Robot Arm for Human-Robot Cooperation
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, (HFR-2015). 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Becker, T.; Stern, H.
Impact of Resource Sharing in Manufacturing on Logistical Key Figures
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2015, pp. 579–584 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Beetz, M.; Bartels, G.; Albu-Schäffer, A.; Bálint-Benczédi, F.; Belder, R.; Beßler, D.; Haddadin, S.; Maldonado, A.; Mansfeld, N.; Wiedemeyer, T.; Weitschat, R.; Worch, J.-H.
Robotic Agents Capable of Natural and Safe Physical Interaction with Human Co-workers
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. IEEE, 2015, pp. 6528 - 6535 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Beetz, M.; Tenorth, M.; Winkler, J.
Open-EASE - A Knowledge Processing Service for Robots and Robotics/AI Researchers
In: IEEE (eds.): IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2015, pp. 1983-1990 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Lütjen, M.; Stoever, L.; Thoben, K.-D.
TrendFashion - A Framework for the Identification of Fashion Trends
In: Cunningham, D.; Hofstedt, P.; Meer, K.; Schmitt, I. (eds.): INFORMATIK 2015. Informatik, Energie und Umwelt. 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2015, pp. 1195-1206 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Bendul, J. C.; Rosca, E.; Hoffmann, T.
Sustainable Technology Transfer for Poverty Alleviation: Unified Framework for Challenges and Transdisciplinary Solution Approaches
In: Ozcevik, O. ; Brebbia, C. A.; Sener, S. M. (eds.): Sustainable Development and Planning 2015 Conference Proceedings. WitPress, 2015, pp. 823-835 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Blunck, H.; Bendul, J. C.
Invariant-Based Production Control Reviewed: Mixing Hierarchical and Heterarchical Control in Flexible Job Shop Environments
In: Mařík, V.; Schirrmann, A.; Trentesaux, D.; Vrba, P. (eds.): Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems. 7th International Conference, HoloMAS 2015, Valencia, Spain, September 2-3, 2015, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 96-107 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Boger, D.; Pannek, J.; Lawo, M.
Interaktive Schutzbekleidung für industrielle Arbeitsumgebungen
In: Dieffenbach, S.; Henze, N.; Pilot, M. (eds.): Mensch und Computer. 2015, pp. 323-326 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, DIL)

Bozcuoglu, K. A.; Beßler, D.; Beetz, M.
Rendering Semantically-Annotated Experiment Videos out of Robot Memories
In: Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. IEEE, 2015, pp. 541 - 546 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Breuer, C.; Haasis, H.-D.; Siestrup, G.
Operational Risk Response for Business Continuity in Logistics Agglomerations
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 107-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Buer, T.; Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.
A coordination mechanism for a collaborative lot-sizing problem with rivaling agents
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 325-337 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Computational Logistics, LfL HB)

Carvalho, M. B.; Bellotti, F.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Berta, R.; De Gloria, A.; Rauterberg, M.
Towards a Service-Oriented Architecture Framework for Educational Serious Games
In: Sampson, D. G.; Huang, R.; Hwang, G.-J.; Liu, T.-S; Chen, N.-S.; Kinshuk; Tsai, C.-C. (eds.): Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 147 - 151 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ciobotaru, G.; Chankov, M. S.; Bendul, J. C.
Restructuring distribution networks in humanitarian logistics: the concept of “freight villages”
In: Pawar, K. S. ; Rogers, H.; Ferrari, E. (eds.): The Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium for Logistics (ISL 2015). Reflections on Supply Chain Research and Practice. Nottingham University Business School, 2015, pp. 379-389 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pawar, K.
Challenges for the Port of the Future: Findings from a Scenario Analysis
In: Engineering Solutions for Societal Challenges. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Der Hafen der Zukunft: Szenarien für die Ermittlung von zukünftigen arbeitsprozessorientierten Kompetenzprofilen im Bereich Offshore und Containerumschlag
In: Gausemeier, J. (eds.): 11. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT). Nixdorf Institut; Paderborn, 2015, pp. 81-89 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Edelkamp, S.; Plaku, E.; Greulich, C.; Pomarlan, M.
Solving the Inspection Problem via Colored Traveling Salesman Tours
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Workshop on Task Planning for Intelligent Robots in Service and Manufacturing. 2015, pp. 26-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Ehm, J.; Freitag, M.
The benefit of integrating production and transport scheduling
In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2015. Elsevier, 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Erfurth, T.; Bendul, J. C.
Effect of Periodic Rail Transport Implementation into Distribution Networks
2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Eslikizi, S.; Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.; Buer, T.
Shapley-based side payments and simulated annealing for distributed lot-sizing
In: Dolgui, A. ; Sasiadek, J.; Zaremba, M. (eds.): 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015). Elsevier, 2015, pp. 1592-1597 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Computational Logistics)

Foerster, A.; Udugama, A.; Görg, C.; Kuladinithi, K.; Timm-Giel, A.; Cama-Pinto, A.
A Novel Data Dissemination Model for Organic Data Flows
In: Agüero, R.; Zinner, T.; García-Lozano, M.; Wenning, B.-L.; Timm-Giel, A. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 7th International Conference, MONAMI 2015, Santander, Spain, September 16-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 239-252 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Frazzon, E. M.; Albrecht, A.; Hurtado, P. A.; Souza Silva, L.; Pannek, J.
Hybrid modelling approach for the scheduling and control of integrated production and logistic processes along export supply chains
In: Dolgui, A.; Sasiadek, J.; Zaremba, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 1521-1526 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Freitag, M.; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Murali, R.
A Concept for the Dynamic Adjustment of Maintenance Intervals by Analysing Heterogeneous Data
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials. Progress in Production Engineering. Trans Tech Publications Inc, Pfaffikon, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 507-515 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Funke, J.; Kopfer, H.
A Neighborhood Search for a Multi-size Container Transportation Problem
In: Dolgui, A.; Sasiadek, J.; Zaremba, M. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 2041–2046 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Gath, M.; Vaske, M.; Herzog, O.
Parallel Shortest-Path Searches in Multiagent-Based Simulations with PlaSMA
In: Loiseau, S. ; Filipe, J.; Duval, B.; van den Herik, H. J. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015). SciTePress, 2015, pp. 15-21 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IAI)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Eicke, N.
Cyber-Physical Multiagent-Simulation in Production Logistics
In: Müller, J. P.; Ketter, W.; Kaminka, G.; Wagner, G.; Bulling, N. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologies. 13th German Conference, MATES 2015, Cottbus, Germany, September 28 - 30, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Cham, 2015, pp. 119-136 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IAI, IGS)

Haasis, H.-D.; Landwehr, T.; Kille, G.; Obsadny, M.
Cloud-Based eBusiness Standardization in the Maritime Supply Chain
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 265-276 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Haidu, A.; Kohlsdorf, D.; Beetz, M.
Learning Action Failure Models from Interactive Physics-based Simulations
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. IEEE, 2015, pp. 5370 - 5375 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Heger, J.; Hildebrandt, T.
Simulationsbasierte Optimierung der Reihenfolgeplanung am Beispiel eines Liniensorters in der Automobilindustrie
In: Markus Rabe; Uwe Clausen (eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2015, pp. 11-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hildebrandt, T.; Freitag, M.
Bessere Prioritätsregeln für komplexe Produktionssysteme mittels multi-kriterieller simulationsbasierter Optimierung
In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U. (eds.): Simulation in Production und Logistics 2015. zgl. 16. ASIM-Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2015, pp. 309-318 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Homberger, J.; Gehring, H.; Buer, T.
Integrating Side Payments into Collaborative Planning for the Distributed Multi-Level Unconstrained Lot Sizing Problem
In: 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2015, pp. 1068-1077 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
CFD modelling of deviating airflow and cooling conditions in banana containers
In: Model-IT Symposium on modelling for Horticulture. Wageningen, NL. 2015, pp. 2015 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Klein, P.; Lützenberger, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
A proposal for knowledge formalization in product development processes
In: Weber, C.; Husung, S.; Cantamessa, M.; Cascini, G.; Marjonavic, D.; Venkataraman, S. (eds.): Design Information and Knowledge Management. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). The Design Society, a worldwide community, 2015, pp. 261-272 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kotzab, H.; El-Jafli, S.
The Role of Instore Logistics and Shelf Ready Packaging for On-Shelf Availability
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 415-426 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Wünsche, S.
Competences and Qualifications of Logistic Managers—An Empirical Analysis of Job Postings in Germany
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 517-527 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kuschan, J.; Thamer, H.; Freitag, M.
Punktwolkenverarbeitung in logistischen Anwendungen unterstützt durch Einplatinenrechner
In: Luhmann, T.; Müller, C. (eds.): Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning und optische 3D-Messtechnik. Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2015. Wichmann - VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2015, pp. 122-130 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lim, T.; Louchart, S.; Suttie, N.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Earp, J.; Ott, M.; Arnab, S.; Brown, D.; Stanescu, I. A.; Bellotti, F.; Carvalho, M.
Serious Game Mechanics, Workshop on the Ludo-Pedagogical Mechanism
In: Gloria, A. D. (eds.): Games and Learning Alliance. Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 174-183 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lisca, G.; Nyga, D.; Bálint-Benczédi, F.; Langer, H.; Beetz, M.
Towards Robots Conducting Chemical Experiments
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. IEEE, 2015, pp. 5202 - 5208 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Lütjen, M.; Rippel, D.; Freitag, M.
Automatic Simulation Model Generation in the Context of Micro Manufacturing (WIP)
In: D'Ambrogio, A.; Barros, F.; Zacharewicz, G.; Wang, M. H. (eds.): Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS 2015). 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim’15). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), Alexandria, VA, USA, 2015, pp. 257-262 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mehmood, Y.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Görg, C.; Zaki, Y.; Timm-Giel, A.
Evaluation of M2M Data Traffic Aggregation in LTE-A Uplink
In: Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG) (eds.): ITG-Fb 258: Mobilkommunikation. Technologien und Anwendungen Vorträge der 20. ITG-Fachtagung, 7. – 8. Mai 2015 in Osnabrück. VDE-Verlag, 2015, pp. 24-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mirza, M. J.; Tahir, M. W.; Anjum, N.
On Singularities Computation and Classification of Redundant Robots
In: International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control Engineering (IC4E'2015) May 22-23, 2015 Dubai (UAE). International Institute of Engineers, 2015, pp. 113-117 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Nyga, D.; Beetz, M.
Cloud-based Probabilistic Knowledge Services for Instruction Interpretation
In: International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR). 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Raza, A.; Zaki, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Chen, J.; Subramanian, L.
Extreme Web Caching for Faster Web Browsing
In: ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (eds.): SIGCOMM '15. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 111-112 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Rippel, D.; Hildebrandt, T.; Staar, B.; Weimer, D.; Lütjen, M.
Prognosebasierte Bestimmung von Wartungszeitpunkten für die Mikrofertigung
In: Hopmann, Ch.; Brecher, Ch.; Dietzel, A.; Drummer, D.; Hanemann, T.; Manke, E.; Schomburg, W. K.; Schulze, V. ; Vollertsen, F. ; Wulfsberg, J.-P. (eds.): 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion in Aachen. Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV), Aachen, 2015, pp. 87-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rosca, E.; Bendul, J. C.
Combining Frugal Engineering and Effectuation Theory: Insights for Frugal Product Development in Entrepreneurial Context
In: Proceedings of the 14th R&D Management Conference, Pisa (Italy). 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Rosca, E.; Bendul, J. C.; Arnold, M. G.
Frugal and reverse innovation as novel business models having diverse sustainability impact
In: Proceedings of the Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference. Elsevier, 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Rosca, E.; Cordes-Berszinn, P.; Bendul, J. C.
Fit between Research Questions, Paradigms and Methodologies in Strategic Management Research?
In: Bezzina, F.; Cassa, V. (eds.): Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 2015 Conference. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2015, pp. 336-344 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Rosca, E.; Reedy, J.; Bendul, J. C.
Does frugal innovation enable sustainable development? A systematic literature review
In: Proceedings of the CFIA & EADI Workshop. 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Strategies for the Coupling of Autonomous Control and Central Planning - Evaluation of Strategies using Logistic Objectives Achievement and Planning Adherence
In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2015. IEEE, 2015, pp. 121-126 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Stability of Distributed MPC in an Intersection Scenario
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 12th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2015). IOP Science, Bristol, UK, 2015, pp. 012049 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Thamer, H.; Kuschan, J.; Uriarte, C.; Freitag, M.
Image analysis as key technology for logistics automation solutions
In: Palwar, K.; Rogers, H.; Ferrari, E. (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2015). Reflections on Supply Chain Research and Practice. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2015, pp. 573-580 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Unseld, H. G.; Kotzab, H.
Innovations for Accessing Rail Transport Networks
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 251-263 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Vinayaka, P. P.; van den Driesche, S.; Janssen, S.; Frodl, M.; Blank, R.; Cipriani, F.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
Impedance spectroscopy for detection of mold in archives with an integrated reference measurement
In: van den Driesche, S. (eds.): Proceedings SPIE 9518, Bio-MEMS and Medical Microdevices II, 95180T. SPIE Microtechnologies. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Vornhusen, B.; Kopfer, H.
Emission Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Delivery and a Heterogeneous Vehicle Fleet
In: Corman, F.; Voß, F.; Negenborn, R. R. (eds.): Computational Logistics. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 231-253 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Walther-Franks, B.; Smeddinck, J.; Szmidt, P.; Haidu, A.; Beetz, M.; Malaka, R.
Robots, Pancakes, and Computer Games: Designing Serious Games for Robot Imitation Learning
In: CHI '15. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 3623-3632 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Wellsandt, S.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Content analysis of product usage information from embedded sensors and web 2.0 sources
In: Engineering Solutions for Societal Challenges. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, 2015, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Sources and characteristics of information about product use
In: Proceedings of the 25th CIRP Design Conference . Innovative Product Creation. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 242-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Wüst, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Information Quality in PLM: A product design perspective
In: Umeda, S.; Nakano, M.; Mizuyama, H.; Hibino, H.; Kiritsis, D.; v. Cieminski, G. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2015, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part I. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 515-523 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiedemeyer, T.; Bálint-Benczédi, F.; Beetz, M.
Pervasive 'Calm' Perception for Autonomous Robotic Agents
In: AAMAS '15. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015, pp. 871-879 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Wiesner, S. A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Challenges for Requirements Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems in Distributed Environments
In: Umeda, S.; Nakano, M.; Mizuyama, H.; Hibino, H.; Kiritsis, D.; von Cieminski, G. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2015, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part II. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 49-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Freitag, M.; Westphal, I.; Thoben, K.-D.
Interactions between Service and Product Lifecycle Management
In: PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business. Proceedings of the 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference (CIRP). Elsevier, 2015, pp. 36-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Winkler, J.; Beetz, M.
Robot Action Plans that Form and Maintain Expectations
In: IEEE (eds.): IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. IEEE, 2015, pp. 5174 - 5180 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Winkler, J.; Beetz, M.
Generalized Plan Design For Autonomous Mobile Manipulation in Open Environments
In: Bordini, E.; Weiss, Y. (eds.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015). 2015, pp. 1891-1892 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Zaki, Y.; Pötsch, T.; Chen, J.; Subramanian, L.; Görg, C.
Adaptive Congestion Control for Unpredictable Cellular Networks
In: ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (eds.): SIGCOMM '15. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 509-522 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zeising, P.; Brending, S.; Lawo, M.; Pannek, J.
Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration durch Prädiktion
In: Diefenbach, S.; Henze, N.; Pielot, M. (eds.): Mensch und Computer 2015. Tagungsband. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, 2015, pp. 371-374 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, DIL)

Zhang, H.; El-Berishy, N.; Zastrau, D.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Tan, Y.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Rügge, I.
Interdisciplinary Perspective on Knowledge Management in Logistics
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 491-503 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, BIBA, TZI, Comnets, IMSAS, BIBA, IGS)

Ziebuhr, M.; Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
A Collaborative Lot-Sizing Problem with Production Limitations
In: 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 1005-1012 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Computational Logistics, LfL HB)


Ahmad, F.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Tailoring LTE-Advanced for M2M Communication using Wireless Inband Relay Node
In: Proceedings of WTC 2014; World Telecommunications Congress 2014. VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ahmed, M.; Eich, M.; Bernhard, F.
Design and Control of MIRA: a Lightweight Climbing Robot for Ship Inspection
In: In World Symposium on Mechatronics Engineering & Applied Physics (WSMEAP2014). IEEE, 2014, pp. 58-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Apostu, M.-V.; Meyer, M.; Bendul, J. C.
Early Indication System for Critical Situations in Job-shop Production
In: 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMaC 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 33-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Kalaboukas, K.; Hamadache, K.; Lupieri, P.; Forcolin, M.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Capella, A.; Stefansson, G.; Roso, V.
Development of a holistic approach fostering innovation uptake in the logistics area
In: Jacob, B. (eds.): TRA2014 Transport Research Arena 2014. Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation!. 2014, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Kalverkamp, M.
Requirements on learning analytics for facilitated and non facilitated games. An experiment with an online game for decision making in supply chains
In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2014). IEEE, 2014, pp. 1126-1132 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beber, M. E.; Becker, T.
Towards an Understanding of the Relation between Topological Characteristics and Dynamic Behavior in Manufacturing Networks
In: Procedia CIRP. 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 21-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Becker, T.; Meyer, M.
Performance and Time Based Robustness Measures for Dynamical and Multi-variant Manufacturing Systems
In: Proceedings of the 18th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Cambridge, Great Britain, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, Jacobs University)

Becker, T.; Weimer, D.
Identification of Autonomous Structures in Dynamic Manufacturing Networks using Clustering Approaches
In: The Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Disruptive supply network models in future industrial systems: configuring for resilience and sustainability. Management Technology, London, 2014, pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Becker, P.; Vaske, M.
Simulationsumgebung zur Bewertung von wetterabhängigen Offshore-Installations- und Logistikszenarien
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 59-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Birnschein, T.; Oekermann, C.; Yüksel, M.; Girault, B.; Szczuka, R.; Grünwald, D.; Kroffke, S.; Ahmed, M.; Yoo, Y.; Kirchner, F.
Enhancing Mobility using Innovative Technologies and Highly Flexible Autonomous Vehicles
In: Fischer-Wolfarth, J.; Meyer, G. (eds.): Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014. Smart Systems for Safe, Clean and Automated Vehicles. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 49-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Blunck, H.; Vican, V.; Becker, T.; Windt, K.
Improvement Heuristics for Manufacturing System Design Using Complex Network Figures
In: Procedia CIRP. Variety Management in Manufacturing — Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 50-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, PSLS, Jacobs University)

Bodenstab, M.; Sagert, C.; Beinke, T.
Konzeption einer operativen Planung und Steuerung für die Offshore-Windenergielogistik der Errichtungsphase
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 75-84 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brüning, M.; Buchholz, H.; Bendul, J. C.
Transferability of Self-Healing Principles to the Recovery of Supply Network Disruptions - The Case of Renesas Electronics
In: 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMaC 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 14-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Brüning, M.; Hartono, N. T.; Bendul, J. C.
Collaborative Recovery from Supply Network Disruptions: A Multiple Case Study
In: Proceedings of XII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Duin, H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Work Process Oriented Competence Development for the Port of the Future
In: Terzi, S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering,Technology, and Innovation (ICE 2014) and IEEE TMC Europe Conference. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Strategische Planung in einem Luft- und Raumfahrtcluster mit der Cross-Impact Methode
In: Gausemeier, J. (eds.): 10. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung. Heinz Nixdorf Institut, 2014, pp. 379-402 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Construction of Serious Games Supporting Creativity in Student Labs
In: Ma, M.; Oliveira Fradinho, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. 5th International Conference, SGDA 2014, Berlin, Germany, October 9-10, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014, pp. 199-212 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, M.; Klein, K.; Hribernik, K.; Lappe, D.; Veigt, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Semantic Web Service Wrappers as a foundation for interoperability in closed-loop Product Lifecycle Management
In: Roy, R.; Tomiyama, T.; Tiwari, A.; Tracht, K.; Shahab, E.; Shaw, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services. Elvesier, 2014, pp. 225-230 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Garcia Sanchez, R.; Pehlken, A.; Lewandowski, M.
Potential usage for used glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) and carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP)
In: 4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gath, M.; Herzog, O.; Edelkamp, S.
Autonomous and flexible Multiagent Systems enhance Transport Logistics
In: Proc. 11th International Conference and Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2014). 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation system for autonomous control methods in coupled planning and control systems
In: 9th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. 2014, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Guan, L.; Kuladinithi, K.; Pötsch, T.; Görg, C.
A Deeper Understanding of Interoperability between TinyRPL and ContikiRPL
In: IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Autonomous control in closed dynamic logistic systems
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt2014). Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2014, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hartanto, R.; Eich, M.
Reliable, Cloud-based Communication for Multi-Robot Systems
In: The 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications. IEEE, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Genetic Algorithm for the Integrated Scheduling of Production and Transport Systems
In: Helber, S.; Breitner, M.; Rösch, D.; Schön, C.; Graf von der Schulenburg, J.-M.; Sibbertsen, P.; Steinbach, M.; Weber, S.; Wolter, A. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2012. Selected Papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, September 5-7, 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 533-539 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Herr, O.; Goel, A.
Comparison of Two Integer Programming Formulations for a Single Machine Family Scheduling Problem to Minimize Total Tardiness
In: 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 174-179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Herzog, O.; Schuldt, A.; Gehrke, J. D.; Berndt, J. O.; Warden, T.; Gath, M.
Logistics Supply Network Structures for Industry 4.0
In: Joint INAE-acatech Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IAI, IGS)

Hildebrandt, T.; Goswami, D.; Freitag, M.
Large-scale Simulation-based Optimization of Semiconductor Dispatching Rules
In: Buckley, S.J. (eds.): Winter Simulation Conference 2014. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Model based estimation of biological heat generation during cold-chain transport and processing
The Institute of Refrigeration, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Pötsch, T.; Lang, W.
Smart Sensors for the Intelligent Container (Poster)
In: Proc. of European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (Smart SysTech). 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Kalverkamp, M.; Gorldt, C.
IoT Service Development via Adaptive Interfaces: Improving utilization of cyber-physical systems by competence based user interfaces
In: Terzi, S.; Katzy, B.; et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2014) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. IEEE , 2014, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Wearable Recognition System for Sports Activities
In: The Sixth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Klein, K.; Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Identification of Interface Information for a Virtual Data Integration
In: Mertins, K.; Bénaben, F.; Poler, R.; Bourrières, J.-P. (eds.): Enterprise Interoperability VI. Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 89-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Klein, P.; Lützenberger, J.; Iversen, G.; Christensen, K.; Pawar, K.
K-Brief and Context Driven Access - Providing context related information to product developers in high quality
In: Terzi, S.; Katzy, B.; et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2014) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Klein, P.; Lützenberger, J.; Pugliese, D.; Colombo, G.; Thoben, K.-D.
Exchange Of Knowledge In Customized Product Development Processes
In: Proceedings of the 24rd CIRP Design Conference - Mass Customization and Personalization. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knollmann, M.; He, M.; Bendul, J. C.
Shifting Targets in Manufacturing Control: Development of a Methodology Considering Human Behavior to Avoid the Lead Time Syndrome of Manufacturing Control
In: Capturing value from global networks. implications for manufacturing, supply chains and industrial policy. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Knollmann, M.; Windt, K.; Duffie, N.
Evaluation of Capacity Control and Planned Lead Time Control in a Control-theoretic Model
In: Variety Management in Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 392-397 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.; Luderer, M.
Graph Transformation Meets Reversible Circuits: Generation, Evaluation, and Synthesis
In: Giese, H.; König, B. (eds.): Graph Transformation. 7th International Conference, ICGT 2014, Held as Part of STAF 2014, York, UK, July 22-24, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 237-252 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Kück, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Robust Methods for the Prediction of Customer Demands Based on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
In: Windt, K. (eds.): 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 93-98 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Lang, W.; Janssen, S.; Jedermann, R.
The Intelligent Container - A Cognitive Sensor Net for Fruit Logistics
In: SENSORNETS 2014 . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks, Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 9 January, 2014. Scitepress, 2014, pp. 351-359 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.
Towards Autonomous Control in Maintenance and Spare Part Logistics - Challenges and Opportunities for Preacting Maintenance Concepts
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Busse, M.; Denkena, B.; Gausemeier, J. (eds.): Conference Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence. Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. University of Bremen, University of Paderborn, University of Hannover, Bremen, 2014, pp. 333-340 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.; Garcia Sanchez, R.; Thoben, K.-D.
Closed-Loop Product Lifecycle Management for Offshore Wind Turbines by Utilising Enhanced Maintenance Concepts
In: Rolfes, R. (eds.): International Wind Engineering Conference, IWEC 2014. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, 2014, pp. 421-428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Liu, A.; Wuest, T.; Wei, W.; Lu, S.
Application of Prospect Theory on Car Sharing Product Service System
In: ElMaraghy, H. (eds.): Product Services Systems and Value Creation. Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 350–355 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.
Konzept zur integrierten Fertigungs- und Logistikplanung im Kontext der digitalen CFK-Produktionsentwicklung
In: Wittmann, J.; Deatcu, C. (eds.): Tagungsband ASIM 2014. 22. Symposium Simulationstechnik. ARGESIM/ASIM - Verlag, Wien, 2014, pp. 49-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Franke, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Freitag, M.
Model-Driven Logistics Engineering - Challenges of Model and Object Transformation
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Busse, M.; Denkena, B.; Gausemeier, J. (eds.): 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 301-310 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Theoretical Computer Science, BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Dong, Y.; Li, X.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.
Novel Schemes for Component Carrier Selection and Radio Resource Allocation in LTE-Advanced Uplink
In: Agüero, R.; Zinner, T.; Rossitza, G.; Timm-Giel, A.; Tran-Gia, P. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 6th International Conference, MONAMI 2014, Würzburg, Germany, September 22-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 32-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Meyer, M.; Brintrup, A.; Windt, K.
Linking Product and Machine Network Structure Using Nested Pattern Analysis
In: Variety Management in Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 278-283 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Schlalos, I.
Instandhaltungsplanung und -steuerung basierend auf Condition Monitoring und Zuverlässigkeit – Preagierende Instandhaltung am Beispiel von Offshore–Windenergie
In: Nienhaus, K.; Burgwinkel, P. (eds.): Instandhaltungsplanung und -steuerung basierend auf Condition Monitoring und Zuverlässigkeit. Preagierende Instandhaltung am Beispiel von Offshore–Windenergie. Verlag R.Zilkens, Stolberg, 2014, pp. 195-203 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Pantke, F.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Planning with Numeric Key Performance Indicators over Dynamic Organizations of Intelligent Agents
In: Müller, J. P.; Weyrich, M.; Bazzan, A. L. C. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologies. 12th German Conference, MATES 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, September 23-25, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 138-155 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Pantke, F.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Combinatorial Planning with Numerical Parameter Optimization for Local Control in Multi-Agent Systems
In: 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2014). July 2-4, 2014, Bremen, Germany. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 62-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Pantke, F.; Herzog, O.
Distributed key figure optimization approaches for global goal coordination in multi-agent systems for production control
In: Windt, K. (eds.): 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 180-185 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Pötsch, T.; Pei, L.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.
Model-Driven Data Acquisition for Temperature Sensor Readings in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pugliese, D.; Colombo, G.; Klein, P.; Lützenberger, J.
A study for neutral format to exchange and reuse engineering knowledge in KBE applications
In: Terzi, S.; Katzy, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2014) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. IEEE , 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Reiß, F.; Buer, T.
A coordination mechanism for capacitated lot-sizing in non-hierarchical n-tier supply chains
In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems (CIPLS 2014). IEEE, 2014, pp. 9-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Rinne, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Der Einsatz von Helikoptern im Service von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 107-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Rolbiecki, M.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Einsatz virtueller und experimenteller Methoden im Produktentwicklungsprozess von Effektoren für technische Textilien
In: Rieg, F.; Brökel, K.; Feldhusen, J.; Grote, K.-H.; Stelzer, R. (eds.): 12. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2014. Methoden in der Produktentwicklung: Kopplung von Strategien und Werkzeugen im Produktentwicklungsprozess. Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, 2014, pp. 23-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ronthaler, M.; Straube, S.; Bartsch, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.; Kirchner, F.
Autonome Systeme für automatisierte Unterwasser-Inspektion von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 115-122 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DFKI, BIBA, BIBA)

Schlalos, I.; Harenslak, T.; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.
Technologien für die automatisierte Logistik in der Betriebsphase von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 99-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.
Common Pool Resources for Logistics
In: BVL Literature Series Issue 03/2014. 2014, pp. 5-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Schütt, H.; Lange, K.
Ein Logistik-Diagnose-Werkzeug für die Offshore-Windenergie
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 69-74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Sonsalla, R.; Cordes, F.; Christensen, L.; Planthaber, S.; Albiez, J.; Scholz, I.; Kirchner, F.
Towards a Heterogeneous Modular Robotic Team in a Logistic Chain for Extraterrestrial Exploration
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2014). 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Sterzik, S.; Kopfer, H.; Funke, J.
Advantages of Decoupling Containers and Vehicles at Customers' Locations
In: Dethloff, J.; Haasis, H.-D.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Logistics Management. Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Bremen, 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 301-312 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Thamer, H.; Kost, H.; Weimer, D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
3D-Objekterkennung von heterogenen Stückgütern in ungeordneten Packszenarien
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seidel, H. (eds.): 19. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik. Fraunhofer IFF, Magdeburg, 2014, pp. 129-137 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M.
Offshore-Logistik - Herausforderungen an die Logistik für die Windenergie und Potentiale der angewandten Forschung
In: Thoben, K.-D.; Haasis, H.-D.; Lewandowski, M. (eds.): Logistik für die Windenergie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für moderne Windkraftwerke. epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2014, pp. 3-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog)

Thoben, K.-D.; Pöppelbuß, J.; Wellsandt, S.; Teucke, M.; Werthmann, D.
Considerations on a Lifecycle Model for Cyber-Physical System Platforms
In: Grabot , B.; Vallespir, B.; Gomes, S.; Bouras, A.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014, Proceedings, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 85-92 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Veigt, M.; Lappe, D.; Franke, M.; Kück, M.; Zimmerling, R.; Schlick, J.; Stephan, P.; Guth, P.
Towards Networking Logistics Resources to enable a Demand-Driven Material Supply for Lean Production Systems - Basic Concept and Potential of a Cyber-Physical Logistics System
In: Proceedings of the 7. BVL Scientific Symposium on Logistics. BVL International Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V, Bremen, Germany, 2014, pp. 42-69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Vornhusen, B.; Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Vehicle routing under consideration of transshipment in horizontal coalitions of freight carriers
In: Windt, K. (eds.): 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). Elsevier, 2014, pp. 117–122 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Weimer, D.; Rippel, D.; Hildebrandt, T.; Lütjen, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Strategy for Logistic Quality Control in Micro Bulk Production
In: Denkena, B.; Duffie, N.; Vollertsen, F. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Procedia CIRP, Paris, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Fellmann, C.; Lütjen, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Towards 100% in-situ 2D/3D quality inspection of metallic micro components using plenoptic cameras
In: ElMaraghy, H. (eds.): Variety Management in Manufacturing . Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 847-852 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
GPU architecture for unsupervised surface inspection using multi-scale texture analysis
In: Denkena, B.; Duffie, N.; Vollertsen, F. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Procedia CIRP, Paris, 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Qualitative comparison of requirements elicitation techniques that are used to collect feedback information about product use
In: Proceedings of the 24rd CIRP Design Conference. 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Klein, K.; Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Virtual Data Integration for Ubiquitous Logistics: An Approach Supporting Shared Logistics Resources in Urban Environments
In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014). 2014, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Liu, A.; Lu, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Application of the stage gate model in production supporting quality management
In: ElMaraghy, H. (eds.): Variety Management in Manufacturing - Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems,. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 32–37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Mak-Dadanski, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Data Quality in Materials Science: A Quality Management Manual Approach
In: Grabot , B.; Vallespir, B.; Gomes, S.; Bouras, A.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014, Proceedings, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 42-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Yüksel, M.; Ahmed, M.; Girault, B.; Birnschein, T.; Kirchner, F.
A Framework for Design, Test, and Validation of Electric Car Modules
In: Fischer-Wolfarth, J.; Meyer, G. (eds.): Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014. Smart Systems for Safe, Clean and Automated Vehicles. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 245-254 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Zaki, Y.; Chen, J.; Pötsch, T.; Ahmad, T.; Subramanian, L.
Dissecting Web Latency in Ghana
In: IMC '14 Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 241-248 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.
The Integrated Operational Transportation Planning Problem with Compulsory Requests
In: González-Ramírez, R. G. ; Schulte, F.; Voß, S.; Ceroni Díaz, J. A. (eds.): Computational Logistics. 5th International Conference, ICCL 2014, Valparaiso, Chile, September 24-26, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 1-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Graph-Transformational Swarms
In: Bensch, S.; Drewes, F.; Freund, R.; Otto, F. (eds.): NCMA2013. 5th Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2013, pp. 35-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Ahlrichs, C.; Lawo, M.
Indicating Motor Symptoms in PD Patients Using AI-based Algorithms
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Arendt, F.
Maritime Sicherheit und Terrorabwehr - Transport ohne Risiko?
In: Einfach Wissenswert Logistik. 2013, pp. 42-47 [BibTeX]

Awan, D.; Bashir, S.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Ali, H.
Gain enhancement of UWB antennas with and without band notch feature
In: International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2013. IEEE, 2013, pp. 342-345 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Evaluation of Serious Games Supporting Creativity through Student Labs
In: Ma, M.; Oliveira, M.; Petersen, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. 4th International Conference, SGDA 2013, Trondheim, Norway, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 188-199 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Kalverkamp, M.
Creating an IoT-Game-Token for a Serious Game in Logistics
In: Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association and the 17th IFIP WG 5.7. Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management (ISAGA 2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Kalverkamp, M.
Education of Students on Information and Communication Technologies Supporting the Green Logistics Concept
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport (ICLST 2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Kalverkamp, M.
The Use of Living Labs for Developing IoT Services for the Logistics in Food Supply Chains
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013). Resilient Supply Chains in an uncertain environment. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2013, pp. 732-742 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Pourabdollahian, B.; Riedel, J. C. K. H.
The Use of Serious Games in the Education of Engineers
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 622-629 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, M.; Kuladinithi, K.; Pötsch, T.; Görg, C.
Wireless Freight Supervision using Open Standards
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Becker, M.; Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.
The Constrained Application Protocol for Pervasive Machine-To-Machine Communications. Demonstration
In: Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2012). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.
Planung und Steuerung der Logistikprozesse der Offshore-Windkraftindustrie
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seiderl, H. (eds.): Tagungsband. 18. Magdeburger Logistiktage - Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgard, 2013, pp. 73-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brandwein, D.; Werthmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Infobroker und RFID-Technik in der multimodalen Fahrzeugdistribution
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seiderl, H. (eds.): 18. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013, pp. 53-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chaves Mates, W.; Frazzon, E. M.; Hartmann, J.; Mayerle, S.
A Graph Model for the Integrated Scheduling of Intermodal Transport Operations in Global Supply Chains
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 301-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Colmorn, R.; Hülsmann, M.
Eine Untersuchung der strukturellen Komplexität des Netzwerkes an Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken der deutschen Automobilindustrie – Implikationen zur Bestimmung ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
In: Proff, H.; Pascha, W.; Schönharting, J.; Schramm, D. (eds.): Schritte in die künftige Mobilität. Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 531-547 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Colmorn, R.; Hülsmann, M.; Brintrup, A.
The Structure of the Value Creation Network for the Production of Electric Vehicles
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 47-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Cordes, P.; Hülsmann, M.
Dynamic Capabilities in Manufacturing Processes: A Knowledge-based Approach for the Development of Manufacturing Flexibilities
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 519-534 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Duin, H.; Lehne, M.; Fischer, N.; Norden, C.
Application of Cross-Impact Analysis to Evaluate Innovations in the Cruise Industry
In: Bertram, V. (eds.): 12th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries. Cortona, 15-17 April 2013. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, 2013, pp. 425-436 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Pourabdollahian, B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Taisch, M.
On the Effectiveness of Teaching Sustainable Global Manufacturing with Serious Gaming
In: Cunningham, S. W.; Salimi, N.; Ortt, R.; Rezaei, J.; Katzy, B. R. (eds.): Proceedings of the IEEE International Technology Management Conference . 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Die kausale Cross-Impact Analyse als Methode der Szenario-Technik zur Unterstützung der strategischen Planung in Unternehmensnetzwerken
In: Gausemeier, J. (eds.): 9. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung. Heinz Nixdorf Institut, 2013, pp. 95-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Idea Model Supporting the Management of the Lifecycle of Ideas
In: Thoben, K.-D.; McMahon, C.; Pels, H. J.; Lützenberger, J. (eds.): Product Lifecycle Management. Collaborative value creation throughout the whole lifecycle. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Geneve, 2013, pp. 146-155 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

El-Berishy, N.; Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
The Interrelation between Sustainability and Green Logistics
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 527-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

El-Jafli, S.; Kotzab, H.
Instore logistics and shelf ready packaging and their impact on on-shelf-availability
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013). Resilient Supply Chains in an uncertain environment. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2013, pp. 512-521 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Ermler, M.
A SAT-Based Graph Rewriting and Verification Tool Implemented in Haskell
In: Hanus, M.; Rocha, R. (eds.): Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 2013, pp. 213-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Ermler, M.
SAT-Based Loop Detection in Graph Rewriting
In: Waldmann, J. (eds.): 13th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2013). 2013, pp. 46-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Ermler, M.
Towards a Verification Framework for Haskell by Combining Graph Transformation Units and SAT Solving
In: Hanus, M.; Rocha, R. (eds.): Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 2013, pp. 138-152 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Franke, M.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Hans, C.
Improving Maintenance Activities by the Usage of BOL Data
In: Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 2nd International Through-life Engineering Services Conference (TESConf 2013). Elsevier, 2013, pp. 62-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Towards Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Networks
In: Forty-Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Economic Development and Wealth through Globally Competitive Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 2013, pp. 49-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Pintarelli, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Simulation-Based Analysis of Integrated Production and Transport Logistics
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 499-508 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gath, M.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Agent-Based Dispatching in Groupage Traffic
In: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems (CIPLS 2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Gath, M.; Herzog, O.; Edelkamp, S.
Agent-based Planning and Control for Groupage Traffic
IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.
Agent-Based Multimodal Transport Planning in Dynamic Environments
In: Timm, I. J.; Thimm, M. (eds.): KI 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 36th Annual German Conference on AI, Koblenz, Germany, September 16-20, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 74-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Greulich, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Gath, M.; Warden, T.; Humann, M.; Herzog, O.; Sitharam, T. G.
Enhanced Shortest Path Computation for Multiagent-based Intermodal Transport Planning in Dynamic Environments
In: Joaquim, F.; Fred, A. L. N. (eds.): ICAART 2013. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 February, 2013. ScitePress, 2013, pp. 324-329 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI, IGS)

Haasis, H.-D.; Rügge, I.; Holdorf, S.
Simultaneous operative transportation planning - A heuristic approach for the integration of self-fulfilment and subcontraction
In: SKIMA 2013. Proceedings of the 7th Internation Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013). 2013, pp. 555-578 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, BIBA, IGS)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Selbststeuernde Logistik im Umlaufmanagement von Verleihartikeln
In: Dangelmaier, W.; Laroque, C.; Klaas, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik. Entscheidungsunterstützung von der Planung bis zur Steuerung. HNI Verlagsschriftenreihe 2013, Paderborn, 2013, pp. 217-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heidmann, N.; Hellwege, N.; Peters-Drolshagen, D.; Paul, S.; Dannies, A.; Lang, W.
A low-power wireless UHF/LF sensor network with web-based remote supervision 2014; Implementation in the intelligent container
In: Sensors, 2013 IEEE. IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Hribernik, K.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Product Avatar for Leisure Boats Owners: Concept, Development and Findings
In: Bernard, A.; Rivest, L.; Dutta, D. (eds.): Product Lifecycle Management for Society. 10th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2013, Nantes, France, July 6-10, 2013, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hribernik, K.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards Product Avatars Representing Middle-of-Life Information for Improving Design, Development and Manufacturing Processes
In: Kovacs, G. L.; Kochan, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference Digital Product and Process Development Systems. IFIP TC 5 International Conference, NEW PROLAMAT 2013, Dresden, Germany, October 10-11, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 85-96 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Illigen, C.; Korsmeier, B.; Hülsmann, M.
Robustness of Complex Adaptive Logistics Systems: Effects of Autonomously Controlled Heuristics in a Real-World Car Terminal
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 161-173 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Isenberg, M.-A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
The multiple batch processing machine problem with stage specific incompatible job families
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 113-124 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Isenberg, M.-A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Scheduling multiple batch processing machines with stage specific incompatible job families
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 125-139 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Dannies, A.; Moehrke, A.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Lang, W.
Supervision of transport and ripening of bananas by the Intelligent Container
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Moehrke, A.; Lang, W.
The intelligent container for banana transport supervision and ripening
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kalkbrenner, G.; Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Activity Recognition using Wearable Computing and Ambient Computing
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Kalverkamp, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Logistics IoT services development with a sensor toolkit in an experiential training environment
In: Cunningham, S. W.; Salimi, N.; Ortt, R.; Rezaei, J.; Katzy, B. R. (eds.): Proceedings of the IEEE International Technology Management Conference. 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
Recognizing Physical Activities by Wearable Computing
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.; Homer, P.
Wearable Recognition System for Physical Activities
In: The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE'13. IEEE, 2013, pp. 245 - 249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Klein, P.; Lützenberger, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Are smart products foiling automated design?
In: Abramovici, M.; Stark, E. (eds.): Smart Product Engineering. Proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Conference, Bochum, Germany, March 11th - 13th, 2013. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 947-956 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.
A Short Paper on Innovation Capability Maturity within Collaborations
In: Bhullar, G.; Maiden, N.; Missikoff, M.; Smith, F. (eds.): Short Paper Proceedings. 2013, pp. 7-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Intelligent Product States: Exploring the Synergy of Intelligent Products and State Characteristics in Collaborative Manufacturing
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 2013). IARIA XPS Press, 2013, pp. 88-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Characteristics of Knowledge and Barriers towards Innovation and Improvement in Collaborative Manufacturing Process Chains
In: Franch, X.; Soffer, P. (eds.): Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. CAiSE 2013 International Workshops, Valencia, Spain, June 17-21, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 264-273 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Fragmented knowledge in collaborative manufacturing process chains
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2013). IEEE, 2013, pp. 451-456 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Understanding Product State Relations within Manufacturing Processes
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 437-444 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knollmann, M.; Windt, K.
Evaluating Lead Time Standard Deviation With Regard To The Lead Time Syndrome
In: Wind, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 469-480 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Kopfer, H. W.; Kopfer, H.
Emissions Minimization Vehicle Routing Problem in Dependence of Different Vehicle Classes
In: Kreowski, H,-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 49-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Krajina, D.; Kotzab, H.
What design and influencing factors impact the performance of maritime business networks? Results from an empirical analysis of the maritime industry in Bremen
In: Pawar, K.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013). Resilient Supply Chains in an uncertain environment. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2013, pp. 391-394 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kück, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Forecasting of Customer Demands in Production Networks Based on Phase Space Reconstruction - An application to predict intermittent demand evolutions
In: Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Forecasting. 2013, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kück, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Lazy Learning Parameters for the Prediction of Customer Demands
In: Wani, M. A.; Tecuci, G.; Boicu, M.; Kubat, M.; Khoshgoftaar, T. M.; Seliya, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). IEEE, 2013, pp. 160-165 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lange, K.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schütt, H.
Analysis of logistics concepts for a cost-efficient installation of offshore wind farms
In: Soares, G.; Pena, L. (eds.): Development in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources. IMAM 2013. Taylor & Francis, 2013, pp. 927-932 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Lewandowski, M.; Gath, M.; Werthmann, D.; Lawo, M.
Agent-based Control for Material Handling Systems in In-House Logistics - Towards Cyber-Physical Systems in In-House-Logistics Utilizing Real Size Evaluation of Agent-based Material Handling Technology
In: Information Technology Society within VDE (ITG) (eds.): Smart SysTech 2013. VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin; Offenbach, 2013, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IAI, BIBA)

Lewandowski, M.; Siebenand, O.; Oelker, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Maintenance Work Order Based on Event-Driven Information of Condition-Monitoring Systems - A Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling and Rescheduling of Dynamic Maintenance Orders
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Lecture Notes in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 395-404 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Li, X.; Mehani, O.; Aguero, R.; Toseef, U.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Evaluating User-Centric Multihomed Flow Management in Multi-User Scenarios
In: IEEE 14th International Symposium and Workshops on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Li, X.; Zaki, Y. N.; Dong, Y.; Zahariev, N.; Görg, C.
SON Potential for LTE Downlink MAC Scheduler
In: 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Lloyd, C.; Issa, S.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Empirical airflow pattern determination of refrigerated banana containers using thermal flow sensors
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lloyd, C.; Pötsch, T.; Yi, S. H.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Safaei, M.; Issa, S.; Rügge, I.
Resources in Logistics - A Multidisciplinary Challenge
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 449-455 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Lützenberger, J.; Klein, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Using Knowledge based Engineering to Support the Design of Smart Products
In: Lindemann,U.; Venkataraman, S.; Kim, Y. S.; Lee, S. W. (eds.): Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Design (ICED 2013). Design for Harmonies, 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Görg, C.
Machine-to-Machine Communications for eHealthcare in Future Mobile Networks
In: ICT meets Medicine and Health - Joint CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop. 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Pötsch, T.; Zaki, Y. N.; Weerawardane, T.; Görg, C.
Addressing the Challenges of E-Healthcare in Future Mobile Networks
In: Bauschert, T. (eds.): Advances in Communication Networking. 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, August 28-30, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 90-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Chen, J.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
A Novel Machine-to-Machine Traffic Multiplexing in LTE-A System using Wireless In-band Relaying
In: Pesch, D.; Timm-Giel, A.; Calvo, R. A.; Wenning, B.-L.; Pentikousis, K. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 5th International Conference, MONAMI 2013, Cork, Ireland, September 23-25, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2013, pp. 149-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Karimi, H. R.
A fuzzy programming method for optimization of autonomous logistics objects
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2013). IEEE, 2013, pp. 344-349 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Modzelewski, M.; Lawo, M.; Kirisci, P. T.; O Connor, J.; Fennell, A.; Mohamad, Y.; Matiouk, S.; Valle-Klann, M.; Gökmen, H.
Including User Needs in Product Development
In: Proceedings of the CEWIT-TZI-acatech workshop on the topic of ICT meets Medicine and Health (ICTMH 2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, BIBA)

Monauni, M.; Meyer, M.; Windt, K.
Evaluation Model for Robustness and Efficiency Trade-offs in Production Capacity Decisions
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 535-547 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Müller, F.; Hoffmann, P.; Frenken, M.; Hein, A.; Herzog, O.
Länger selbstbestimmt Wohnen - Vernetzte Hausautomatisierung im Realeinsatz
In: Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik. 6. deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung, 22.-23. Januar 2013, Berlin, Tagungsbeiträge. VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenburg, 2013, pp. 45-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Rolbiecki, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Entwicklung von Handhabungseinrichtungen für biegeweiche Materialien - Anforderungsanalyse zur Produktentwicklung
In: Brökel, K.; Stelzer, R.; Feldhusen, J.; Rieg, F.; Grote, K.-H. (eds.): 11. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik (KT 2013). 2013, pp. 305-314 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Opresnik, D.; Zanetti, C.; Wiesner, S. A.; Taisch, M.
A Model for Intangible Assets Management as a Catalyst for Product-Service Innovation in Manufacturing
In: Cunningham, S. W.; Salimi, N.; Ortt, R.; Rezaei, J.; Katzy, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2013) & IEEE TMC Europe Conference. 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pehlken, A.; Garcia Sanchez, R.
Strategische Ressourcen in der Windenergie
In: Gómez, J. M.; Lang, C.; Wohlgemuth, V. (eds.): IT-gestütztes Ressourcen- und Energiemanagement. Konferenzband zu den 5. BUIS-Tagen. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 545-554 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Piotrowska-Kurczewski, I.; Schlasche, J. W.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Maaß, P.
Image Denoising and Quality Inspection of Micro Components Using Perona-Malik Diffusion
In: Settineri, L. (eds.): 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO). Elsevier, 2013, pp. 432-437 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pötsch, T.
Machine-to-Machine Communication in Medicine and Health Technologies
In: Joint CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop ICT meets Medicine and Health (ICTMH2013). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.
Continuous Integration for Wireless Sensor Network Operating Systems (Poster)
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Influence of Future M2M Communication on LTE system
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Zaki, Y. N.; Görg, C.
Poster Abstract: Performance Evaluation of Machine-to-Machine Communication on Future Mobile Networks in Disaster Scenarios
In: Advances in Communication Networking. 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, August 28-30, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 270-273 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Jedermann, R.; Moehrke, A.; Geyer, M.
Effect of storage climate on green-life duration of bananas
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Redecker, M. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
An Approach for Energy Saving in the Compound Feed Production
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 73-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rügge, I.; Klempien-Hinrichs, R.
Coping with Multi-Dimensional Diversity in Logistics Education
In: Proceedings of 6th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL). IFAC-PapersOnline, 2013, pp. 456-462 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.
Towards the Learning Behaviour and Performance of Artificial Neural Networks in Production Control
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 465-474 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Fries, C. E.
A framework for the control of integrated production and transport systems by combining evolutionary scheduling with fault detection methods
In: Sethi, S. (eds.): Integrating practice in POM research and teaching. POMS 2013 Conference Program. Production & Operations Management Society East Lansing, Denver, USA, 2013, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.
A generic approach for the graph-based integrated production and intermodal transport scheduling with capacity restrictions
In: Settineri, L. (eds.): 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO). Elsevier, 2013, pp. 109-114 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kück, M.
Potentials of Nonlinear Dynamics Methods to Predict Customer Demands in Production Networks
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 33-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Meinecke, C.
Towards an Integrated Production and Outbound Distribution Planning Method
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 85-92 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Teucke, M.
Modelling the Costs of Autonomous Logistics
In: Schuh, G.; Neugebauer, R.; Uhlmann, E. (eds.): Future Trends in Production Engineering. Proceedings of the First Conference of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Berlin, Germany, 8th-9th June 2011. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 221-232 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tan, Y.; Hildebrandt, T.
A computational study of shifting bottleneck procedures for job shop total weighted tardiness scheduling problems
In: Kendall, G.; Berghe, G. V.; McCollum, B. (eds.): 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications. 2013, pp. 437-456 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schönberger, J.; Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
A Model for the Coordination of 20-foot and 40-foot Container Movements in the Hinterland of a Container Terminal
In: Pacino, D.; Voß, S.; Jen-sen, R.M. (eds.): Computational Logistics. 4th International Conference, ICCL 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 113-127 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Computational Logistics)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Network Configuration in Presence of Synchronisation Requirements
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 63-76 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
A Procedural Framework for Hybrid Decentralized Decision Problem Solving
In: IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control. IFAC Papers Online, 2013, pp. 724-729 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.
Shared logistics resources – Widening and broadening the concept of common pool resources for logistics
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013). Resilient Supply Chains in an uncertain environment. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2013, pp. 772-778 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Kotzab, H.
Shared Resources in Logistics
In: Proceedings of NOFOMA 2013 (25th conference of the Nordic Logistics Research Network). 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Sowade, S.; von Lamezan, P.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Evaluating the Effects of Embedded Control Devices in Autonomous Logistic Processes
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 463-475 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Kost, H.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A 3D-Robot Vision System for Automatic Unloading of Containers
In: 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013. IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Taj, F.; Weimer, D.; Kost, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Combined Categorization and Localization of Logistic Goods Using Superquadrics
In: Kamel, M.; Campilho, A. (eds.): Image Analysis and Recognition. 10th International Conference, ICIAR 2013, Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal, June 26-28, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 215-224 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.; Kost, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
3D-Computer Vision for Automation of Logistic Processes
In: Clausen, U.; ten Hompel, M.; Meier, J. F. (eds.): Efficiency and Innovation in Logistics. Proceedings of the International Logistics Science Conference (ILSC) 2013. Springer International Publishing, 2013, pp. 67-75 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
3D-Bildverarbeitung für die automatische Entladung von Standardladungsträgern
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seiderl, H. (eds.): 18. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013, pp. 203-209 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thin, A. G.; Fiucci, G.; Luccini, A. M.; Rudnianski, M.; Garcia Sanchez, R.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Servitization versus Commoditization: the Business Model Dilemma Confronting Serious Games for Health
In: Schouten, B.; Fedtke, S.; Bekker, T.; Schijven, M.; Gekker, A. (eds.): Games for Health. Proceedings of the 3rd european conference on gaming and playful interaction in health care. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 75-84 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Wiesner, S. A.; Gusmeroli, S.; Eschenbächer, J.
Developing Business Models for Extended Products in Manufacturing Service Ecosystems
In: Lindemann,U.; Venkataraman, S.; Kim, Y. S.; Lee, S. W. (eds.): Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Design (ICED 2013). Design for Harmonies, 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uriarte, C.; Kunaschk, S.; Rohde, A.-K.
Celluveyor - Ein Hochflexibles und modulares Förder- und Positioniersystem auf Basis omnidirektionaler Antriebstechnik
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seidel, H. (eds.): Tagungsband 18. Magdeburger Logistiktage »sichere und nachhaltige Logistik«. 19. - 20. Juni 2013 im Rahmen der IFF-Wissenschaftstage. Fraunhofer IFF, Magdeburg, 2013, pp. 241-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Dittmer, P.; Haass, R.; Wittig, F.
The Intelligent Container - An estimation of benefits and costs
2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Wenzlawowicz, T.; Stommel, M.; Herzog, O.; Ludes, P.; Wollenberg, J.
Semantic Video Abstracting for Video Selection Management
In: 10th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2013). IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Dynamic Collaborative Transportation Planning: A Rolling Horizon Planning Approach
In: Pacino, D.; Voß, S.; Jensen, R.M. (eds.): Computational Logistics. 4th International Conference, ICCL 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 128-142 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Wellsandt, S.; Werthmann, D.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ubiquitous logistics: a business and technology concept based on shared resources
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the eChallenges Conference (e-2013). IIMC International Information Management Cooperation, Dublin, 2013, pp. 8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Brandwein, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Standardized information exchange in automotive distribution processes
In: Bakhtadze, N.; Chernyshov, K.; Dolgui, A.; Lototsky, V. (eds.): Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Volume 7, Part 1. International Federation of Automatic Control, Laxenburg, 2013, pp. 670-675 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Sesana, M.; Gusmeroli, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Requirements for Servitization in Manufacturing Service Ecosystems
In: Prabhu, V.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2013, State College, PA, USA, September 9-12, 2013, Proceedings, Part IIPart II, IFIP WG 5.7. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Winkler, M.; Eschenbächer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Strategies for Extended Product Business Models in Manufacturing Service Ecosystems
In: Meier, H. (eds.): Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions. Proceedings of the 5th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 239-250 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Knowledge Sharing in Intermodal Transport: A Multi-Agent Based Perspective
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 35-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Digital Representations of Intelligent Products: Product Avatar 2.0
In: Abramovici, M.; Stark, E. (eds.): Smart Product Engineering. Proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Conference, Bochum, Germany, March 11th - 13th, 2013. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 675-684 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Irgens, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Analysis of Manufacturing Process Sequences, Using Machine Learning on Intermediate Product States (as Process Proxy Data)
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 1-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Werthmann, D.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards an Approach to Identify the Optimal Instant of Time for Information Capturing in Supply Chains
In: Prabhu, V.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2013, State College, PA, USA, September 9-12, 2013, Proceedings, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 3-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Zaki, Y. N.; Weerawardane, T.; Li, X.; Görg, C.
LTE Radio Schedulers Analytical Modeling using Continuous Time Markov Chains
In: 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Ziebuhr, M.; Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
Agent-negotiation of lot-sizing contracts by simulated an-nealing with part-way resets
In: Klusch, M.; Thimm, M.; Paprzycki, M. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2012).. 11th German Conference, MATES 2013, Koblenz, Germany, September 16-20, 2013. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 166-179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Computational Logistics, LfL HB)


Ait Alla, A.; Mehrsai, A.
Centralized rescheduling approach against autonomous control approach in dynamic flexible flow shop in the presence of machine breakdowns
In: Denkena, B. (eds.): Proceedings 1st Joint Symposium on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2012). New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. PZH Verlag, Garbsen, 2012, pp. 162-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Azadegan, A.; Riedel, J. C. K. H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Serious Games Adoption in Corporate Training
In: Ma, M.; Oliveira, M. F.; Hauge, J. B.; Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. Third International Conference, SGDA 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 74-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Braziotis, C.
Enhancing the Student`s Learning on Supply Chain Management through the Application of a Business Game
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A. T. (eds.): Proceedings of papers of the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012). New Horizons in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2012, pp. 683-689 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Duin, H.
Challenges and Opportunities of Using Games for Supporting Creativity
In: Urban, B.; Müsebeck, P. (eds.): eLearning Baltics 2012. Proceedings of the 5th International eLBa Science Conference in Rostock, Germany, June 21 - 22, 2012. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2012, pp. 83-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Garcia Sanchez, R.
Supporting on-line training of engineers in the wind energy sector by using games
In: Hoeborn, G. (eds.): Workshop-publication / The IFIP WG 5.7 16th Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management. June 3 - 5, 2012, in Wuppertal, Germany / in collab. with the EU Network of Excellence GaLA INNOVATION and Serious Games. Edition Winterwork, Borsdorf an der Parthe, 2012, pp. 61-70 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Riedel, J. C. H. K.
Evaluation of Simulation Games for Teaching Manufacturing
In: Procedia Computer Science. 4th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications(VS-GAMES’12). Elsevier, 2012, pp. 210-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Rust, A.
Using Serious Games for Overcoming Separation between Theory and Practice in the Education of Engineers
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): eChallenges e-2012 Conference Proceedings. IMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd, 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, T.; Meyer, M.; Beber, M. E.; Windt, K.; Hütt, M.-T.
A comparison of network characteristics in metabolic and manufacturing systems
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 141-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Schweizer, A.
Offshore-Windenergielogistik: Supply Chain Event Management und Tracking and Tracing Technologien für ein stabiles Logistiknetzwerk
In: Müller, E.; Bullinger, A. (eds.): Intelligent vernetzte Arbeits- und Fabriksysteme. VPP2012 - Vernetzt planen und produzieren & Symposium Wissenschaft und Praxis. Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau, Chemnitz, 2012, pp. 479-486 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Schweizer, A.
Developing standardized logistics processes for the offshore wind energy industry
In: Proceedings DEWEK 2012. 10 - Offshore Wind Turbine. DEWI GmbH, Bremen, 2012, pp. 4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Distributed Learning of Best Response Behaviors in Concurrent Iterated Many-Object Negotiations
In: Timm, I.J.; Guttmann. C. (eds.): Multiagent System Technologie. 10th German Conference, MATES 2012, Trier, Germany, October 10-12, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 15-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Resource Allocation in Autonomous Logistics Processes
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 429-439 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Brandwein, D.; Uckelmann, D.; Beenken, B.
Using RFID in License Plates and Vignettes for Electronic Vehicle Identification: Structured Testing of Passive UHF Systems for Vehicle Identification
In: Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 ProceedingsThe Impact of Virtual, Remote and Real Logistics Labs. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 148-155 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brenner, V.; Hülsmann, M.; Korsmeier, B.
Analyzing Supply Chain Ruptures in Food Chains - A Cross-Sector Assessment of Classification Frameworks
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A. T. (eds.): Proceedings of papers of the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012). New Horizons in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2012, pp. 228-235 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Breuer, C.; Wildebrand, H.; Haasis, H.-D.
Reactive Risk Management Using a Combined Multi-Agent Simulation Approach
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A. T. (eds.): Proceedings of papers of the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012). New Horizons in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2012, pp. 319-326 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
Discovering Synergies between Freight Requests for Solving a Bid Construction Problem
In: Granat, J.; Sebastian, H. J.; Hillebrandt, J. (eds.): 12th Conference of the IFIP Working Group 7.6 on Advanced Analytics. Integration of Modeling, Optimization, Data Analysis and Knowledge Management for Solving Real World Problems. 2012, pp. 53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Cerinsek, G.; Duin, H.; Colombo, F.; Pourabdollahian, B.; Plebanek, S.
The Application of the CISD2 Methodology for the Definition of a Serious Game Competence-Based Learning Scenario in the Domain of Sustainable Manufacturing
In: Ma, M.; Oliveira, M. F.; Hauge, J. B.; Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. Third International Conference, SGDA 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 193-207 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dannies, A.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Feasibility of shifting decision support tools for quality estimation in food logistics to the sensor node level
In: Proceedings of SKIMA 2012 - International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Naujok, L.
Stability analysis scheme for autonomously controlled production networks with transportation
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 453-463 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ZeTeM, BIBA)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Mironchenko, A.
Constructions of ISS-Lyapunov functions for interconnected impulsive systems
In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10.12.-13.12.2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.. IEEE, 2012, pp. 6831 - 6836 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Mironchenko, A.
Dwell-time conditions for robust stability of impulsive systems.
In: 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012). 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Diamantini, C.; Knoke, B.; Missikoff, M.
Monitoring Innovation in Virtual Enterprises: an Agile Semantic Approach
In: De Nicola, A.; Missikoff, M.; Smith, F. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Complexity of Systems, Complexity of Interoperability in conjunction with itAIS (INVIT 2012), Rom, Italy. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Heidmann, N.; Paul, S.
The Intelligent Container as a Part of the Internet of Things
In: Wang, Z.; Tung, S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems. IEEE, 2012, pp. 209-214 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Döring, T.; Aras, H.; Walther-Franks, B.; Herrlich, M.; Rodacker, P.; Penner, A.; Malaka, R.
Using Gestural Interaction on Mobile Phones for Navigating 3D Information Spaces on Interactive Walls
2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Duin, H.; Oliveira, M.; Petersen, S. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Challenge of Learning for Networked SMEs to Increase Competitiveness in Virtual Enterprises
In: Camarinha-Matos, L. M.; Xu, L.; Afsarmanesh, H. (eds.): Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services. 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2012, Bournemouth, UK, October 1-3, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 475-482 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Oliveira, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Methodology for Developing Serious Gaming Stories for Sustainable Manufacturing
In: Katzy, B.; Holzmann, T.; Sailer, K.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2012), Munich. 2012, pp. 717-725 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Durugbo, C.; Kalverkamp, M.
Uncovering Requirements using Serious Games
In: Katzy, B.; Holzmann, T.; Sailer, K.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): 18th International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2012. IEEE, 2012, pp. 413-422 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Elfers, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Efficient Tolerant Pattern Matching with Constraint Abstractions in Description Logic
In: 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). 2012, pp. 256-261 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Elfers, C.; Messerschmidt, H.; Herzog, O.
Issues with Partially Matching Feature Functions in Conditional Exponential Models
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Special Session Machine Learning (ICAART-SSML). 2012, pp. 571-578 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ermler, M.; Kuske, S.; Luderer, L.; von Totth, C.
A Graph Transformational View on Reductions in NP
In: Echahed, R.; Habel, A.; Mosbah, M. (eds.): Selected Revised Papers from the 4th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM 2012). EASST, 2012, pp. 1-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Eschenbächer, J.; Sitek, P.; Knoke, B.
Towards the development of KPI for Business Innovation in Virtual Enterprise Environments
In: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA 2012), Verona, Italien (eds.)2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ganji, F.; Veigt, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Prototyping in Research Domains: A Prototype for Autonomous Production Logistics
In: Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 81-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Garcia Sanchez, R.; Lewandowski, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
ICT-based qualification for the wind energy industry
In: Renewable Energy 2030-Experts Visions, 25th Anniversary of the Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy (PPRE). 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Garcia Sanchez, R.; Thin, A. G.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Fiucci, G.; Nabeth, T.; Rudnianski, M.; Luccini, A. M.; Star, K.
Value Propositions for Serious Games in Health and Well-being
In: Ma, M.; Fradinho Oliveira, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. Third International Conference, SGDA 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 150-157 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gath, M.; Wagner, T.; Herzog, O.
Autonomous Logistic Processes of Bike Courier Services using Multiagent-Based Simulation
In: Affenzeller, M.; Bruzzone, A.; De Felice, F.; Del Rio Vilas, D.; Frydman, C.; Massei, M.; Merkuryev, Y. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Confernce on Modeling and Applied Simulation, 2012. DIME, Universita di Genova, Genoa, Italy, 2012, pp. 134 - 142 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
A Framework of the Forces Influencing the Adaptation of the SCOR Model to the Situation of the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 477-487 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Heger, J.; Bani, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Improving Production Scheduling with Machine Learning
In: Frommberger, Lutz; Schill, Kerstin; Scholz-Reiter, Bernd (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog-2012) Autonomous and Decentralized Approaches in Logistics Workshop at ECAI 2012. 2012, pp. 43-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heger, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Switching Dispatching Rules with Gaussian Processes
In: Windt, K. (eds.): Robust Manufacturing Control. Proceedings of the CIRP Sponsored Conference RoMaC 2012, Bremen, Germany, 18th-20th June 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 91-103 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hu, T.; Wenning, B.-L.; Görg, C.; Toseef, U.; Guo, Z.
Statistical Analysis of Contact Patterns between Human-carried Mobile Devices
In: Timm-Giel, A.; Strassner, J.; Agüero, R.; Sargento, S.; Pentikousis, K. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. 4th International Conference, MONAMI 2012, Hamburg, Germany, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 244-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Irgens, C.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Product state based view and machine learning: A suitable approach to increase quality?
2012, pp. 1733-1738 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Characterization of Thermal Flow Sensors for Air Flow Measurements in Transport Containers
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 361-370 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Janssen, S.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
Flow rate influence on the adsorption capabilities on a preconcentrator device for a NDIR ethylene gas sensor
In: smartsystems integration 2012. 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MEMS, MEMS, Ics and Electronic Components. VDE Verlag GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012, pp. 8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kaiser, E. B.; Lawo, M.
Wearable Navigation System for the Visually Impaired and Blind People
In: Computer and Information Science (ICIS). IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference. IEEE, 2012, pp. 230 - 233 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Kalverkamp, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Increasing the Link between Co-Creation and Exploration Phase in the Living Lab Process by Using Games
In: Hoeborn, G. (eds.): Workshop-publication / The IFIP WG 5.7 16th Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management. June 3 - 5, 2012, in Wuppertal, Germany / in collab. with the EU Network of Excellence GaLA INNOVATION and Serious Games. Edition Winterwork, Borsdorf an der Parthe, 2012, pp. 27-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Eschenbächer, J.
Virtual Enterprise Environments (VEEs) to Enable Innovation in Collaborative Networks – Initial Modelling Approach
In: Camarinha-Matos, L. M.; Xu, L.; Afsarmanesh, H. (eds.): Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services. 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2012, Bournemouth, UK, October 1-3, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 616-623 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Eschenbächer, J.
KPIs to Manage Innovation Processes in VEEs - Initial Thoughts and Results
In: Missikoff, M.; Smith, F. (eds.)Proceedings of the First Workshop on New Generation Enterprise and Business Innovation Systems (NGEBIS 2012), Gdànsk, Poland. 2012, pp. 19-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knollmann, M.; Windt, K.
Exploitation of Due Date Reliability Potentials: Mathematical Investigation of the Lead Time Syndrome
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 313-325 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Kopfer, H. W.; Kopfer, H.; Schönberger, J.
The Impact of Payload and Vehicle Size on Fuel Consumption Minimization by Vehicle Routing
In: Guenther, H.-O.; Kim, K.H.; Kopfer, H. (eds.): Book of Abstracts, LOGMS 2012. The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems. University Bremen, Bremen, 2012, pp. 18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Sterzik, S.
Reduction of Empty Container Repositioning Costs by Container Sharing
In: Klatte, D.; Lüthi, H.-J.; Schmedders, K. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2011. Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 287-292 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Korsmeier, B.; Hülsmann, M.; Brenner, V.
The Intelligent Container in the Marketing Mix of Logistics Service Providers - Contributions of Autonomous Cooperating Technologies for the Creation of Customer Value?
In: Pawar, K. S.; Potter, A. T. (eds.): Proceedings of papers of the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012). New Horizons in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2012, pp. 390-399 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Kotzab, H.; Gudehus, T.
Economic Ship Travel Speed: Consequences for Maritime Logistic Strategies and Sustainability
In: Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K.-H.; Kopfer, H. (eds.): Book of Abstracts, LOGMS 2012. The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems. University Bremen, Bremen, 2012, pp. 121-128 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Prockl, G.; Kinra, A.
Patterns of Internationalization: Assessing Network Structures in the Container Shipping Industry
In: Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K.-H.; Kopfer, H. (eds.): The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS). Book of Abstracts. University Bremen, Bremen, 2012, pp. 14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Unseld, H.
Intermodal Networks for Freight Transport in the Hinterland of Seaports - The Example of Railroad Networks for Mobility
In: Schwieger et al. (eds.): Networks for Mobility 2012. 6th international Symposium. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; von Totth, C.
Combining Graph Transformation and Algebraic Specification into Model Transformation
In: Mossakowski, T.; Kreowski, H.-J. (eds.): Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques. 20th International Workshop, WADT 2010, Etelsen, Germany, July 1-4, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 193-208 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Krieg-Brückner, B.; Crombie, D.; Gersdorf, B.; Jüptner, A.; Lawo, M.; Mandel, C.; Martínez, A. B.; Röfer, T.; Stahl, C.
Challenges for Indoor and Outdoor Mobility Assistance
In: Technik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben (AAL 2012). 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung, 24. - 25. Januar 2012, Berlin, Tagungsbeiträge. VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin Offenbach, 2012, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lange, K.; Rinne, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Planning Maritime Logistics Concepts for Offshore Wind Farms: A Newly Developed Decision Support System
In: Hu, H.; Shi, X.; Stahlbock, R.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. Third International Conference, ICCL 2012, Shanghai, China, September 24-26, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 142-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Lewandowski, M.; Garcia Sanchez, R.
Prospects for Raising Awareness in Material Efficiency: Context-Sensitive Support for Technicians and Engineers Using ICT
In: Pehlken, A.; Solsbach, A.; Stenzel, W. (eds.): Sustainable Material Life Cycles - Is Wind Energy Really Sustainable?. Hanse Studien des Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Band 9. BIS Verlag, Oldenburg, 2012, pp. 103-111 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Lewandowski, M.; Schmidt, K.; Kielhorn, C.; Uckelmann, D.
The Internet of Drinks
In: Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 156-166 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.
Towards Quality Driven Distribution of Intelligent Containers in Cold Chain Logistics Networks
In: Denkena, B.; Gausemeier, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): Proceedings of 1st Joint Symposium on System-Integrated Intelligence (SYSINT 2012). New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. PZH Verlag, Garbsen, Germany, 2012, pp. 171-174 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Karimi, H. R.
Approach of a Port Inventory Control System for the Offshore Installation of Wind Turbines
In: Chung, J. S.; Langen, I.; Hong, S. Y.; Prinsenberg, S. J. (eds.): The Proceedings of The Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE). Renewable Energy (Offshore Wind and Ocean). International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), Cupertino, California, USA, 2012, pp. 502-508 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Perera, R.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Impact of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications on Disaster Management in Future Mobile Networks
In: General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University Annual Symposium. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Design and Performance Analysis of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler in Heterogeneous Traffic Environment
In: 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. IEEE, 2012, pp. 499-504 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler
In: Koucheryavy, Y.; Mamatas, L.; Matta, I.; Tsaoussidis, V. (eds.): Wired/Wireless Internet Communication. 10th International Conference, WWIC 2012, Santorini, Greece, June 6-8, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 298-306 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Performance of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler Towards Delay Sensitive Traffic
In: Roer, P. (eds.): Mobilkommunikation (ITG-FB 234). Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 17. ITG-Fachtagung vom 9. bis 10. Mai in Osnabrück. VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, 2012, pp. 51-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Modzelewski, M.; Lawo, M.; Kirisci, P. T.; Connor, J. O.; Fennell, A.; Mohamad, Y.; Matiouk, S.; Valle-Klann, M.; Gökmen, H.
Creative Design for Inclusion Using Virtual User Models
In: Miesenberger, K.; Karshmer, A.; Penaz, P.; Zagler, W. (eds.): Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 288-294 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA)

Oliveira, M.; Duin, H.
Lessons Learnt from Contextualized Interactive Story Driven Development Methodology
In: Ma, M.; Fradinho Oliveira, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Serious Games Development and Applications. Third International Conference, SGDA 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 135-149 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Dannies, A.; Sanjeeva, B. K.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Combining Machine-to-Machine Communications with Intelligent Objects in Logistics
In: Uckelmann, D. ; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 102-112 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pötsch, T.; Kuladinithi, K.; Becker, M.; Trenkamp, P.; Görg, C.
Performance Evaluation of CoAP using RPL and LPL in TinyOS
In: Proceedings of Fifth IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS 2012). IEEE, 2012, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Rux, G.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.
Influence of storage conditions and bunch position on green-life period of bananas
In: Mauget, J.-C.; Godet, S.; Nguyen The, A. (eds.): 2nd Symposium on Horticulture in Europe (SHE). 2012, pp. 96 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Riedel, J. C. H. K.; Azadegan, A.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Serious Games Integration in Companies: A Research and Application Framework
In: Hoeborn, G. (eds.): Workshop-publication / The IFIP WG 5.7 16th Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management. June 3 - 5, 2012, in Wuppertal, Germany / in collab. with the EU Network of Excellence GaLA INNOVATION and Serious Games. Edition Winterwork, Borsdorf an der Parthe, 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Safaei, M.; Issa, S.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lang, W.
A Method to Estimate the Accumulated Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Network
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 337-347 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; El-Berishy, N.
Green Logistics-Oriented Framework for Integrated Production and Distribution Planning: Related Issues
In: The 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mansfeld, J.
From TagID to eVIN -Structured Data Exchange Based on RFID
In: Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 122-133 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Meyer-Barlag, C.; Harjes, F.
Real-Time Tracking and Tracing by Means of Radio Technology
In: Pawar, P. S.; Potter, A. T. (eds.): Proceedings of papers of the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012). New Horizons in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2012, pp. 529-537 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Schukraft, S.
Procedure for analyzing effects of changeability on logistics structures in value chain networks
In: POMS 2012 conference program. The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, 2012, pp. 17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Weimer, D.; Jacobi, J.; Lütjen, M.; Thamer, H.
Process Design for Automated Surface Inspection in Micro Cold Forming
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Microfactories. University of Tampere, Tampere, 2012, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Chan, L.
Modelling of requirements and technical enablers as precondition for the configuration of the Infrastructure of autonomously controlled logistic processes
In: Denkena, B.; Gausemaier, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (eds.): 1st Joint Symposium on System-integrated Intelligence: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. SysInt12 Conference Proceedings; June 27th-29th 2012; Hannover, Germany. PZH-Verlag, Garbsen, 2012, pp. 165-167 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tan, Y.; El-Berishy, N.; Santos Junior, J. B.
Event Management for Uncertainties in Collaborative Production Scheduling and Transportation Planning: A Review
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 199-210 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thamer, H.
Introduction of a Computer Vision System for Recognizing Universal Logistics Goods inside Standard Containers
In: Ivanov, D.; Sokolov, B.; Käschel, J. (eds.): Flexibility and Adaptability of Global Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 7th German-Russian Logistics Workshop. Publishing House of the Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Sankt Petersburg, RU, 2012, pp. 231-237 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.
Verknappung und Limitation öffentlicher Güter – Herausforderungen, Perspektiven und Forschungsbedarf für eine Engpass-orientierte Logistik
In: Ivanov, D. ; Sokolov, B.; Käschel, J (eds.): Flexibility and adaptability of global supply chains. Tagungsband des 7. Deutsch-Russischen Logistik- Workshops St. Petersburg 2012. 2012, pp. 426 - 433 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Revenue Management in Road-Based Freight Transportation - Investigation On Impacts Of Capacity Consumption Uncertainty
In: Hammervoll, T.; Jensen, L.-M. (eds.): International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012, pp. 388-403 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kotzab, H.
Adaptive Option Drawing - A Step towards the closure of the gap between supply chain configuration and deployment
In: Proceedings of 4th World Conference on Production & Operations Management. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, Chair of Logistics Management)

Schröder-Kroll, R.; Walther-Franks, B.; Herrlich, M.; Malaka, R.
Proxy based 3D selection
In: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI). IEEE, 2012, pp. 161-162 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Sitek, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Quality Management to Support Single Companies to Overcome Organisational Challenges in Collaborative Enterprise Networks
In: Frick, J.; Laugen, B. T. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2011, Stavanger, Norway, September 26-28, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 342-349 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sterzik, S.; Kopfer, H.
Synchronization of Container and Vehicle Routing by Means of a Sequential and a Simultaneous Solution Approach
In: Granat, J.; Sebastian, H.J.; Hillebrandt, J. (eds.): 12th Conference of the IFIP Working Group 7.6 on Advanced Analytics - Integration of Modeling, Optimization, Data Analysis and Knowledge Management for Solving Real World Problems. 2012, pp. 52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Sterzik, S.; Kopfer, H.
A Sequential and a Simultaneous Solution Approach for a Hinterland Container Transportation Scenario
In: Guenther, H.-O.; Kim, K.H.; Kopfer, H. (eds.): Proceedings, LOGMS 2012. The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems. University of Bremen, 2012, pp. 241-249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Struwe, E.; Wang, X.; Sander, C.; Kopfer, H.
A new simulated annealing algorithm for the freight consolidation problem
In: Klatte, D.; Lüthi, H.-J.; Schmedders, K. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2011. Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 299-304 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Teller, C.; Kotzab, H.; Grant, D.
Key Account Management and Supply Chain Execution
In: Brusset, X.; Kotzab, H.; Schnedlitz, P.; Teller, C.; Towers, N. (eds.): Colloqium on European Retail Research. Book of Proceedings (CERR 2012) : Abstracts and Articles Presented at the first Colloquium on European Retail Research. Colloquium on European Retail Research, CERR, Paris, France, 2012, pp. 274-295 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Uckelmann, D.
The Role of Logistics Labs in Research and Higher Education
In: Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rügge, I.; Hong, B.; Rizzi, A. (eds.): The Impact of Virtual, Remote, and Real Logistics Labs. First International Conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28 – March 1, 2012 Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Wenzlawowicz, T.; Herzog, O.
Semantic Video Abstracting Automatic Generation of Movie Trailers based on Video Patterns
In: Maglogiannis et al (eds.): Artificial Intelligence: Theories and Applications. 7th Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2012, Lamia, Greece, May 28-31, 2012. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 345-352 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Warden, T.; Wagner, T.; Langer, H.; Herzog, O.
Towards Multiagent Interactive Adaption Of Individual Models For Decision Support
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Special Session on Semantic Interoperability (ICAART-IWSI). 2012, pp. 553 - 559 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wellsandt, S.; Eschenbächer, J.
Mobility Service Centres as Facilitators for Electric Mobility in Smart City Environments
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): eChallenges e-2012 Conference Proceedings. IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd, 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Eschenbächer, J.
Insights into an Innovation Community for a Smart University Campus
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): eChallenges e-2012 Conference Proceedings. IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd, 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Kalverkamp, M.; Eschenbächer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Living Lab Approach to create an Internet of Things Service
In: Katzy, B.; Holzmann, T.; Sailer, K.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2012), Munich. 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Wuest, T.; Durugbo, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Internet of Experiences - Towards an Experience-Centred Innovation Approach
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 669-676 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wenig, D.; Nulpa, T.; Malaka, R.; Lawo, M.
An Evaluation of Peephole Interaction with Panoramic Photographs for Pedestrian Navigation
In: GI Zeitgeist 2012. Proceedings of the Young Researchers Forum on Geographic Information Science. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA GmbH, Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 23-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, TZI)

Werthmann, D.; Kirch, M.; Voigt, M.; Bodenstab, M.; Meyer-Barlag, C.
Reliable Scanning of Tagged Special Containers with RFID Electromagnetic Reverberation
In: Smart SysTech 2012 -European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies. ITG-Fachbericht 235. VDE VERLAG GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach, 2012, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Standardisierter Informationsaustausch in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken der Automobilindustrie
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seidel, H. (eds.): Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik. 17. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2012, pp. 143-151 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Westerheim, H.; Moseng, T.-K.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
A Framework for Knowledge representation in an on-line Knowledge Base
2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.
Requirements Engineering tool for the specification of Extended Products in collaborative environments
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services. Proceedings of the International Conference of Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2012). 2012, [BibTeX]

Wiesner, S. A.; Eschenbächer, J.
Challenges of Requirements Engineering for Extended Products in collaborative Environments
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP 2012). 2012, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Peruzzini, M.; Doumeingts, G.; Thoben, K.-D.
Requirements Engineering for Servitization in Manufacturing Service Ecosystems (MSEE)
In: Shimomura, Y.; Kimita, K. (eds.): The Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability. Proceedings of the 4th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, Tokyo, Japan, November 8th - 9th, 2012. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 291-296 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S. A.; Westphal, I.; Hirsch, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Manufacturing Service Ecosystems - Towards a new model to support service innovation based on Extended Products
In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Product Services Systems and Value Creation. Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems. Elsevier, 2012, pp. 110-115 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Windt, K.; Nyhuis, P.; Herr, O.
Exploring effects of sequencing modes towards logistics target achievement on the example of steel production
In: Procedia CIRP. 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2012). Elsevier, 2012, pp. 620–625 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Can a Product Have a Facebook? A New Perspective on Product Avatars in Product Lifecycle Management
In: Rivest, L.; Bouraz, A.; Louhichi, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM 2012). Product Lifecycle Management: Towards Knowledge-Rich Enterprises, Montréal, Canada. 2012, pp. 400-410 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Information Management for Manufacturing SMEs
In: Frick, J.; Laugen, B. T. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2011, Stavanger, Norway, September 26-28, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 488-495 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Xing, X.; Herzog, O.
Towards Adaptive Decision Support for Individual Persons Suffering from Chronic Diseases
In: IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2012. IEEE, 2012, pp. 225 - 229 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)


Ackermann, H.; Ewe, H.; Kopfer, H.; Küfer, K.-H.
Combinatorial Auctions in Freight Logistics
In: Böse, J. W.; Hu, H.; Jahn, C.; Shi, X.; Stahlbock, R.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. Second International Conference, ICCL 2011, Hamburg, Germany, September 19-22, 2011. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 1-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Algren, C.; Kotzab, H.
State of the Art of Supply Chain Performance Measurement in Danish Industrial Companies
In: Hammervoll, T. (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd Annual NOFOMA Conference. Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a High North perspective. Høgskolen i Harstad, Harstad, 2011, pp. 1-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Boschian, V.; Pagenelli, P.
Synchronization of Material and Information Flows in Intermodal Freight Transport: An Industrial Case Study
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 227-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baumann, H.; Lawo, M.
Evaluation grafischer Benutzerschnittstellen für die Kommissionierung unter Verwendung von Head Mounted Displays
In: BAuA Workshop: Datenbrillen - Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Becker, M.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.
Modelling and Simulating the Trickle Algorithm
In: Kostas, P.; Aguiar, R.; Sargento, S.; Agüero, R. (eds.): Mobile Networks and Management. Third International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2011, Aveiro, Portugal, September 21-23, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 135-144 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Berndt, J. O.
Self-organizing Supply Networks: Autonomous Agent Coordination Based on Expectations
In: Filipe, J.; Fred, A. (eds.): ICAART 2011. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2. Scitepress, 2011, pp. 104-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Efficient Multiagent Coordination in Dynamic Environments
In: Bilof, R. (eds.): IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT). Volume 2. IEEE, 2011, pp. 188-195 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Bloos, M.; Kopfer, H.
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling in Carrier Networks: Two Heuristics for Collaborative Planning
In: Proceedings of the 23nd Annual NOFOMA Conference. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Bloos, M.; Kopfer, H.
On the Formation of Operational Transport Collaboration Systems
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009 Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 191-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Bloos, M.; Warden, T.; Kopfer, H.; Herzog, O.
Modeling and Simulation of Operational Transport Collaboration: A Multiagent-based Approach
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 167-179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, TZI)

Bousonville, T.; Hartmann, A.; Melo, T.; Kopfer, H.
Vehicle Routing and Refueling: the Impact of Price Variations on Tour Length
In: Logistikmanagement, Band 2. Herausforderungen, Chancen, und Lösungen, Proceedings of LM 11. University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg, 2011, pp. 83-101 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Breuer, C.; Haasis, H.-D.; Plöger, M.; Siestrup, G.; Wildebrand, H.
Support of an oper-ational supply chain risk management for sensitive logistics nodes
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Rebuilding Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 335-339 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
Bidding in Combinatorial Transport Auctions
In: Sucky, E.; Asdecker, B.; Dobhan, A.; Haas, S.; Wiese, J. (eds.): Logistikmanagement, Band 1. Herausforderungen, Chancen, und Lösungen, Proceedings of LM 11. University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg, 2011, pp. 189-202 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Computational Logistics, LfL HB)

Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
Shipper Decision Support for the Acceptance of Bids during the Procurement of Transport Services
In: Böse, J. W.; Hu, H.; Jahn, C.; Shi, X.; Stahlbock, R.; Voß, S. (eds.): Computational Logistics. Second International Conference, ICCL 2011, Hamburg, Germany, September 19-22, 2011. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 18-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Colmorn, R.; Hülsmann, M.; Ergin, M.; Arreola Chavez, T.
Are Battery Electric Vehicles Competitive? - The Development of a Customer Value-based Model
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility. Ostbayerisches Technologie Transfer Institut OTTI e.V., 2011, pp. 60-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Daschkovska, K.; Haasis, H.-D.
Security Aspects in Container Logistics: RFID E-Seals
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schöneberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 344-352 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Daschkovska, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
How can Electronic Seals Contribute to the Efficiency of Global Container System?
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 457-467 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Naujok, L.
Local Input-to-State Stability of Production Networks
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 79-89 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ZeTeM, BIBA)

De Gea Fernández, J.; Kirchner, F.
Predictive Compliance for Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 4134-4140 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Dittmer, P.; Gorldt, C.; Veigt, M.
Ereignisbasierte Steuerung von Transportprozessen
In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seidel, H. (eds.): 16. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und Nachhaltige Logistik. Institut für Logistik und Materialflusstechnik an der Otto-von-Guericke- Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 2011, pp. 121-131 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Donner, R.; Hinrichs, U.; Schicht, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Complexity-Based Evaluation of Production Strategies Using Discrete-Event Simulation
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 423-432 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dovbischuk, I.; Haasis, H.-D.
Path dependency in the process of sustainable regional development of transport and logistics regions : solutions for sea ports
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schöneberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 241-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Duin, H.; Eschenbächer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modelling Dynamics in Collaboration: An Extension to the Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis
In: Camarinhos-Matos, L.; Pereira-Klen, A.; Afsarmanesh, H. (eds.): Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks. 12th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2011, São Paulo, Brazil, October 17-19, 2011. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 287-294 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Elbert, R.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, R.; Landwehr, T.
Adapting Dynamic Logistics Processes and Networks: Advantages Through Regional Logistics Clusters
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 513-528 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Elfers, C.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Current Approaches in Algorithmic Intelligence: Efficient Tolerant Pattern Matching with Constraint Abstractions in Description Logic
In: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Intelligent Security (SecArt 2011). 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ermler, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; von Totth, C.
From Graph Transformation Units via MiniSat to GrGen.NET
In: Schürr, A.; Varró, D.; Varró, G. (eds.): Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance. 4th International Symposium, AGTIVE 2011, Budapest, Hungary, October 4-7, 2011, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Eschenbächer, J.
Validation of Innovative Extended Product Concepts for e-Mobility with Business Model Canvas
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the eChallenges Conference (e-2011), IIMC International Information Management Cooperation. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eschenbächer, J.; Römer, F.
Design and Management of International Supply Chains in a Globalised World Changes, Challenges and Examples
In: Pawar, K. S.; Rogers, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011). Rebuilding Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 30-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Fiddian, T.; Bowden, C.; Magennis, M.; Fennell, A.; O Connor, J.; Kirisci, P. T.; Mohamad, Y.; Lawo, M.
An End User and Environment Field Study for an Inclusive Design of Consumer Products
In: Jacko, J. A. (eds.): Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. 14th International Conference, HCI International 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, July 9-14, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 443-452 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI)

Franke, M.; Klein, P.; Schröder, L.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ontological Semantics of Standards and PLM Repositories in the Product Development Phase
In: Bernard, A. (eds.): Global Product Development. Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, 19th-21st April 2010. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 473-482 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, M.; Söller, R.; Thoben, K.-D.
An approach for enabling an automatic qRt-PCR Analysis
In: International Journal of Medical Microbiology. Elsevier, München, 2011, pp. 24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Loureiro, S. A.; Lima Jr., O. F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Knowledge Management Approach for the Integration of Manufacturing and Logistics in Global Production Networks
In: Duffie, N. A. (eds.): 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Converting Knowledge into Performance Within Global Production and Logistic Systems
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 433-442 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Georgi, C.; Darkow, I.-L.; Kotzab, H.
Structures of Logistics and Supply Chain Research: Bibliometric Analyses of Four International Journals
In: Pawar, K. S.; Roger, H. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011). Rebuilding Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 40-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Hoffmann, P.; Lawo, M.; Kalkbrenner, G.
Zur Ästhetik interaktiver Medien - Hypervideo im Spannungsfeld zwischen Usability und Design
In: EVA - Elektronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur, Historie (eds.)2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Holdorf, S.; Blümel, F.; Kopp, M.; Wang, X.
Integrierte operative Transportplanung: Ein Tabu Search Verfahren für die simultane Planung von Selbsteintritt und Fremdvergabe
In: LM 11. Logistikmanagement - Herausforderungen, Chancen, und Lösungen. 2011, pp. 41-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Hülsmann, M.; Brenner, V.
Lead Logistics Provider for Food Chain Management - A Literature Review on Feasibility and Benefit
In: Pawar, K. S.; Lalwani, C. S. (eds.): Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011). Re-building Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 594-601 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hülsmann, M.; Colmorn, R.; Bakhrutdzinava, V.
Understanding International Supply Networks as Complex Adaptive Logistics Systems - A Complexity-based Approach for a Formal Representation
In: Sayama, H.; Minai, A. A.; Braha, D.:Bar-Yam, Y. (eds.): Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems. NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp. 1414-1428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hülsmann, M.; Korsmeier, B.; Brenner, V.; Decker, J.; Krähe, M.
(Re-)Positioning of Logistics Service Providers in a Globalised World - An Empirical Survey on Positioing Models and Strategic Capabilities
In: Pawar, K.S.; Lalwani, C.S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). Rebuilding Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 586-593 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hülsmann, M.; Korsmeier, B.; Illigen, C.; Cordes, P.
Autonomous Co-operation of “Smart-Parts” - Contributions and Limitations to the Robustness of Complex Adaptive Logistics Systems
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 255-268 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hülsmann, M.; Windt, K.; Illigen, C.; Jeken, O.
Finding a generic Algorithm for Integrating Value-based Objectives and Logistics Goals - Operationalization of Order Prioritizing in Production Control Based on Customer Value Management
In: Pawar, K.S.; Lalwani, C.S. (eds.): Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011). Re-building Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 373-381 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Illigen, C.; Grapp, J.; Hülsmann, M.
Potentials for Transactions in Supply Chains - Effects of Web-based Interactions on Information Costs in the Media Industry
In: Pawar, K. S.; Lalwani, C. S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011). Re-building Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, UK, 2011, pp. 412-416 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Issa, S.; Sturm, H.; Lang, W.
Modeling of the response time of thermal flow sensors
In: Mariani, S. (eds.): 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering. Micromachines 2011. MPDI, Basel, 2011, pp. 385-393 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Barreiro, J.; Ruiz-Garcia, L.; Robla, J. I.; Lang, W.
Modelling and interpolation of spatial temperature during food transportation and storage by the Variogram
In: Bruzzone, A; et. al. (eds.): The 10th International Conference on Modeling and applied Simulation. DIPTEM Università Di Genova, Rome, Italy, 2011, pp. 195-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Robla, J. I.; Barreiro, J.; Ruiz-Garcia, L.; Lang, W.
Interpolation of Spatial Temperature Profiles by Sensor Networks
In: Lewis, E. (eds.): 2011 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings. IEEE, 2011, pp. 778-781 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Kalkbrenner, G.; Kemnade, A.; Lawo, M.
Ein System zur Beurteilung des Bewegungsverhaltens chronisch Kranker
In: eHealth 2011. 2011, pp. 203-208 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Kirisci, P. T.; Klein, P.; Modzelewski, M.; Lawo, M.; Mohamad, Y.; Fiddian, T.; Bowden, C.; Fennell, A.; Connor, J. O.
Supporting Inclusive Design of User Interfaces with a Virtual User Model
In: Stephanidis, C. (eds.): Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity. 6th International Conference, UAHCI 2011, Held as Part of HCI International 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, July 9-14, 2011, Proceedings, Part II. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 69-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI)

Kirisci, P. T.; Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, P.; Modzelewski, M.
Supporting Inclusive Product Design With Virtual User Models At The Early Stages Of Product Development
In: Culley, S. J.; Hicks, B. J.; McAloone, T. C.; Howard, T. J.; Dong, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2011). Impacting Society through Engineering Design, Vol. 9: Design Methods and Tools pt. 1. 2011, pp. 80-90 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kolmykova, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Die Rolle der Integratoren in der Internationalen Supply Chain
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 81-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Kopfer, H.; Sterzik, S.
Container sharing in seaport hinterland transportation
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and sustainability in international logistics and supply chain management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 229-240 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kotzab, H.
Sustainable Supply Chain Design: A Triple Bottom Line Approach
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H. D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 95-103 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.; Grant, D.
Factors Affecting the Execution of Supply Chain Management: An International View
In: Holweg, M.; Srai, J. S. (eds.): 18th EurOMA Conference 3-6 July 2011 Cambridge England. Conference Proceeding. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kuladinithi, K.; Bergmann, O.; Pötsch, T.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.
Implementation of CoAP and its Application in Transport Logistics
In: Proc. of ‘Extending the Internet to Low power and Lossy Networks’ (IP+SN 2011), Chicago, USA, Apr. 11, 2011. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Lange, K.; Rinne, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Simulation of maritime supply chains in offshore wind energy
In: Hammervoll, T. (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd Annual NOFOMA Conference: Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a High North perspective. Høgskolen i Harstad, Harstadt, 2011, pp. 71 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Lawo, M.; Gokmen, H. H.; Mohamad, Y.; Kirisci, P. T.; Esser, A.; Schmidt-Belz, B.; Bowden, C.; Fiddian, T.; Magennis, M.; Fennell, A.; O Connor, J.
Making Virtual Users a Reality: The Inclusive Design Project VICON Proceedings of Include
In: INCLUDE 2011. Online proceedings. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA)

Lawo, M.; Herzog, O.
Wearable computing for medical applications: Personal health system for Parkinson's disease patient
In: 8th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT). IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lemburg, J.; De Gea Fernández, J.; Eich, M.; Mronga, D.; Kampmann, P.; Vogt, A.; Aggarwal, A.; Shi, Y.; Kirchner, F.
AILA - Design of an autonomous mobile dual-arm robot
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 5147-5153 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of Learning Pallets for Real-Time Scheduling by Use of Artificial Neural Network
In: 5th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of Learning Pallets in Hybrid Flow- Open Shop Scheduling; using Artificial Intelligence
In: 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Madison University, Madison, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Towards learning pallets applied in pull control job-open shop problem
In: IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Wenning, B.-L.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Analysis of learning pallets in flexible scheduling by closed queue network
In: International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011 IEEE. IEEE, 2011, pp. 7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets, IGS)

Meyer, C. M.; Kopfer, H.; Kok, A. L.; Schutten, J. M. J.
Distributed Decision Making in Combined Vehicle Routing and Break Scheduling
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009 Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 125-133 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, LfL HB)

Novaes, A. G. N.; Frazzon, E. M.; Burin, P. J.
Dynamic Vehicle Routing in Over Congested Urban Areas
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 49-58 [BibTeX]

O Connor, J.; Fennell, A.; Klein, P.; Modzelewski, M.; Lawo, M.; Mohamad, Y.; Kirisci, P. T.; Fiddian, T.; Bowden, C.
Future Alternatives to User Testing Virtual User Modelling in Inclusive Product Design
In: Making Virtual Users a Reality: The Inclusive Design Project VICON. Include 2011 Proceedings (Include 2011). Online Proceedings, Dublin, 2011, pp. 2011 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Energy-Efficient Parameter Adaptation and Prediction Algorithms for the Estimation of Temperature Development Inside a Food Container
In: Andrade Cetto, J.; Ferrier, J.-L.; Filipe, J. (eds.): Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Revised and Selected Papers from the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 2010. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 77-90 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pantke, F.; Bosse, S.; Lehmhus, D.; Lawo, M.; Busse, M.
Combining Simulation and Machine-Learning for Real-Time Load Identification in Sensorial Material
In: 2nd International Conference on Simulations in Bio-Science and Multiphysics (SimBio-M 2011). 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IFAM)

Pehlken, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Contribution of Recycling Processes to Sustainable Resource Management
In: Hesselbach, J.; Herrmann, Ch. (eds.): Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2nd - 4th, 2011. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 465-469 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pokrandt, B.; Seifert, M.; Wiesner, S. A.
Quotation Behaviour of Profit Centres for Offers on Dynamic Logistic Services
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 529-538 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Polyvyanaya, N.; Haasis, H.-D.
Navigation Systems and its Application in Logistics in Russia and Germany
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 329-335 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Porzel, R.; Warden, T.; Ganji, F.; Aust, M.
Anwendungspotentiale von Mixed-Reality-Simulationen in der Entwicklung selbststeuernder Montageprozesse
In: 10. Paderborner Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung (Wissenschaftsforum Intelligente Technische Systeme 2011). Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn, Germany, 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, TZI, BIBA)

Prockl, G.; Schottenhammer, M.; Kotzab, H.
Extrincic Job Satisfaction of Truck Drivers: Results from a German Survey
In: The 6th CSCMP Europe 11 Conference. 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Rügge, I.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Internationalization of the Doctoral Trainig Program for the German Degree “Dr.-Ing.”
In: 5th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Safaei, M.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Toward a Better Understanding of the Network Type Impact on Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Networks
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of industrial enterprises (MITIP 2011). 2011, pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Echelmeyer, W.; Halfar, H.; Schweizer, A.
Automation of Logistic Processes by Means of Locating and Analysing RFID-Transponder Data
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 323-327 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Jagalski, T.
Modeling and analyzing integrated autonomously controlled production and transport processes
In: Spath, D.; Ilg, R.; Kraus, T. (eds.): International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 21). Innovation in Product and Production July 31 - August 4, 2011 in Stuttgart, Germany. Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Mansfeld, J.; Kieselhorst, T.; Becker, J.
Towards a Situation Adaptive Shop Floor Production
In: Putnik, G. D.; Ávila, P. (eds.): Business Sustainability 2.0. Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments. School of Engineering – University of Minho/ISEP – School of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto, Guimarães/Porto/Braga, 2011, pp. 57-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Mansfeld, J.; Stasch, O.
An inventory and capacity-oriented production control concept for the shop floor based on artificial neural networks
In: Proceedings of DET 2011 - 7th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology. 2011, pp. 213-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Jacobi, J.
Technische Wirkzusammenhänge in der Mikroproduktion am Beispiel des Mikrotiefziehens
In: Kraft, O.; Haug, A.; Vollertsen, F.; Büttgenbach, S. (eds.): Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499. KIT Schientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2011, pp. 169-174 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Jacobi, J.
A software concept for process chain simulation in micro production
In: Proceedings of DET2011. 2011, pp. 204-212 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Karimi, H. R.; Duffie, N. A.; Jagalski, T.
Bio-inspired capacity control for production networks with autonomous work systems
In: Proceedings of the 44th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems. CIRP, Madison, USA, 2011, pp. 5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.
Assessing the cost of robust capacity allocation for serving dynamic customer demand
In: Tuokko, R.; Lanz, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM'11). IEEE, New York, USA, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.
Assessing the price of robustness for dynamic production processes
In: Corrêa, H.L.; Mir, N. (eds.): 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. Operations Management: The Emabling Link. Production and Operations Management Society, 2011, pp. 20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.
Dynamic Scheduling of Production and Inter-Facilities Logistic Systems
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 443-453 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Meinecke, C.
Identification of Requirements towards a Business Information Tool
In: Cruz-Cunha, M.M.; Varajao, J.; Powell, P.; Martinho, R. (eds.): ENTERprise Information Systems. International Conference, CENTERIS 2011, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 5-7, 2011, Proceedings, Part I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 218-227 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Sowade, S.
Limitations in Modeling Autonomous Logistic Processes - Challenges and Solutions in Business Process Modeling
In: Tuokko, R.; Lanz, M. (eds.): IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schukraft, S.; Özsahin, M.-E.
Approach for the development of logistics enablers for changeability in global value chain networks
In: Proceedings of DET 2011. 2011, pp. 315-321 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schwindt, C.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.
An Approach to Negotiation-Based Alignment of Manufacturing and Transportation Systems along Global Production Networks
In: Duffie, N. A. (eds.): 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA, 2011, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.
Configuring the Infrastructure of Autonomous Logistics’ Control Systems
In: Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops (AISPAW), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 159-164 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.
ALEM-C: Ein Vorgehensmodell für die Konfiguration der Infrastruktur selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse
In: Linssen, O.; Kuhrmann, M.; Weßels, D. (eds.): Zusammenspiel von Vorgehensmodellen und Organisationsformen. 18. Workshop der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle (WI-VM) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Shaker, Aachen, 2011, pp. 51-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.
Modeling the Control System Infrastructure for Autonomous Logistics Processes
In: Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Omnipress, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2011, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thamer, H.
Multi-View Sensor Fusion of Synthetic ToF Images for Object Recognition of Universal Logistic Goods
In: 3D NordOst 2011. 14. Anwendungsbezogener Workshop zur Erfassung, Modellierung, Verarbeitung und Auswertung von 3D-Daten. Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik, Berlin, 2011, pp. 157-165 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Lappe, D.
Investigation of the Influence of Machine-Driven Capacity Constellations on the Performance of Job-Shop-Systems
In: Benyoucef, L.; Trentesaux, D.; Artiba, A.; Rezg, N. (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM'2011). International Institute for Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Metz, 2011, pp. 32-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J. T.
Investigation of the Influence of Capacities and Layout on a Job‐Shop‐System’s Dynamics
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 389-398 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.; Liu, H.
A Preliminary Investigation on a Bottleneck Concept in Manufacturing Control
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 213-223 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Kosmykov, M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Schönlein, M.
An Approach to Model Reduction of Logistic Networks Based on Ranking
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 91-103 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Schönlein, M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Kosmykov, M.
Some Remarks on Stability and Robustness of Production Networks Based on Fluid Models
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 27-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Revenue management in road‐based freight transportation: Impacts of uncertainty of capacity consumption
In: Hammervoll, T.; Jensen, L.-M. (eds.): International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Papers from NOFOMA 2011. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011, pp. 388 - 403 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Predicting default bid-prices in capacity control - Initial quantitative experiments
In: Sucky, E.; Asdecker, B.; Dobhan, A.; Haas, S.; Wiese, J. (eds.): Logistikmanagement - Herausforderungen, Chancen, und Lösungen - Band 1. Proceedings of LM 11. Univ. of Bamberg Press, Bamberg, 2011, pp. 265-279 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönlein, M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Wirth, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Supply Network Engineering: An Approach to Robust Capacity Allocation for Stochastic Production Processes
In: 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). IFAC Papers Online, 2011, pp. 441-446 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schuldt, A.
Team Formation for Agent Cooperation in Logistics: Protocol Design and Complexity Analysis
In: Filipe, J.; Fred, A. (eds.): 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011). INSTICC Press, 2011, pp. 398-405 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Schuldt, A.; Hribernik, K.; Gehrke, J. D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Herzog, O.
Towards Fourth-Party Logistics Providers: A Business Model for Cloud-Based Autonomous Logistics
In: 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2011). INSTICC Press, 2011, pp. 445-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Sitek, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards a concept to integrate collaborative work in Enterprise Networks within Quality Management Systems
In: Frick, J. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2011). 2011, [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
Strategies for Passive Sensitivity Improvement of NDIR Ethylene Gas Detectors
In: Procedia Engineering, Volume 25. Eurosensors XXV. Elsevier, 2011, pp. 1153-1156 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Sklorz, A.; Schu, A.; Lang, W.
Analysis of C1 and C2 hydrocarbon gas mixtures using miniaturized gas chromatography and SNO2 gas detectors
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Transducers 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 128-131 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Sklorz, A.; Schu, A.; Nießen, M.; Janssen, S.; Lang, W.
Humidity Influence in Application of μGC-Systems for Ethylene Gas with Preconcentrator Devices and SnO2 Based Detectors
In: IEEE Sensors 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1085-1088 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Son, V. Q.; Wenning, B.-L.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
A Model of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Opportunistic Routing in Logistic Harbor Scenarios
In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 489-499 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Tan, Y.; Aufenganger, M.
A real-time rescheduling heuristic using decentralized knowledge-based decisions for flexible flow shops with unrelated parallel machines
In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 431-436 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Thoben, K.-D.; Eschenbächer, J.; Kirisci, P. T.
Demografischer Wandel und ausgewählte Lösungsansätze zur Gestaltung von Produktions- und Logistiksystemen
In: Wimmer, Th.; Grosche, T. (eds.): 28. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress der BVL, Hamburg. DVV Media Group GmbH, 2011, pp. 68-101 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, D.; Seifert, M.; Wuest, T.
Possibilities to describe distortion along Process chains
In: Zoch, H.-W.; Lübben, Th. (eds.): Proceedings . 3rd International Conference on Distortion Engineering (IDE 2011). 2011, pp. 599-608 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Toonen, C.; Lappe, D.; Donner, R. V.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Impact of Machine-Driven Capacity Constellations on Performance and Dynamics of Job-Shop Systems
In: ElMaraghy, H. A. (eds.): Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual production (CARV 2011), Montreal, Canada, 2-5 October 2011. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2011, pp. 611-616 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Trenkamp, P.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.
Wireless Sensor Network Platforms - Datasheets versus Measurements
In: IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). IEEE, 2011, pp. 966-973 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Uckelmann, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Combining Real and Virtual Research Environments through the Internet of Things
In: Putnik, G. D.; Cruz-Cunha, M. M. (eds.): Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies and Tools. First International Conference, ViNOrg 2011, Ofir, Portugal, July 6-8, 2011. Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 70-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uriarte, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Ramanandan, S. K.; Kraus, D.
Modeling Distance Nonlinearity in ToF Cameras and Correction Based on Integration Time Offsets
In: Martin, C. S.; Kim, S.-W. (eds.): Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. 16th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2011, Pucón, Chile, November 15-18, 2011. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 214-222 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Walther-Franks, B.; Herrlich, M.; Aust, M.; Malaka, R.
Left and Right Hand Distinction for Multi-touch Displays
In: Dickmann, L.; Volkmann, G.; Malaka, R.; Boll, S.; Krüger, A.; Olivier, P. (eds.): Smart Graphics. 11th International Symposium, SG 2011, Bremen, Germany, July 18-20, 2011. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 155-158 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Route-based Combinatorial Auction for Collaborative Transportation Planning
In: Sucky, E.; Asdecker, B.; Dobhan, A.; Haas, S.; Wiese, J. (eds.): Logistikmanagement - Herausforderungen, Chancen, und Lösungen - Band 2. Proceedings of LM 11. Univ. of Bamberg Press, Bamberg, 2011, pp. 61-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Increasing Efficiency of Freight Carriers through Collaborative Transport Planning: Chances and Challenges
In: Ivanov, D.; Kopfer, H.; Haasis, H.-D.; Schönberger, J. (eds.): Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workshop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011, pp. 41-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Weimer, D.; Hellert, C.; Köhler, S.; Doll, K.; Brunsmann, U.; Krzikalla, R.
Gpu architecture for stationary multisensor pedestrian detection at smart intersections
In: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2011. IEEE, 2011, pp. 89-94 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Eschenbächer, J.
Initial Results Of A Campus Case Applying Smart Mobile Technologies
In: Cunningham, P.; Cunningham, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the eChallenges Conference (e-2011). IIMC Interna